Homeland of the Snow Maiden. Museum-Reserve A.N. Ostrovsky "Shchelykovo"

Even a schoolboy knows who created the literary work "The Snow Maiden." Ostrovsky, of course. It is thanks to his talent that we find ourselves in the fabulous country of the Berendeevs and with compassion learn the story of the main character. But many are interested in the question: “Why is Kostroma the birthplace of the Snow Maiden?”.

homeland of the snow maiden

All clear

It is no accident that the playwright created his work when he was in his favorite estate - in Shchelykovo. After all, it is located only 30 kilometers from Kostroma. And this city is named after the ancient goddess who was worshiped by peasants. Kostroma must perish in order to enable the future crop to appear. Ancient rites fed the writer’s imagination. Spending more than one year on his estate, he, of course, could not have been unaware of the tradition of burning or drowning the straw effigy of Kostroma, which symbolized the onset of spring.

Interrelation of stories

Also, the heroine of the famous play could survive only one winter, and then melted over the fire. By the way, the word "Kostroma" has one root with the word "bonfire". Ancient tales formed the basis of the work of Ostrovsky. In addition, the nature of the Kostroma region served as a decoration for the film, which was shot based on the play by Alexander Nikolaevich. The audience was fascinated by the wooden city, which was built specifically for the shooting. The film was directed by Pavel Kadochnikov.

Snow Maiden Ostrovsky

And so they lived

Therefore, the question of where the home of Snegurochka is located was quickly resolved. This, of course, is Kostroma. Near this city is the museum-reserve of A. N. Ostrovsky "Schelykovo". It was created on the site of the former estate of the playwright. Manor Shchelykovo is located in the village. It consists of several ancient buildings. On its land is a barn, peasant huts, a farmyard, a cellar, a greenhouse. In a stone five-window building with a mezzanine there were kitchens for the owners and servants. The servants and the clerk lived in the rooms, but sometimes the guests were accommodated. The master's house is also preserved. It is made of wood and painted with gray paint. Its rear facade faces the garden. The house also has two porches and four columns. The estate, however, did not always belong to the Ostrovsky family.

Past wealth

Previously, it was owned by the leader of the nobility, Major General F. M. Kutuzov. The estate was very rich. Only landowners with a very high income could afford to build stone buildings. Therefore, the wooden manor house looks unusual against the background of a stone house for the servant. The remains of brickwork and scattered columns in the upper park indicate that there was a large stone manor house on the estate, but for some reason it was destroyed.

Museum reserve a n ostrovskogo shchelykovo


In 1973, a literary museum was built on the estate, dedicated to the work of Alexander Nikolaevich. It is a small two-story house. Inside it is an exposition consisting of the writer's personal belongings, sets for performances, costumes, photographs. You can also visit the house in which the author of the work “The Snow Maiden” (Ostrovsky) lived and died. He loved this estate very much . Although his hopes of earning income from economic activity were not realized, he rested there, fished, hunted. And also he worked - he wrote his works, the income from which fed his large family.

Like before

Of course, the situation at home was somewhat lost, but over time it was possible to recreate. The building is maintained residential comfort. It seems that the owner is also in one of the rooms. What rooms are there in it? The large dining room, where the whole family loved to gather at the table, the living room, the rooms of the owners, Ostrovsky’s office, library. The playwright loved carving from wood. He presented his crafts to friends and acquaintances. His wife was in charge of the household. The writer died in his office. Although he already felt very ill, he continued to work, making creative plans, hoping that the air Shchelykovo heal. But the miracle did not happen. The writer died on June 2, 1886.

why is Kostroma the homeland of the snow maiden

Can't forget

But his life and work are not forgotten. Now tourists come to the estate: both fans of his work, theater, and those who want to see how the home of Snegurochka looks like. It is no coincidence that they choose Shchelykovo as their destination. After all, it is on its territory that the residence of the granddaughter of Santa Claus is located. Here you can see the Blue Key, which people call the "Heart of the Snow Maiden." The water in it never freezes. To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a winter fairy tale, it is best to come to Shchelykovo in the winter. At this time of the year, you can clearly feel the presence of the fairy-tale heroine and her Santa Claus. So everything that happens to you will seem magic. The residence of the Snow Maiden is located in the Blue House. After the death of the writer, he passed on to Ostrovsky's daughter.

You won’t have to miss

Guests will get acquainted with the heroine of the tale, play and dance with her. The residence has a creative workshop. In it you can not only see the exhibition of other people's works, but also do something with your own hands. Outdoors, a holiday is held. Moreover, not only the actors dress up in the costumes, but also the guests. You will be invited to participate in games and competitions. Children will be able to leave their letter on the "Snow Maiden's Mail". It’s no secret that the granddaughter of Santa Claus loves children and is sure to answer every letter. You can try on the role of the Snow Maiden, put on her costume and take a picture in it. In memory of this fabulous place, you must definitely buy souvenirs. Do not neglect the walks in the fairy forest.

Shchylykovo estate

Other places

It turns out that the granddaughter of Santa Claus can be seen not only in Shchelykovo. If you do not want to go to her country residence, then you can visit her tower in the city. The birthplace of the Snow Maiden is Kostroma, and her tower is also located in this city. It has several rooms. Svetlitsa, bright and airy. A puppet show awaits guests in it. Children and adults will be able to learn about how the Snow Maiden lives. Then they will go to the chamber, also cozy and warm. Here the girl stores magic items that she will tell about. Then the guests will get acquainted with the legends of the ancient Slavs and see the works performed by the creative youth of Kostroma. Interesting Ice Room. Probably, the Snow Maiden lives in it in the summer in order to protect herself from the heat. The room is very beautiful, and it really is all icy. Even drinks are served in stacks and glasses of ice.

home of the Snow Maiden in Russia

Can choose

The home of the Snow Maiden has prepared yet another surprise to her fans. In addition to the tower, she also has a city residence, also located in Kostroma. Here she lives with snow academics. They are very happy with the guests and try to make sure that they do not get bored. The residence is a beautiful two-story house, inside of which there is a marble staircase, to which guests fall first. Snegurochka not only lives in her house, she conducts active correspondence with children and adults. Everyone can receive from her a letter of congratulation for any occasion. Previously, it must be ordered at the "Snow Maiden's Post" located here. In the residence of the sorceress there are several thematic exhibitions. She, without hiding, talks about how miracles happen, and demonstrates some of them.

Both children and adults will like to communicate with the good Snow Maiden. Do not be surprised that the home of the Snow Maiden is in Russia. After all, this is only our fairy-tale character. In no other culture in the world does Santa Claus travel with his granddaughter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G104/

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