Ruzskoe reservoir - a great place for fishing!

The Ruza reservoir is located on the Ruza river, a tributary of the Moskva River with a dam, near the village of Palashkino. It stretched along the channel for more than 30 km. Such rivers as Pednya, Right Pednya, Shchetinka, Voloshnya and numerous streams flow into it.

ruse water reservoir

Here is such a pond

Ruzskoe reservoir was filled with water in 1966. Its volume is 216 million cubic meters. m of water, and the area is 33 square meters. km The maximum width of the reservoir reaches four kilometers. The depths of the Ruzsky reservoir in different parts of the reservoir are different, the deepest place, the channel near the dam, reaches 21 meters. The length of the dam is 550 meters and the maximum height is 25 meters. Typically, water is discharged when the mark of 18.5 meters is reached. Ruzskoe reservoir is navigable. It freezes only at the end of November, and opens in early April. Water level fluctuations here reach five meters. By the way, the lowest level is observed in March, just before the flood. And the highest - in May, after the ice melts.

Favorite place of active recreation for residents of the capital

The main purpose of this reservoir is water supply of the capital, in addition, it is used to control the flow of the Ruza River. And, of course, this huge lake is a popular holiday destination. On the banks of the reservoir there are several rest houses and pioneer camps, in addition, there are fishing bases, as well as the village of Belyanaya Gora and the village of Ostashevo. The reservoir is controlled by a society of hunters and fishermen in Moscow. Their base is located in the village of Shcherbinki.

fishing on the ruse reservoir

Ecological catastrophy

This pond near Moscow has always been famous for the presence of large bream, zander and perch. However, in recent years, he suffered the sad fate of the Mozhaisk reservoir. Due to large changes in water level, an outbreak of ligulosis occurred. This is a widespread disease affecting carp fish; cause her plerocercoids of Ligulidae. They parasitize in the abdominal cavity of fish and provoke infertility, atrophy of internal organs, rupture of the abdominal wall, which as a result leads to the death of the inhabitants of the reservoir. Due to this environmental disaster in the reservoir, the number of bream and breeding grounds has significantly decreased. In addition, perch also became noticeably smaller; pike began to take its place. Great work to restore the zander population is carried out by the Moscow Society of Hunters and Fishers. However, the results of this work can only be seen in a few years.

depths of the ruzsky reservoir

And yet…

Despite the catastrophe described above, fishing on the Ruzskoye Reservoir is of great interest to spinningists, circle-makers and swimmers. There are a lot of ide, roach, and rather large perch in the reservoir (specimens up to 1 kg are well caught on the first ice). There is an asp, a large carp is rarely found. So, in Kurovsky Bay, the depth of which is only two meters, perch and large roach are perfectly caught on the last ice.

Fishing bases

There are two publicly owned bases in this reservoir. One of them is located in the lower reaches of the reservoir, near the village of Palashkino, and the second is in the upper reaches, in the village of Ostashyevo. Here you can buy permits that give the right to fish, rent a boat and, of course, stay for the night. Comfort lovers prefer to stay near the Palashkino sanatorium "Rus", where you can combine fishing and a good rest. The depth of the reservoir near the sanatorium is 10-13 meters, so there is a good chance to catch even a large bream, which is still found in these waters. And on the opposite shore, not far from the Luzhki Recreation Center, on the contrary, the bottom is more gentle, with insignificant depths. So, as you can see, lovers of this type of recreation can find sites on the Ruza reservoir that meet any requirements.

winter fishing at the ruzsky reservoir

“Exotic” fish species for ponds near Moscow

Since the 60s of the last century, the State Cultural Fish Farm was created on the Ruza Reservoir under the leadership of the Moscow Department of Fish Protection. As a result of his work, the reservoir was stocked with such unusual species for this region as silver carp, grass carp, trout, eel, bester (a hybrid of beluga and sturgeon). All of them have successfully taken root in the reservoir and coexist with the fish species common for this region: pike, burbot, roach and others. However, fishing on the Ruzskoe reservoir on “exotic” species is very difficult: trout and other representatives do not want to be hooked. Only a true professional who understands how the fish “thinks” can catch such a trophy.

Winter fishing

This type of recreation is extremely popular with fishermen. And winter fishing at the Ruza reservoir is something! No wonder a lot of people come here from Moscow and Moscow region. So, the majority of anglers who have chosen Ruza believe that there is no such active biting of perch on the first ice, as in this reservoir. Here, in winter, perch eagerly pounders on all kinds of traditional perch baubles: balancers, verticals, vertical non-nozzle mormyshki ("nymph", "goat", "hell") and, of course, standard mormyshki with a bloodworm nozzle, preferably with brass or copper crowns. The intense biting of large perch after ice formation lasts about a month. From the second half of winter, the trophy in shallow water is significantly smaller. Large individuals go to the upper Ruzskoe reservoir, therefore they are extremely rare. The best perch place in this pond is considered to be its middle part. This is the snag opposite the Shcherbinka (it is easy to find it on the trunks of half-sunken trees that are visible from afar), and the bays at Akatovo and Ovsyanikov. Parking perch is most often located near the second edge of the shore (distance 60-70 meters), the depth here reaches 3-5 meters.

plots on the ruzsky reservoir

Catching the Fanged

Very popular with the fishermen of Ruza is fishing for pike perch. In the area of ​​Shcherbinki and Tokarevo, as well as in Kurovo and Lashino, and in the area of ​​the islands, there are pre-channel deep edges, in which this fish likes to stand. In winter time, pike perch from the ice will flash on the classic pointed-nosed balancers and verticals. And in the summer, fishing for large pike perch in ordinary mugs gives great results, it is better to use bait fish as a nozzle: roasting fish, carp, bleak and small perch. Spinning enthusiasts use jig, foam rubber fish, or rockers as bait. However, small specimens weighing no more than 1-2 kg are usually caught on spinning.

Toothy predator fishing

ruzian reservoir otzy

The best place for pike fishing at the Ruza reservoir is considered the bay near Khotebtsevo and Bunino. Here, the fish prefers to stay in the dense thickets of pond. It is perfectly caught on spoons-unhooked copper and steel. The popper takes worse, since algae inevitably clings to it. In snags and in clean water, pike are caught using classic turntables and oscillators. In general, large specimens of spinning lures and vibro-tails can be caught in almost any part of this reservoir. Especially pike loves to stand in the channel at a depth of 3-7 meters. So, in some cases, at a single point with a spinning reel, you can catch several fairly large specimens. A lot of pike are in snags near the villages of Demidkovo and Luzhki, as well as near the pre-channel dump opposite the recreation center "Rus".

Pilgrimage to the Ruza reservoir

Reviews of professional fishermen and just lovers of such a holiday about this pond come down to the fact that Ruza can be compared with Mecca for Muslims. Thousands of people come here throughout the year, and everyone, without exception, is satisfied with excellent fishing. Despite the reduction of carp species and zander, the Ruzskoe reservoir is still confidently one of the five most fish reservoirs in the Moscow region. So, in recent years, the population of burbot, roach and pike has grown significantly, and the number of perch has remained unchanged over the past ten years.

upper ruzian reservoir

The main thing is not to break the rules

It remains only to add that in this reservoir there are many different restrictions and regulations on the behavior of fishermen. For example, fishing on the reservoir is carried out strictly according to permits, it is forbidden to park cars close to the coast, gasoline boat motors are strictly prohibited. In addition, you can not bring bloodworms and live bait with you - everything must be bought on the spot. There is a restriction on gear: you can use no more than five circles for one boat, and in the winter - only five zerglers for one fisherman and so on. So if you want your vacation to go smoothly and you don’t have to quarrel with local fisheries officers and pay fines, you should not break the rules.


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