Fiji: attractions and excursions. What to see in Fiji

An island nation that annually attracts tourists from all over the world is often compared to paradise on earth. Here, the unsteady line between the real world and the tale that all the guests of the state in Oceania fall into is erased. Eternal summer makes this exotic corner a popular holiday destination.

Where is Fiji located?

Melanesian country, consisting of more than 300 islands, is located in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean, on the archipelago of the same name. The state located east of Australia owes its appearance on the map to three Europeans.

History of the discovery of the archipelago

In the middle of the XVII century, the Dutch navigator A. Tasman discovered several islands on the archipelago. Later, an English explorer D. Cook appeared on this territory , who did not dare to step ashore, fearing locals who did not disdain cannibalism. The military sailor gave the name to the country and put it on the world map, which was already prepared by another British captain, who was with his team off the coast of the future state. At the end of the 18th century, W. Bly described almost all Fiji islands as part of an expedition and spoke about the indigenous population with dark skin color.

In 1970, the republic gained its independence, and from that time begins the countdown in the development of the tourism business.

The main attraction of the state is nature

To this day, an inexhaustible stream of guests of the state provides a unique ecosystem, amazing landscapes, a comfortable tropical climate and amazing hospitality of the inhabitants of Fiji. Sights of the state, miraculous and created by man, become the subject of admiration for all vacationers away from the noise of megacities. Tourists freeze with delight when they see the island world in its original form, and a significant distance from civilization positively affected the unique nature of the state.

sleeping giant gardens

Coral reefs

Coral reefs, consisting of snails, plants, fish, are of particular interest. Huge colonies of living organisms are considered the most complex ecosystems of nature. An unusual rainforest under water is the richest habitat in the marine world. Most of the divers in the world know where Fiji is and rush here to enjoy the many-sided underwater world.

island Viti Levu in Fiji

Bouma National Park

A wonderful park, ideal for exploring the local nature, is located on the island of Taveuni. A colorful mix of tropical and mangrove forests, magnificent waterfalls, enchanting mountains attracts thousands of travelers who enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the park, filled with positive energy. Locals say that all lovers and couples are obliged to visit this place, which nourishes the relationship with a special romanticism.

Spread over an area of ​​15 hectares, a natural park, as if created for a relaxing holiday, is a very impressive sight. Excursions along the hiking trails laid in a green oasis will appeal to adults and children, and the absence of poisonous snakes and predatory animals will make walking in the fresh air absolutely safe.

Fiji's most beautiful garden

Travelers, not the first time coming to the best islands in the world, know what to see in Fiji, and rush to the foothills of Nausori, where there are beautiful gardens of the republic. The botanical park, founded by American actor R. Barr, at first was a small collection of orchids, collected over 30 years.

what to see in fiji

Having visited the pacific Gardens of the sleeping giant, one can see well-groomed ponds with lilies, quietly murmuring fountains, a small house in which the actor lived, a tea house. But the main decoration of a quiet corner is the collection of orchids and other exotic plants. A compulsory point of excursions for everyone who arrives on the islands will be visiting the fabulously beautiful garden that works on all days except Sunday.

Main island

The large island of Viti Levu in Fiji is the first thing that tourists come to see. This is where the international airport is located, hosting more than a million travelers a year. The largest cities of the country are located on the main island, and in the southeast lies the capital of the state of Suva, famous for its architectural monuments and a variety of shops.

A large highway runs along the coast of the island, which you can drive around in a day, however, numerous excursions last several days and include all the most popular places in Fiji. Sights of the island will surprise even the most demanding tourists.

What to see on Viti Leva?

The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity will delight you with its attractive appearance and well-groomed surrounding area. Luxurious decoration and ancient sculptures will appeal to all art lovers.

Turston Botanical Garden with palm alleys and ancient ferns is surrounded by greenery. Bright vegetation pleases visitors who wish to be alone with nature. Interestingly, a magic corner appeared on the site of the old city of Suva, which was wiped off the face of the earth in 1843.

where is Fiji

An important cultural institution is the Fiji Museum, located in the botanical garden. Ancient artifacts about three thousand years old will tell about the history of the country and introduce with everyday objects of the indigenous population.

Koroyanti National Park is located on the island of Viti Levu, and anyone who is interested in the culture and customs of local residents should visit the conservation area. Six villages located on the territory will introduce the traditions of the natives.

Naihehe Caves

Many tourists who visited the country speak of an excursion into the underworld as the most interesting event. All travelers who fly to Fiji dream of visiting the caves, which used to be a shelter for ancient tribes who fought in numerous wars. Sights will attract attention with underground waterfalls, clusters of bizarre stalagmites, and the ritual hearth on which the natives roasted the enemy will cause mixed feelings.

Fiji Attractions

Caves surrounded by ancient legends keep many secrets and are in no hurry to share them.

Tourists reviews

Adherents of beach vacations and lovers of underwater beauty annually hurry to the islands of Fiji. Reviews of tourists on a memorable trip are full of enthusiasm and positive emotions.

A colorful country is the main romantic destination, and in summer lovers come here to combine legal marriage, which is recognized as official in Russia. The newlyweds celebrate the picturesque landscapes and the enchanting atmosphere of the wedding ceremony, which will remain in memory forever.

fiji reviews

Of course, this is not the cheapest place to stay, but believe me, it is really worth it. Guests of the country find entertainment to their taste and budget and admit their irresistible desire to once again visit the paradise of Fiji. The sights of the state, admirable among foreigners, are amazing. What could be better than escaping from civilization to a calm place where you can relax serenely?


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