CASCO in Ingosstrakh: calculation, features and reviews

The owner of a vehicle, especially a new one, turns to the insurer to protect himself from possible material losses if the car gets into an accident or an accident occurs. Insurance company Ingosstrakh CASCO calculates both on its official website and in all divisions in the country.

Features of IC Ingosstrakh

The insurance organization Ingosstrakh is the most experienced insurer in the domestic insurance market, because the history of its existence exceeds seventy years. This company has been protecting the property of citizens and legal entities for decades, providing them with insurance protection against a variety of risks. Calculation of CASCO in Ingosstrakh for their clients will help both office managers and a large agent network. This allows the company to offer its services in every corner of the country. 71 years of operation, 83 branches, more than two hundred representative offices, almost three billion of own capital - these are the general indicators of IC Ingosstrakh, which only emphasize the solidity and seriousness of the company and its insurance products. Grateful customer reviews allow her to take first place in the rating of insurance companies.

Today, the insurer offers several car insurance programs.

CASCO "Premium"

The CASCO Premium program will be interesting for VIP customers who use new cars. The main condition for registration of such a contractual agreement is the availability of a guarantee from an authorized dealer.

Calculation of the cost of CASCO "Ingosstrakh" for this program suggests starting with determining the insurance amount. It should be noted that upon payment of insurance compensation for the first insurance event, the insurance price of the car will not change and will not decrease by the amount of payment. Such a calculation has the definition of “non-aggregate amount”. The amount of the cost of the policy is calculated by the policyholder independently.

Casco Premium from Ingosstrakh

Advantage of CASCO Premium

In the event of an insurance event, the customer just needs to dial the number of the round-the-clock dispatch service to report the incident. Moreover, the number of such events is unlimited. For two events per year, the body can be repaired or glass elements replaced without confirmation from the relevant authorities.

The advantage of CASCO Premium from Ingosstrakh is the coverage of material costs for delivering a damaged car to a service station. The client can choose at his discretion: to receive cash for repairs or to pay for the services of a repair organization. However, given that all new cars under three years old are required to be repaired at a specialized service station for the period of warranty service, the policyholder prefers paying the bills.

Casco Premium Benefits

CASCO Premium Emergency Commissioner

Upon the occurrence of an event that has signs of insurance and is subject to an insurance contract, an expert of the insurance company leaves for the place. For such cases, an emergency commissioner works at Ingosstrakh. He works with representatives of the traffic police and at the same time assists the insured.

An employee of the insurance company, based on the results of the accident, draws up a referral to a licensed workshop. Having a policy in hand, the client does not contact the insurer's office directly. All functions for collecting documents and necessary certificates are assigned to the emergency commissioner.

CASCO "Optimal"

For customers who are owners of already new cars, the company offers to use the "Optimal" program. In Ingosstrakh, the calculation of the CASCO policy for this program begins with determining the real value of the insurance object. Under this program, as well as under CASCO "Premium", the amount of the insured amount will not change downward regardless of the number of insurance events.

It should be noted that if the vehicle is damaged, repairs can be carried out at repair stations that cooperate with Insgosstrakh. Calculation of the CASCO “Optimal” policy includes full coverage of material losses in case of theft of the insured object or its complete destruction.

Casco Optimal from Ingosstrakh

CASCO "Comfort"

For owners of VW, Skoda cars in Ingosstrakh, CASCO calculation is carried out according to the Comfort program. Seat and Audi vehicles are also subject to these conditions. The main condition for the execution of such an agreement is that the car must be under warranty in a company service center.

Calculation of the cost of CASCO in Ingosstrakh under the Comfort program includes, in addition to paying for auto repair, the insurer's responsibility for theft or total destruction of the vehicle. To obtain insurance under this program, a significant driving experience is required. This program does not include the services of a personal insurance agent. At the same time, in an emergency, the emergency commissioner will arrange the insurance event and help in collecting the necessary supporting documents.

Casco Comfort from Ingosstrakh

CASCO online

With car insurance, the calculation of CASCO Ingosstrakh offers to carry out online for all potential customers. And if the future insurer lives in the capital or the Moscow region, then you can also purchase such a policy online. Thus, without visiting the company’s office, the consumer has the opportunity to determine the CASCO price at Ingosstrakh. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions of insurance and the calculation of insurance payment in various options and for all available insurance programs. Residents of cities where there is no CASCO online registration are offered the opportunity to receive the original contract free of charge by courier or by mail.

casco online in Ingosstrakh

CASCO clearance

In order to draw up and carry out a CASCO calculation at Ingosstrakh, the policyholder is required to provide a certain list of documents:

  • a document that confirms the identity of the client;
  • car rental agreement if the vehicle is rented;
  • power of attorney for the car, if the policyholder is not the owner;
  • certificate of registration of the insurance object;
  • documents confirming the presence of a driving experience for all persons who drive a car.

If the client first used Ingosstrakh’s services, although he had previously been serviced by another insurance company, he may receive a bonus discount if he submits a certificate from another insurer about the absence of payments.

Casco calculation in Ingosstrakh

Contract value

With CASCO car insurance in Ingosstrakh, the calculation starts with the cost of the car. The following correction factors are applied that are affected by:

  • vehicle operating area (city of regional significance or a small regional center);
  • car characteristics, number of years, engine power, mileage;
  • the number of people allowed to drive a car, their driving experience;
  • history of insurance payments or their absence.

Also, when drawing up an insurance contract, the presence of anti-theft elements or their absence should be clarified. When calculating CASCO insurance in Ingosstrakh, it is necessary to indicate the age of the drivers, whether it is a man or a woman. Even the presence of children and civil status (married, single) affect the final price of the policy.

Additional insurance options

When calculating CASCO, Ingosstrakh proposes to add risks to the standard set of insurance cases for which other insurance companies are not responsible. It:

  • loss, theft, destruction of vehicle registration plates;
  • damage to car wheels;
  • non-return of a rented, rental or leasing car;
  • loss of a second set of car keys;
  • material damage caused to objects or equipment that were inside the insured car;
  • loss caused by a faulty vehicle that was prohibited for its use;
  • damage from the transport or storage of explosive items, resulting in a fire or explosion;
  • material loss due to an insurance accident if the client was the culprit and disappeared from the scene or did not have a driver’s license.
    additional insurance options

Customer reviews

The quality of the work of the company "Ingosstrakh" is evaluated by the feedback of its customers. It should be noted that the negative reaction to the quality of service in the company is much less than positive or neutral. Someone was delighted with the quick and high-quality settlement of the insurance payment for the car. Others are dissatisfied with the size of the accrued insurance indemnity. However, this happens when, at the conclusion of the CASCO contract, at Ingosstrakh, the policyholder reduces the amount of the insurance payment by introducing a significant deductible amount into the contract.

It should be noted that most of the complaints of the company's customers are related to the fact that policyholders do not read the CASCO insurance rules. To avoid such situations, customers should familiarize themselves with all the clauses of the agreement, especially with the terms of payment and the reasons for the refusal.

The presence of a vehicle insurance contract allows owners to feel confident that the company will compensate for the material costs incurred during an insurance event. The CASCO insurance conditions in Ingosstrakh and the calculation of insurance payment allow the client to determine the optimal insurance option that takes into account the material capabilities of the insured and the maximum level of insurance coverage.


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