DIY decoration for Easter (photo). Easter decorations from dough

Easter is a beautiful holiday that we all love to celebrate. How to make the decor of your home unique so that your guests spend their time here with you with pleasure?

Candy vase

DIY decoration for Easter this way is very simple. You will need chocolate candies or candy and two or three glass vases. You put sweets in them; you can tie ribbons on top.

DIY decoration for Easter

Such a vase can be made of plasticine, it holds its shape well. In addition, plasticine is well molded, and this makes it possible to create a variety of jewelry from it. If you take multi-colored clay, you can create a variety of compositions from it. Do-it-yourself home decoration for Easter will work out perfectly.

You can take lace, cut into pieces, and from them make wrappers for cardboard vases. In such vases, your flowers on the window will look elegant. If you are fond of knitting, you can make knitted clothes for a vase with a hook or knitting needles. Take synthetic threads and knit a long stripe with an elastic band two by two. Then wrap this strip around the vase, you can chop it with pins. You can crochet all crochet with crochet. Cotton threads are also suitable, with their help you can make a real masterpiece.

You can also take plastic sticks. Put cookies and sweets on them, and attach paper plates with the names of your guests. It will turn out very original.

Home garden by the window

If you like the spring variety of flowers and plants, then you can create a mini-garden on your window or on your balcony. Such ornaments for Easter, made with their own hands, will show the beauty of nature. For growing on the window, you can use a Chinese rose, cactus, lemon tree, tradescantia. Do-it-yourself home decoration for Easter together with the children can be arranged in such a way that the children will help you take care of your home garden.

DIY Easter decorations

A home garden on the window is also possible, and do-it-yourself home decoration for Easter, photos of which are simply pleasing to the eye, are often created using greenery. Mostly used are sorrel, mint, thyme, basil, parsley. If you are very fond of growing vegetables, then you may well be able to grow tomatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms and sweet potatoes.

Of course, you can make original home decoration for Easter on your own (photos for an example are given in the article) with the help of exotic plants, such as pineapple, kiwi and tangerines, but more work will have to be done. In addition, to grow a lemon, it will take a lot of time. If grown from seed, it can take ten years.

Colorful wreath

In order to decorate the interior of your home, you will need to prepare a beautiful wreath and hang it on the door. Your guests will see the beauty of your interior at the entrance to the house.

It’s easy to make such an ornament for Easter with your own hands. To do this, you need a simple cardboard or wooden circle and a lot of different knitting threads, you can leftovers. Acrylic threads like Flora Cartopu are suitable.

For the manufacture of such an accessory, you do not need the ability to knit or sew, you just need to masterfully wrap the circle with threads. You can also attach flowers, an Easter bunny, colorful eggs to it, in general, to do what the fantasy tells.

Easter tree

Decorating your home for Easter with your own hands with your children can be a fun activity for you if you make an Easter tree. In Western countries, this tree is the same attribute of this holiday, as the spruce is an attribute of Christmas.

You can buy it, you can order it, or you can just make it yourself. The easiest option is to make it from eggs that have been pre-cooked and painted.

DIY home decoration for Easter

If you want the likeness of a real tree, then take a piece of wire and a flower pot, as well as special flower foam. The wire can be wrapped in woolen twine and stuck in a pot. As twigs, you can use wooden sticks.

This is a great idea to make DIY decorations for Easter for children. The resulting tree can be decorated with ribbons, you can hang decorated Easter eggs on it .

Easter Bunny

The hare is a recognized symbol of Easter. Hares are made of cardboard, colored paper, plastic, knit and sew. This Easter decoration, made with your own hands, gives you a lot of scope for creativity.

A button rabbit will be a great decoration for your front door. For this purpose, you will need to collect all the old buttons that have accumulated in the house. You can make such a hare from cardboard, and then sew buttons to it. You can connect children to such an activity, they will like it very much.

DIY home decoration for Easter photo

Hares can be made of colored paper, and then paste them into paper frames. It will be especially interesting if the animals are of different colors.

Sewed hares will also look good. So, their pattern is simple, they can be made of chintz or silk. Sew two rabbit fabric figures on a sewing machine, leaving room to turn them out. Stuffing can be cotton wool or synthetic winterizer.

Easter garland

If you are interested in Easter decorations made by yourself, then the best option is to create an Easter garland. The financial costs of such work will be small, and the effect will be substantial. You can decorate the whole house with garlands, which you will make of colored paper, cardboard, cellophane. And you can just take the eggs, blow out the contents from them, paint and then connect with each other, stringing them on a twine. It will turn out interesting.

Decorations for Easter from dough

The traditions of cooking various dishes for Easter are diverse.

Easter cake is the main decoration, and the main dish of this holiday. To cook it properly, you will need to take three eggs, two hundred grams of butter, one hundred grams of milk, you will need a teaspoon of salt and a spoonful of sugar, half a kilogram of flour and one hundred grams of yeast.

do-it-yourself home decoration for Easter with children

Separately, prepare fudge, for this we mix ten grams of gelatin, three hundred grams of powdered sugar and three tablespoons of water. For mastic, we take marshmallows and a small bag of powdered sugar.


We wash the raisins and leave them to swell in water, separately mix the yeast with warm milk, add sugar and wait until the yeast begins to ferment.

We also take the container, beat the sugar with eggs there, add the flour, put the butter and mix again. The dough is ready, now a little yeast is added there. Then add raisins, mix everything again, put in a warm place. From above you need to cover it all with a towel.

After twenty to thirty minutes, the dough can rise a little, then we shift it into a greased form. Preheat the oven to a temperature of two hundred degrees and put our product there.

You can cook a fondant. With its help, your Easter decorations, made by yourself, will be more beautiful. For cooking, take gelatin, mix with water and icing sugar, do not forget to add lemon juice, leave it to swell. Twenty minutes have to pass.

All this is thoroughly mixed, whipped and refrigerated. And then you can warm up in the microwave. Grease the cake with the finished mixture from above.

You can make jewelry from mastic, it is painted in different colors, most often in red and orange. Often the housewives make mastic, three chickens are molded from it, and they are seated on the top of the Easter cake. Also, flowers and small eggs are made from mastic. To keep them at the top, you need to grease it with water over the fudge.

do-it-yourself Easter decorations from dough

You can make other decorations from the dough. Easter decorations are usually created in the form of stars, roses, crescents. For their manufacture, special forms are often used.

Curd Cupcake

If you want to make Easter decorations with your own hands from dough, then you can try a simpler option than Easter cake. This is a curd cake that is made without yeast.

To bake such a cupcake, you will need to have three eggs, a zest of one lemon, two hundred grams of cottage cheese, one hundred grams of butter, two hundred grams of flour, a teaspoon of soda, a packet of vanilla and a glass of sugar. This delicious decoration for Easter, cooked with your own hands, will undoubtedly please your friends and relatives.

DIY Easter decorations for kids

Beat butter with sugar with a mixer, and you should end up with a loose mass. Add cottage cheese, while continuing to whisk. Mix the eggs and beat too.

Sift flour, add vanilla, knead everything. We take the form, grease with butter, sprinkle with flour, put the dough there. Put in the oven.

The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees, bake for 45-50 minutes. The readiness of your product can be checked with a match. Poke it with a match - if it is dry, it means that the cupcake is ready. Top it can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.


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