Marxism-Leninism is ... The essence, the history of the doctrine, the basic ideas

Marxism-Leninism is a doctrine dedicated to revolution. It is based on the ideas of Marx and Engels, finalized by Lenin. In fact, this is a holistic systemic science, including philosophizing, social aspects, opinion about economics, politics. This direction reflects the worldview of simple hard workers. ML is a science that allows you to know the world, to adjust it through the revolution. This teaching is devoted to the laws of social progress, changing the nature of the public, as well as the development of human thinking.

General view

Marxism-Leninism is a line of thought that appeared in the century before last, around the 40s. It was then that the historical lease first saw the workers as an independent class, having strength and its own positions, views. Engels, Marx became the creators of a worldview dedicated to workers with a scientific base. The vanguard of this class were the Communists. The authors of ML created a strategy, proposed tactics of revolution, developed a political, ideological program. It was they who developed the revolution as a science, through which they explained the world and changed it. Marxism is a complex direction at the junction of various scientific achievements. He represents the advanced ideas and fabrications of society in the mid-nineteenth century. The direction was formed as a result of analysis, generalization of experience gained during the battle with the class system.

ML was the first doctrine in the history of our world that openly, from a scientific point of view, explained how society develops, and also proved that capitalism will certainly perish. Marxism-Leninism is a doctrine within the framework of which it was scientifically shown that sooner or later communism will replace capitalism. The proletariat was assigned a special mission in history, since it was through this movement that capitalism should perish. In addition, the proletariat is that layer that will create a communist society. Engels and Marx worked on the progress of the proposed doctrine, formulated new conclusions, evaluated the correctness of the already formulated, taking into account the real experience of the revolution. No less attention of the authors of ideology was attracted by scientific achievements.

Marxism Leninism briefly

Progress ideas

As the name implies, Marxism-Leninism is a direction that is only based on Marxism but created by Lenin. Both in the real work of this domestic political figure, and in his theoretical works, much attention is paid to the development of the idea of ​​Marxism. As the Communists noted in the party program documentation, this figure found himself in the new conditions of a changing history and comprehensively worked on the ideas of Marx, answering many questions. Through his efforts, the workers received weapons and opportunities to conduct a revolution. He laid the foundation for the creation of socialism in our country, and also created a systematic scientific vision of the problems of war and peace.

As they later told about Marxism-Leninism at universities, all three aspects of ML were enriched and supplemented by the efforts of Lenin. He worked on philosophy, dialectics, materials of history. His efforts formed scientific communism. He laid the foundations for the application of political economy in our country. Leninism is Marxism, taking into account the characteristics of the imperialist era and the influence on the atmosphere of the revolutions of the proletariat. During the revolution of 1917, as noted in the party documentation, Lenin's art as a politician, as well as his closest followers, became especially clearly visible. They actually gave the whole world a unique lesson in revolutionary thinking, deeds, and didactics of the revolution.

Not a day in place

As they later spoke about Marxism-Leninism at universities, as they told about it in the appeals of prominent political figures of the Soviet Union that were published in all publications, the flow of Lenin’s thought was extraordinary, as was his tactics and flexibility. This politician used non-standard working methods, quickly changed forms, based on the requirements of the situation, subjugated the Bolsheviks, whose activity also became flexible, corresponding to the state of affairs. With all this, one cannot deny the amazing courage of Lenin and the policies promoted by him. As party leaders subsequently said, Lenin showed a fine example of anti-dogmatic thinking, fundamentally new and fully dialectical.

With the death of Lenin, the institution of Marxism-Leninism did not cease to exist. This direction was developed by domestic communists, supported by it, helped to improve kindred movements. Socialism, communism of the USSR and the experience of other countries trying to create socialism are closely tied to Lenin's ideas. His teaching required taking into account all scientific discoveries, the latest information. ML obliged to take into account the revolutionary movement of workers, the international liberation. This is an international teaching of a universal nature. At some point, Soviet leaders could confidently say that this movement is actively expanding around the world, eradicating capitalism and affecting the world. So, Gorbachev said that ML is a creative principle, far from dogmatism, approving innovation, the unity of theory and practice.

history of marxism leninism

Terminology and understanding

In short, Marxism-Leninism is an independent designation of the ideologies that ruled in the socialist powers in the past century. This is a personifying style. The conglomerates, which at first were described in this way, over time faced the need to combat the cult of personality, as well as the consequences of this. This was the reason for the change in the existing wording. ML began to call the result of the collective work of the ruling circles. Particular emphasis was placed on distance from charisma. Structurally, ML includes orthodox Marxism, Leninist doctrine, and various regional theories of individual leaders. As modern researchers note, during the period when ML was especially relevant, the basic postulates of the exercises were regularly changed, adjusting the powers of those in power to the current interests.

Basic ideology

Marxism-Leninism, previously taught at all Soviet institutions, was an ideology that was based on the need for a revolution, which the Communist Party should control. Ideology directs the thinking of the party as a community, as well as of all individuals, and practical activities. When Marx and Engels had just begun working on a theory that in the future acquired world significance, they published a pamphlet on the principles of the communist movement. In this work, Engels formulated the essence of communism as a teaching dedicated to the conquest of freedom by the proletariat. As briefly as possible, the author explained the essence of ideology as a theoretical basis for the complete freedom of workers, which is achievable only if it is possible to build a communist community.

Subsequently, Stalin, speaking briefly about Marxism-Leninism, called Marxism a scientific vision of natural laws, social progress, as well as a doctrine of the exploited and those who are oppressed. He described Marxism as a scientific vision of socialist victory in the world, as the science of creating a society where communism rules. This description gives a good idea of ​​the breadth of the ideology of ML. Science provides answers to questions related to both people and nature in general, it covers everything. The second key aspect is the fact of the connection with the revolution, which is organized by forces and in the interests of poor workaholics. At the same time, science talks about the creation of a communist, socialist society. Curious is the fact that ML in its name retains two great names - Marx, Lenin. Engels and Stalin are equally important for ideology. The first was a friend of Marx, the second continued the work of Lenin.

Marxism Leninism is

Lenin and the ideas of Marx

The doctrine created by Marx has existed for more than a century and a half. Lenin, developing his postulates, was based on current historical events, the situation, and the characteristics of society. The history of Marxism-Leninism is determined by the period in which the domestic politician lived - these were the turning points for the state when the opportunists fought with the communists, the second international gave way to the third. ML protects the main provisions of the teachings of Marx, develops them. It is difficult to overestimate Lenin's contribution to ideology. He formulated the laws by which capitalism develops in the imperialist era, explained the war as a consequence of capitalism. He developed the theoretical base, put it into practice, organized a revolution, clearly defined the essence of the proletarian dictatorship, laid down the principles of socialist society and the general rules for its creation. Lenin gave guidance to action, laid the theoretical foundation of the national movements. This affected the life of colonies around the world. National freedom movements turned out to be closely connected with socialist revolutionary actions that swept the whole world. He created a new party and ensured the protection of its principles.

In the future, Stalin, promoting the ideas of Marxism-Leninism and defending them, made an invaluable contribution to the laws of socialism. Through his efforts, new principles for creating such a society appeared. He put them into practice during his period of power.

Historical background

The doctrine, which subsequently provided the basis for the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, originated more than a century and a half ago. First, these ideas developed in the European powers, in those days the most developed on the planet. Many states, advanced in ancient times, by the mid-nineteenth century were subordinate to Europe. Marx, Engels are natives of advanced European regions who lived in their native lands, working out the main provisions of their teachings. They were participants in the political events of those days, watched what was happening and influenced their contemporaries. In many respects, their ideology is due to the industrial revolution, which ended approximately in the 30s of the same century. Although Great Britain was the center of this revolution, the events of that era influenced the entire planet. For the first time, the world saw technical breakthroughs and industrial development. English domination was such that this power was called the "world workshop", and the goods produced by its industrialists were sold all over the world.

From the point of view of Marxism-Leninism, industrial revolution has caused serious capitalist transformations. Previously, he did not possess such power, but millionaires came out of previously belonging to an average level of citizens. Such wealth has made these people especially strong. They had the opportunity to oppose the feudal system. However, at the same time, the proletariat appeared, a social class of thousands and thousands of workers who provided the daily activities of factories and factories. The proletariat had the ability to work, self-confidence, due to the progress of industry and discipline, organization. The social position of the proletariat was such that it was the most prone to revolution, and at the same time an impressive force - previously, history simply did not know the same.

philosophy of marxism leninism

Consciousness and Power

From the point of view of Marxism-Leninism, history was made by the hands of the workers, the proletariat. In many ways, the emergence of Marxism was due to capitalist victories and the assertion of such power in the main world powers, while the workers received a great power of self-awareness. There were movements, organizations dedicated to the interests of the proletariat. From that moment on, this class became independent, aware of its power. At first, the proletariat felt this in French, English lands, gradually the wave spread to all industrial powers.

The living conditions of that time were such that revolts could not be avoided. Spontaneous disturbances occurred regularly. There are cases when workers pounced on their own factories and factories, destroying their jobs, and at the same time - their basis of life. The protests did not have a clear direction, did not have much power, and were quickly and severely suppressed by the authorities.

Changes are observed around the 40s of that century. Marxism, which then laid the foundation of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, appeared in conditions when the proletarian movement intensified, spread like a fire. Although at first it was weak, it did not threaten the ruling coalition, nevertheless that moment turned history upside down - independent power appeared, new ideas that this class obeyed, and Marxism became the main one. If you compare it with others, then this ideology was distinguished by the presence of tools that workers could not only understand, but change the current conditions. This became the reason that in the future Marxism was the only proletarian philosophical system.

Events in Russia: the beginning

Our country has become one of those where the ideas of Marx spread especially early. When Capital was first translated into a foreign language, it was precisely Russian. In 1872, the book saw the light of day and was immediately among the best-selling books. The influence of the materials was so significant that quotations from the works sounded during the student unrest of 73-74th. Over time, other works of Marx also translated into Russian. This happened almost immediately after their creation. Mostly domestic revolutionaries worked on translations. Among others, the merit of promoting the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism by Vera Zasulich, who communicated with Marx with letters from the 81st, is especially valuable. In 83, she participated in a Marxist organization - the first in the history of our country.

However, of course, the most important name is the name of the founder of Marxism-Leninism, Lenin. This name is nothing more than a pseudonym, but it is known to the whole world. In reality, the man’s name was Vladimir Ulyanov. He was born in Simbirsk in the 70th, at first had very limited connections with the world, since the only transport was a steamer, and in the winter season - horses. Lenin was born into the family of an educated man who came out of the peasantry into the intelligentsia, who worked as a teacher, then as a director. In the 74th he rose to the official status, and in the 86th he died. Lenin's mother is the daughter of a doctor who received a home education and knew several foreign languages. She died in 1916. The family had 8 children, Lenin - 4th. All his brothers and sisters in the future supported the revolution.

point of view of marxism leninism

Ideas and their differences

Currently, the theory of Marxism-Leninism, analyzed by many scientists, political scientists, and sociologists, still attracts the attention of many researchers. It stands out in a separate direction due to specific differences due to Lenin's ideas. Especially they concern polyeconomic issues and marketability of production. Marx proposed the idea of ​​lack of marketability, publishing in 1875 a work devoted to the Gotha program. From his reasoning about a society based on collectivism, it follows that the productive means are in common possession, which means that manufacturers cannot exchange products. Engels' opinion on this issue was formulated three years later. This thinker proposed to regard the situation in which society owns all productive means, as an exception to commodity production. Accordingly, primacy over the manufacturer of its product remains in the past. Marx urged not to consider labor more as a commodity.

Lenin was a faithful student of his Western colleagues. According to the classics, Marxism-Leninism is a movement to introduce the calculations outlined in the works of Marx. In the 19th, Lenin spoke out at the expense of the first stage of the transformation of society into communist society, but at the same time he spoke of the need to revive commodity production, and where it was preserved, to defend it. As the situation develops, there is a progress in views on commodity production. In the 21st in the works about the service station, you can see the conclusion that the state product is the result of the labor of the social factory, in exchange for which they receive food. At the same time, one cannot talk about him as a political and economic product: from a simple product becomes something more. What exactly, in the 21st Lenin does not formulate, leaving the term undefined.

NEP and country experience

As can be seen from history, the basic ideas of Marxism-Leninism greatly transformed during the time remaining in the annals as the NEP. , , , , . 21- , . , , , . , , , , , , .

Although the essence of Marxism-Leninism is in the maximum adherence to the ideas of Marx, it can be seen that in the practical application of theoretical calculations certain difficulties were observed. In particular, the lack of goodness proposed in theory while trying to create socialism in our country turned out to be inapplicable, unrealizable. Marketability had to be recognized as an indispensable tool for controlling the economy at a sovereign level. The politicization of this instrument, as the leaders of that time admitted, transformed socialism into a subsistence economy.

University of Marxism Leninism

State capitalism

Marxism-Leninism is based on the idea of ​​the absence of a commodity, expressed by Marx, but the problems of reality forced Lenin to reformulate the idea of ​​state capitalism, calling it capitalism, which must be strictly limited, but so far it has not been possible to achieve this. Lenin admitted that it depends on the leaders of his era what state capitalism will turn out to be. He acknowledged that under the conditions of revolution and democracy, the capitalism of the power and monopolists sooner or later lead to socialism. Monopoly capitalism, sovereign, as Lenin put it on this subject, is the material support of socialist society.

Later, Trotsky spoke on this subject in the sense that before the 24th, none of the Marxists adhering to Russia spoke of the possibility of creating a socialist community by the forces of the proletariat. State capitalism had a theoretical justification in the form of Leninist material published in the form of an article on petty-bourgeoisness. In this work, aspects of social and economic structures that are relevant to the state are highlighted. These include the patriarchal natural economy, private economic capitalism, small-scale production of goods, state capitalism, and socialism.

Socialism: not so straightforward

Lenin's ideas were somewhat different from those expressed by Marx in the aspect of protecting the interests of simple laborers. At the same time, differences in the type affiliation of philosophy are observed. In reality, where the people ruled, various socialist forms were formed. A peculiar system was in the USSR, Germans and Bulgarians, Romanians and Cambodians had their own peculiarities. In many ways, the ML manifested in our country was determined by the productive forces and the level of their progress, the history of the state, the presence of external and internal supporters, opponents of ideology.

Institute of Marxism of Leninism

In parallel, there was syndicalism. Lenin and Marx opposed this trend, considering it petty-bourgeois, since the interests of an individual person were placed above the public. In fact, Marxism is the ideology of ordinary workers, taking into account the natural type of management. ML can be described as a state capitalist type. Syndicalism is a cooperative economic form.


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