Bronnitsy city (Moscow region): description, map and photo

Does the city have armor? Experts tend to believe that no. What is the role of this settlement in the modern Moscow region? Does it have an interesting and long history? All of this is pretty easy to learn.

Bronnitsy - history

For the first time this city is mentioned in the annals of the XV century. True, then it was only a village with the name according to one version of Bronichi, and according to another - Bronnichi. After about three centuries, he was assigned city status, and at some point the name was transformed. Today we know this settlement as Bronnitsy.

Bronnitsy Moscow region

From the founding to the present, much has happened. You should not be deceived by the small size of the city, there are quite a lot of interesting things here. At different times N. Gogol, V. Belinsky, F. Dostoevsky, N. Ogarev visited here. As a rule, they all visited the city of Bronnitsy, Moscow Region, on the way to the capital. What else is this town famous for? Bronnitsy (Moscow region) is a place where some famous personalities are buried, which will be discussed below. So do not bypass this settlement, believing that there is nothing interesting.

The origin of the name and symbolism

Mr. Bronnitsy of the Moscow region

First of all, it is interesting that it is not known exactly how such a toponym appeared. Of course, scientists have a lot of assumptions, but which of them is true is a mystery. It may be obvious to the layman that this city is associated with weapons and armor, but this is actually a mistake.

One of the most popular versions of why Bronnitsy (Moscow region) is called that way is the main occupation of its inhabitants in the old days - horse breeding. There were a huge number of them, and, of course, they required food and care. Ears of oats, according to this version, are sometimes called armor or whetstones, as well as barns where fodder was stored. This version is also supported by the symbolism of the city - the coat of arms depicts a horse and spikelets. The failure of this hypothesis lies in the fact that the name appeared earlier than horse breeding became the main occupation of the population of Bronnitsy.

Another version says that a feudal lord named Bronnik or Brodnya used to live in these places, and his peasants answered the question of whose they answered Bronnichye, which gradually transformed into a modern form.

It is already impossible to confirm or refute any of these hypotheses, but it is known for sure that the armor has no relation to the toponym.

Current situation and facts

Bronnitsy (Moscow region) today is a city with a population of more than 20 thousand

Bronnitsy city of the Moscow region
human. Here are large enterprises of light industry: clothing and glove factories, an organization engaged in the production of jewelry, as well as foundry-mechanical and some other plants.

There are many educational and cultural institutions, there is a large sports complex, as well as a museum of local lore. Despite the availability of jobs in the city of Bronnitsy, Moscow Region, most residents prefer to travel to the capital every day.

Transport connection

Located at the intersection of MMK and the M-5 highway, Bronnitsy (Moscow Region) is an important interchange hub. Every day, dozens of electric trains pass through the city, going to the metropolitan Kazan station and in the opposite direction. In addition, you can leave for Moscow by bus, for example, on route 358, which regularly runs between settlements throughout the day - the travel time is about an hour.

Bronnitsy, of course, are strongly associated with the capital in economic and transport matters. This is important for those who do not want to live within Moscow, but prefer to be able to quickly get to it, for example, to work. Is there anything to see here for the capital's residents?


Bronnitsy of the Moscow Region is a very small, albeit noticeable city. It is distinguished by a rather solid and distant history, far from us, although this is not all that is of interest to it.

sights of Bronnitsy in the Moscow region

Traveling in almost any city starts from the central square. An exception should not be and Bronnitsy (Moscow region). Photos of the ensemble decorating the heart of the city are placed on postcards, mugs and other souvenirs that travelers can bring from here. This complex of buildings was built in the XVII-XIX centuries, and the most noticeable and interesting part of it is the Church of St. Michael the Archangel. He is curious not only of a building made in the Moscow Baroque style, but also of the original stucco molding preserved in the inside.

By the way, next to the temple are the graves of Pushkinโ€™s close lyceum friend, I. I. Pushchin, and his comrade-in-arms M. A. Fonvizin (nephew of the famous writer), who were Decembrists. It is curious that the wife of Mikhail Alexandrovich - Natalia Dmitrievna (nee Alukhtin) - after his death, she married Ivan Ivanovich. By the way, it was her features that were embodied in many works of writers of that time. In part, she served as a prototype for such heroines as Sonechka Marmeladova, Tatyana Larina, Natasha Rostova.

Among other interesting places is the Church of Elijah the Prophet, located immediately at the entrance to the city from Moscow. Previously, next to this temple was the grave of Pushkinโ€™s grandson, but now his name is immortalized by a monument and a park located in Bronnitsy. Another curious example of local architecture is the Jerusalem Church, built in the 19th century in the style of classicism.

Probably, you should not go here purposefully, but it is quite possible to look along the road and have a good time here.

Bronnitsy Moscow Region photo


The whole Moscow region, probably, suffers from one problem, which at the same time is its advantage - the proximity of the capital. The main city of the country attracts all resources, becoming the focus of business, cultural, economic life. Bronnitsy (Moscow region) is no exception. People prefer not to look for work inside the city, knowing that they will lose in income. This gives rise to pendulum migration, and after it one of the main metropolitan problems arises - hours of traffic jams at the entrance and exit from the region. Vykhino metro station - in the southeast of the capital - is one of the busiest, and the residents of Bronnitsy play an important role here.

To find solutions to these difficulties, the governments of both entities must work together, but this has not yet happened. The solution to the transport and economic problems of the Moscow agglomeration should be comprehensive, aimed at the same time at developing regional cities and streamlining transport flows.


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