The most interesting museums of Nizhny Novgorod. What museums are worth visiting in Nizhny Novgorod?

Nizhny Novgorod is a city located on both sides of the Oka River directly at the place of its confluence with the Volga. It is the administrative center of the Volga Federal District and the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Today it is the fifth largest city in Russia, which is famous for its more than 800 years of history and the sights that have been preserved to this day. It presents a huge number of diverse historical monuments that attract tourists from all over the world.

Sights of Nizhny Novgorod

art museum nizhny novgorod
Interesting, magnificent places associated with the history of the Russian state, capture the imagination of absolutely everyone who falls into this amazing city. There really is something to see here. This is the ancient Kremlin, and the most beautiful churches, as well as monasteries and cathedrals, when you look at which you can mentally be transported immediately to several hundred years ago. In addition, the city has a large number of historical monuments, which are a genuine national treasure. Museums of Nizhny Novgorod deserve special attention, allowing you to make a real journey into the past, get acquainted with various legends and legends. In addition, they allow everyone to get into a new world, into science, to learn something interesting.

Art Museum

One of the most famous and largest museums in the city is rightfully the Art Museum. Nizhny Novgorod replenished them with a list of their cultural places back in 1896. Currently, it is one of the oldest institutions in Russia engaged in the storage, collection and exhibiting for display of various objects of fine art. This unique place was created in connection with the opening of the Art and Industry Exhibition on the initiative of the artists Karelin and Koshelev, whose works are also represented by the Art Museum. Nizhny Novgorod, or rather the city administration, is currently actively replenishing its collection, acquiring rare paintings and various works of decorative and applied art. It should be noted that under the exhibition two old buildings of the Kremlin are given to the museum. Having walked through their internal halls, you can get acquainted with the history of not only painting, but also graphics, icon painting, sculptures of the XIV – XX centuries. On the territory of this cultural institution regularly hosts creative meetings, lectures and master classes.

Museum of Architecture

Museum of Architecture Nizhny Novgorod

In 1973, the museums of Nizhny Novgorod were replenished with an amazingly beautiful museum of wooden architecture. Each of his visitors seems to be transported to a peasant village at the end of the 18th century and can observe with his own eyes the traditions, way of life and culture of the Volga peoples of that time. For example, you can visit the mills, huts, barns and rams of this village. The church, decorated with old Russian decor, also presents to its visitors a museum of architecture. Nizhny Novgorod, like this place, is especially transformed during the festivities. On holidays, you can meet many collectives of Russian song and dance performers, as well as professional ethnographers and historians sharing their knowledge about amazing places in the region with holidays. The institution is located on the territory of the Shchelokovsky Khutor nature reserve in a very beautiful forest park zone.

Museum named after A.M. Gorky

This cultural institution was opened in 1928 at the initiative of the Nizhny Novgorod public. Its creation was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the famous Russian writer, playwright and prose writer Alexei Maximovich Gorky. This is the first literary museum in the world (the other museums of Nizhny Novgorod cannot boast of such a status), which presents to the attention of visitors an exposition highlighting the work and personal life of a classic of world literature. A special place is occupied by the exhibition dedicated to the "Nizhny Novgorod period" in the writer's life and telling about his ideological searches of that time. As for the decoration of interior interiors, the apartment completely recreated the atmosphere that was during the life of the playwright. For example, here you can see old wooden furniture of the twentieth century. The large bookcase, once owned by the writer, also exhibited in one of its halls the Gorky Museum. Nizhny Novgorod is a city whose museum workers were able to find and then show the public an old table set, owned by the playwright's family. Among other things, in the funds of this institution you can see manuscripts and rare books of 19th century Nizhny Novgorod writers.

Museum-estate of Rukavishnikov

Gorky Museum Nizhny Novgorod
Currently, it is a branch of the State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve of Nizhny Novgorod. The main family mansion of the museum complex is made in the style of the so-called Italian palazzo. Its internal interiors and architecture, as well as the history of the Rukavishnikovs, are the main topic of excursions organized by the Rukavishnikov Museum. Nizhny Novgorod was the birthplace for family members of this very famous steel tycoon at the time. The museum exposition today has more than three hundred and twenty thousand of the most diverse items dedicated to the everyday life of that time and Russian history. In addition, objects from private collections of the Abamelik-Lazarevs, Sheremetevs, Karelin and Burmistrova are presented here.

History of photographic business

One of the most informative and interesting museum institutions is the Russian Museum of Photography. Nizhny Novgorod became his home in 1992. The appearance of such a museum is due to the increased interest of people in such a form of modern art as photography. Currently, its fund includes about eight hundred exhibits, among which the works of outstanding masters of this matter, as well as unique equipment of the XIX – XX centuries. In the historical part of the exposition, you can find old cameras, positives, daguerreotypes and much more. For connoisseurs of photography in the museum organized special courses called "Nizhny Novgorod School." Here they will not only tell the theory, but also introduce in detail all the exhibits. In addition, the “Nizhny Novgorod School” regularly holds its own master classes by well-known urban professional photographers. In the classroom, they share their own secrets and talk about the intricacies of this matter.

Rukavishnikov Museum Nizhny Novgorod

Museum of History "GAZ"

One of the most interesting and unusual museum institutions of the city is the GAZ Museum. Nizhny Novgorod is rightfully proud of the domestic auto industry. He specially allocated for this museum two floors of the Training Center. The first is a stationary exhibition called "Cars and their creators", and the second is an exhibition dedicated to the history and development of GAZ. The museum’s fund stores cars that came off the factory conveyor at different periods of time, starting in the 1950s. All cars presented here are fully restored and maintained by employees in working condition. In addition to GAZ cars, the museum complex collects and stores everything that is somehow connected with the life of car manufacturers, including the personal archives of the plant’s employees. A visit to this institution will allow you to get acquainted with the traditions of this domestic enterprise and the automotive culture as a whole.

gas museum nizhny novgorod

Science Museums in Nizhny Novgorod

Most of all museum complexes in Nizhny Novgorod are scientific museums. Today, there are about ten of them in the city. Moreover, many of them are designed not only for adults, but also for very young visitors. The administration of these museums specifically thinks out tours and expositions in such a way that absolutely everything is interesting and informative here. Thanks to this, time here, as a rule, flies by unnoticed.

Museum of Photography Nizhny Novgorod

Quark museum

The Museum of Entertaining Sciences, or simply the Quark Museum (Nizhny Novgorod also has such an institution), is a truly unique scientific and entertainment complex. The main goal pursued by him is the popularization of knowledge. In this scientific and entertainment museum you can always have fun and interesting time with friends and family. A large number of unique exhibits explaining certain phenomena of the surrounding world and the laws of nature are presented to the attention of the public. In addition, museum staff constantly organize lectures and master classes, conduct science shows. One of the most popular are classes in drawing with light (freezelight), drawing on water (Erbu) and sand animation. The chemical show, nitrogen cryo show, soap bubble show and tesla show do not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, the Quarks Museum has a small planetarium where any of the visitors can watch informative spherical cinema. No one will remain indifferent to such spectacles.

Nizhny Novgorod radio laboratory

The museum of science under the name "Nizhny Novgorod Radio Laboratory" was created in 1974. Its main task is to promote the achievements of domestic science. During its existence, this museum complex managed to collect a very large archival material and a rich exhibition. Visitors are told in detail about the development of radio communications and radio engineering, and are also introduced to the well-known Nizhny Novgorod citizens who have contributed to this cause. For younger visitors, museum staff conduct special theatrical excursions. Everyone has the opportunity to personally get acquainted with the history of the great discoveries in radio communications. In addition, the science museum (Nizhny Novgorod is rich in various events) from time to time organizes a series of public lectures on pressing issues of modern science. Leading Nizhny Novgorod scientists, as a rule, perform at such events.

"Sunny city"

quark museum nizhny novgorod
The scientific and educational museum "Sunny City" is a place where they conduct a wide variety of experiments, set up experiments and observe various physical phenomena. All exhibits presented here can not only be viewed, but also touched. If desired, you can assemble-disassemble absolutely any item. Thus, each visitor can imagine himself as a natural scientist or inventor, as well as independently set up a scientific experiment and try to understand the principle of operation of various mechanisms. Both children and adults make a fascinating journey into the world of secrets and scientific phenomena, and more than sixty interactive museum exhibits help them learn more about electricity, mechanics, acoustics, magnetism and mathematics. For example, in the "Solar City" you can touch the ball of Tesla, which lets out lightning, or build a bridge without a single nail. In addition, the staff of the complex very often conduct spectacular experiments demonstrating the unusual properties of the most ordinary things.


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