Secrets of the ancient world. The unsolved mysteries of ancient civilizations

It is no secret to anyone that before modern civilization, there were several other highly developed, possessing extensive knowledge in various fields of science, including medicine, creating incredible machines and amazing objects, the purpose of which no one can still determine. Who these people were is unknown. Some scientists adhere to the theory of the extraterrestrial origin of these unusual creatures, while others believe that civilizations arose spontaneously and in the process of long evolutionary development reached a certain level of knowledge and skills. Secrets of the ancient world interest archaeologists, historians and geologists.

Numerous groups of scientists go in search of cities and objects that can help in understanding who our ancestors were. Who left ancient artifacts and riddles as a reminder of themselves? In this article we will try to talk about those secrets that excite the minds of researchers for several thousand years in a row.

Secrets of the ancient world

Stone age paintings

How does a modern person imagine a rock painting? Most likely, as the simplest form of art of primitive people, which reflected their faith in spirits and scenes from everyday life. That is what is written in school textbooks. However, in reality, everything is not so simple - a rock painting (or petroglyph) can present many surprises to scientists.

Most often, cave painting depicts hunting scenes or ritual rites. Moreover, the ancient painters with amazing accuracy conveyed the anatomical features of various animals and the intricate robes of the priests. Typically, three colors were used in stone paintings - white, ocher and bluish gray. Scientists claim that the paint was made from special stones, ground into powder. Later, various plant pigments began to be added to them to diversify the palette. For the most part, petroglyphs are interesting to historians and anthropologists studying the development and migration of ancient peoples. But there is one category of drawings that official science cannot explain in any way.

These paintings depict unusual people dressed in a kind of spacesuit. Creatures are extremely tall and often hold strange objects in their hands. Pipes come from their suit, and part of the face peers through the helmet. Scientists are struck by the elongated shape of the skull and huge eye sockets. Also quite often, alongside these creatures, ancient masters depicted strange disk-shaped aircraft. Some of them resembled airplanes and were applied to the stone in a section, which allows you to see the complex interweaving of parts and tubes of the mechanism.

Surprisingly, these drawings are scattered around the world. Everywhere creatures look exactly the same, which suggests that different peoples had contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations . The oldest petroglyphs with similar creatures date back 47 thousand years ago and are located in China. Images of tall figures in protective suits, painted on a stone ten thousand years ago, were found in India and Italy. Moreover, all creatures emit bright light and have long limbs.

Russia, Algeria, Libya, Australia, Uzbekistan - unusual drawings were found everywhere. Scientists have been studying them for more than two hundred years, but have not been able to come to a consensus about their origin. After all, if the images of creatures can be explained by the ritual vestments of shamans, then the exact image of the mechanisms about which the ancient man could not know anything leads to thoughts of extraterrestrial contact that constantly took place between primitive people and alien civilizations. But scientists cannot accept this version unconditionally, therefore, the secrets reflected on the rocks remained unsolved.

Atlantis myth or reality

Atlantis: myth or reality?

The world learned about the lost Atlantis from the dialogues of Plato. In them he talked about an ancient and powerful civilization that lived on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The land of the Atlanteans was rich, and the people themselves actively traded with all countries, without exception. Atlantis was a huge city, surrounded by the diameter of two ditches and earthen ramparts. This was a kind of system that protects the city from floods. Plato recounted that the Atlanteans were skilled engineers and craftsmen. They created aircraft, high-speed ships and even rockets. The whole valley consisted of extremely fertile lands, which together with the climate made it possible to harvest up to four times a year. Everywhere, hot springs nourished numerous luxurious gardens from under the ground. The Atlanteans worshiped Poseidon, whose huge statues adorned the temples and the entrance to the harbor.

Over time, the inhabitants of Atlantis became arrogant and considered themselves equal gods. They ceased to worship higher powers and were mired in debauchery and idleness. In response, the gods sent an earthquake and a devastating tsunami wave to them. According to Plato, Atlantis went under water in one day. The author claimed that the majestic city is covered with a thick layer of silt and sand, so it is not possible to find it. A beautiful legend, isn't it? We can say that all the secrets of the ancient world are difficult to compare in importance with the ability to find a mysterious mainland. Many would like to reveal to the world the truth about the powerful Atlanteans.

So did Atlantis really exist? Myth or reality formed the basis of the history of Plato? Let's try to figure it out. It is worth noting that in history there is no other mention of the Atlanteans, except for the descriptions of Plato. And he himself simply retold this legend, taking it from the diaries of Solon. The same, in turn, read this tragic story on the columns of the ancient Egyptian temple in Sais. Do you think the Egyptians witnessed this story? Not at all. They also heard it from someone and captured it as a warning to future generations. So no one on earth personally saw the Atlanteans and did not observe the death of their civilization. But after all, any legend must have a real foundation, so the tireless seekers of ancient civilizations are constantly looking for Atlantis, based on the description of Plato.

If we refer to the text of the ancient Greek author, we can assume that Atlantis sank about twelve thousand years ago, and it was located in the Strait of Gibraltar. It is from here that the search for the mysterious Atlantean civilization starts, but in the text of Plato there are a lot of discrepancies that prevent at least one lessening of the secrets of ancient civilizations. Now, scientists have put forward about two thousand versions of the whereabouts of the mysterious Atlantis, but not one of them, unfortunately, can either be confirmed or refuted.

The most common are two versions of the flooding site of the island, which researchers are working on. Some scientists cite the fact that such a powerful civilization could exist only in the Mediterranean Sea, and the story of its death is an interpreted version of the terrible tragedy that unfolded after the explosion of a volcano on Santorin Island. The explosion was equal to two hundred thousand atomic bombs dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima. As a result, most of the island was flooded, and tsunamis with waves of more than two hundred meters almost completely destroyed the Minoan civilization. Recently, under the water near Santorini, were found the ruins of a fortress wall with a moat resembling a description of Plato. True, this disaster occurred much later than the ancient Greek author described.

According to the second version, the fragments of ancient civilization are still at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. After recent studies of soil from the seabed in the Azores, scientists were convinced that this part of the Atlantic was once land and only as a result of natural disasters fell into the water. By the way, the Azores are the top of the mountain range surrounding a flat plateau, on which scientists were able to discern the ruins of some buildings. In the near future, expeditions to this area are being prepared, which may lead to sensational results.

The oldest mystery of the planet: the mystery of Antarctica

In parallel with the search for Atlantis, researchers are trying to solve the mystery of Antarctica, which can tell the history of the world in a completely different way than we are used to. The secrets of the ancient world would be incomplete without the legends of the once great people who lived in the center of the world on very fertile land. These people cultivated the land and raised livestock, and modern countries could envy their technology. Once, as a result of a natural cataclysm of a mysterious civilization, I had to leave my land and disperse all over the world. In the future, the once blooming country was ice bound, and it for a long time hid its secrets.

Do not find some similarities with the story of Atlantis? Here is one researcher, Rand Flem-At, drew certain parallels that were previously considered inconsistencies in the texts of Plato and came to the sensational conclusion - Atlantis is nothing but the ancient civilization of Antarctica. Do not rush to dismantle this theory, it has a lot of evidence.

For example, Flem-At was based on the words of Plato that Atlantis was surrounded by the true ocean, and called the Mediterranean Sea just a bay. In addition, he argued that the Atlanteans could get through their mainland to other continents, which is quite easy to imagine by looking at Antarctica from above. In the second half of the seventeenth century, a copy of the ancient map of Atlantis was issued, which is strikingly reminiscent of the outlines of the mainland icebound. The characteristic of the mainland also speaks in favor of the same version, because Plato pointed out that the Atlanteans lived in mountainous areas high above sea level. Antarctica, according to recent data, is located two thousand meters above sea level and has a rather uneven terrain.

Secrets of ancient civilizations

You can argue that for about fifty million years, ice has not let Antarctica go, so it could not be the birthplace of a mysterious civilization. But this statement is fundamentally false. Scientists who have taken ice samples have found the remains of a forest dating to three million years old. That is, during this period Antarctica was a blooming land, which is confirmed by the mainland maps created by the Turkish admiral in the middle of the sixteenth century. Mountains, hills and rivers are marked on them, and most points are almost perfectly calibrated. This is amazing, because modern scientists manage to achieve such accuracy only with the help of high-tech devices.

It is known that one of the Japanese emperors, who lived in six hundred and eighty-first year of our era, ordered to collect all the myths and legends of his people into one book. And there is a mention of the land located near the pole, where there lived a powerful civilization that owns fire.

Scientists now claim that the ice in Antarctica is rapidly melting, so perhaps the secrets of ancient civilizations will soon be partially revealed. And we at least learn a little about the mysterious people who lived on these lands several millennia ago.

Cave drawing

Strange skulls: amazing finds by archaeologists

Many archaeological finds confound scientists. Skulls of an unusual shape have become one of those secrets that have no logical and scientific explanation. Now in various museums and collections are stored more than ninety skull boxes that only vaguely resemble human ones. Some of these findings are carefully hidden from the eyes of the public, because if we recognize the existence of such unusual creatures in antiquity on the planet, then evolution and history will look in a new way. Scientists can not yet confirm the presence of alien guests among ancient civilizations, but it is quite difficult for them to refute this fact.

For example, the scientific community does not explain in any way how the mysterious skull from Peru appeared cone-shaped. If we clarify this information, we can say that several similar skulls were found in Peru, and almost all of them are of the same shape. Initially, the find was perceived as an artificial deformation adopted by some peoples of the world. But literally after the first studies, it became clear that the skull was not artificially extended using special devices. It originally had this form, and the isolated DNA generally caused a sensation among scientists. The fact is that part of the DNA is not human and has no analogues among earthly creatures.

This information became the basis for the theory that some alien beings lived among humans and were directly involved in evolution. For example, a mysterious skull without a mouth is stored in the Vatican, and skull boxes with three eye sockets and horns were found in different parts of the world. All this is difficult to explain, and often falls on the farthest shelves of museums. But some scholars argue that it was the aliens who initiated the selection of the human species, which led to today's intelligent man. And the traditions of distorting your skull and drawing a third eye on your forehead were just a memory of powerful gods who once lived freely and openly among people.

Mysterious skull from Peru

Archaeological finds in Peru: items that can change history

The black stones of Ica have become one of the greatest secrets of ancient civilizations. These stones are rounded boulders of volcanic rock, on which various scenes from the life of an ancient civilization are engraved. The weight of the stones varies from several tens of grams to five hundred kilograms. And the largest instance reached one and a half meters. What is strange about these findings? Yes, almost everything, but the most striking drawings on these stones. They depict those things that, according to scientists, simply could not happen. Many scenes on Ica stones are dedicated to medical operations, most of which are described in stages. Among the operations, organ transplantation and brain transplantation are depicted in detail, which is still a fantastic procedure. Moreover, even postoperative rehabilitation of patients is described. Another group of stones depicts various dinosaurs interacting with people. Most scientists cannot even classify animals, this raises a lot of questions. Stones with printed drawings of unknown continents, space objects, and aircraft stand out in a special group. How could ancient people create such masterpieces? After all, they should have had incredible knowledge, which our civilization does not have until now.

Professor Javier Cabrera tried to answer this question. He collected about eleven thousand stones, and believed that in Peru there are at least fifty thousand copies of them. Cabrera's collection is the most extensive, he devoted it to the study of his whole life and came to sensational conclusions. Iki stones are a library that tells about the life of an ancient civilization, freely exploring the cosmos and knowing about life on other planets. These people knew about the impending catastrophe in the form of a meteorite flying to Earth and left the planet, after creating a group of stones that should have become a source of information for posterity surviving after terrible events.

Many consider the stones to be fakes, but Cabrera has repeatedly given them to research in various laboratories and managed to prove their authenticity. But so far, scientists have not conducted work on the study of these incredible finds. Why? Who knows, but maybe they are afraid to discover the fact that human history developed according to other laws and somewhere in the Universe we have our blood brothers? Who knows?

Megaliths: who built these structures?

Megalithic buildings are scattered around the world, these structures of huge stone blocks (megaliths) have different shapes and architectures, but they all have some common characteristics that make us think that the construction technology was the same in all cases.

First of all, scientists are struck by the fact that nowhere near massive structures there are no quarries that could serve as a source of material. This is especially noticeable in South America in the region of Lake Titicaca, where scientists found the Solar Temple and a whole group of megalithic structures. The weight of some blocks exceeds one hundred twenty tons, and the wall thickness is more than three meters.

Moreover, it is unusual that all blocks have no processing traces. They seemed to be carved with a tool from soft rock, subsequently hardened. Each block was fitted close to the other as accurately as modern builders could not have done. Throughout South America, archaeologists have found incredible structures that each time scientists have been imagining a new group of puzzles. For example, on blocks of complex shape found in the already mentioned Solar Temple, a calendar is depicted. But the month, according to his information, lasted a little over twenty-four days, and the year was two hundred and ninety days. It is incredible, but this calendar was compiled on the basis of observing the stars, so scientists were able to establish that this structure is over seventeen thousand years old.

Other megalithic structures date back to different years, but still science cannot explain how these blocks were cut down in the rocks and transferred to the construction site. These technologies remain unknown, as well as a civilization with such incredible capabilities.

Easter Island Statues

The stone idols of the island also belong to megalithic structures. Their appointment raises questions from archaeologists and historians only. At the moment, 887 moai are known, as these figures are also called. They are facing the water and look into the distance. Why did the locals make these idols? The only plausible version is the ritual purpose of the figures, but their enormous size and quantity are knocked out of the canvas of history. After all, usually for ritual purposes two or three statues were established, but not a few hundred.

Surprisingly, most of the idols are located on the slope of the volcano. Here is the largest surviving figure, weighing about two hundred tons and a height of twenty-one meters. What are these figures waiting for and why are absolutely all of them looking outside the island? Scientists cannot give a decent answer to this question.

Underwater pyramids

Sunken Pyramids: Remains of Underwater Civilization or Ruins of Ancient Cities?

Underwater pyramids, researchers of the deep sea found in different parts of the world. A group of such structures was found in the United States on Lake Rock, at the bottom of the famous Bermuda Triangle, and recently, pyramids off Yonaguni Island in Japan have been actively discussed in the media.

This object was first discovered in the late eighties of the last century at a depth of thirty meters. The size of the pyramids simply struck the imagination of scuba divers - one of the tallest structures had a width of more than one hundred eighty meters at the base. It is hard to believe that this was the work of human hands. Therefore, for many years, Japanese scientists have been arguing about the origin of these underwater pyramids.

Masaki Kimura, a well-known researcher, adheres to the version that the pyramid was formed as a result of human activity. The following facts confirm this version:

  • a variety of forms of stone blocks;
  • a man’s head carved in stone nearby;
  • on many blocks traces of processing are visible;
  • ancient masters applied hieroglyphs unknown to modern science to some faces of the pyramid.

Now the approximate age of the pyramids dates from a period of five thousand to ten thousand years. If the last figure is confirmed, then the Japanese pyramids will be much older than the famous Egyptian pyramid of Cheops.

Ancient artifacts and puzzles

Mysterious Disc from Nebra

At the junction of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, an unusual find fell into the hands of scientists - a stellar disk from Mittelberg. This simple at first glance subject turned out to be just a stepping stone on the path to understanding ancient civilizations.

The bronze disk was dug out of the ground by treasure hunters along with two swords and bracelets, which are about eighteen thousand years old. Initially, they tried to sell the disc, found near the city of Nebra, but in the end it fell into the hands of the police and was handed over to scientists.

They began to study the find, and it revealed to archaeologists and historians many incredible facts. The disc itself is made of bronze, on it are gold plates depicting the sun, moon and stars. Seven stars clearly correspond to the Pleiades, which were important for determining the time of cultivation of the earth. Almost all peoples involved in agriculture were guided by them. The disc’s authenticity was immediately proved, but after some time, scientists discovered its intended purpose. A few kilometers from Nebra, an ancient observatory was found, whose age exceeds all such structures on the planet. The star disk, according to scientists, was used in many rituals in this observatory. Archaeologists suggest that he helped to observe the stars, was a drum for a shaman and had a direct connection with a similar observatory in Greece, pointing directly to its location.

Of course, scientists have just begun to study the mysterious subject and are not in a hurry to draw final conclusions. But what they were already able to find out suggests that the ancient people had rather deep knowledge about the world around them.


In this article, we have listed far from all the secrets of the ancient world. There are many more, and versions revealing them, and even more so. If you are interested in the mysteries of long-gone civilizations, then the book "Secrets of the Ancient World", written by Igor Mozheiko, will be very interesting to you. The author tried to talk about the alternative history of mankind as it appears before the eyes of everyone who managed to accept the facts of the presence of unusual archaeological finds and buildings.

Of course, each person himself determines what to believe in him and how to perceive information. But you must admit that the official history of mankind has too many white spots to be the only correct one.


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