Los Angeles, California: information, attractions, interesting facts

Known as the City of Angels, Los Angeles, California is an amazingly beautiful community, spread comfortably between the Pacific Ocean and the mountains. Its most interesting feature is that each district has its own history and significant places, because in ancient times these were separate settlements. Today, they form one of the most beautiful cities on the planet. Let's get to know him as closely as possible.

What state is Los Angeles in?

The city of Angels is located in California, which, in turn, is one of the states of America. It is worth noting such an important moment: this settlement is part of Greater Los Angeles, or Southland, an urban agglomeration with an area of ​​88,000 km², where 16.5 million people live (according to data for 2000). It also includes 88 municipalities and covers the territory of five southern California counties.

Los Angeles State

Foundation History

Los Angeles (California) in the 16th century was inhabited by the Chumash and Tongwa Indians. In 1542, La Victoria and San Salvador, the ships on which the first Europeans sailed, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo and his deputy Bartolome Ferrelo, approached the shores of the modern City of Angels, and then the villages of Yang-Na. In the bay of San Diego, they left only on September 28, after 2 months from the date of departure from the Mexican village of La Navidad. In early January of next year, the discoverer is dying. He was buried on the island of San Miguel, which was later renamed in honor of Cabrillo, and the journal with the data that he recorded during the expedition, transferred to the homeland of Ferrelo. To this day, this book is kept in the archive of Spanish Seville.

More than two centuries passed before the next group of missionaries landed on this site. This time the leader was Gaspar Portol. The group also included Juan Crespi - it was he who noted in the documents that this territory is suitable for life.

In 1771, modern Los Angeles (California) receives another missionary who named his “case” after the archangel Gabriel. It was Junipero Serra. At that time, nearly 3,000 Indians inhabited this region of the globe, who formed 30 settlements. And 10 years later, next to a group of missionaries led by Serra, consisting of 46 people, the governor Felipe de Neveu orders to establish a village. They named the village in honor of Mary (Village of the Virgin Mary - Queen of the Angels). The village gradually grew, but turned into a large secular town only by the year 20 of the 19th century. At that time, 650 people already lived here.

Los Angeles belonged to Mexico for some time after the state gained independence. But after the defeat from America, the city became part of the United States. The peace treaty was signed in 1848. After a couple of years, the settlement received the status of a city, and after another 26 years, in 1876, the construction of the Los Angeles railway was completed.

The main industry here was the cultivation of oranges and some other citrus fruits. Thanks to this, the number of local residents has grown sharply: there were 2,200, and there were 100,000 people! In 1892, oil deposits were discovered, and after just over 30 years, Los Angeles (California, photo below) “absorbed” ¼ of the world's gasoline production.

In 1913, an aqueduct was built, providing the future metropolis with water. In short, since then, life in Los Angeles has begun to boil: the aviation industry has developed, numerous film studios have opened, and in 1932 even held the tenth Olympic Games.

When the Second World War began, the city seemed to breathe new life into itself, although, it would seem, it should be the other way around. In Los Angeles began to gather German figures of art, culture and science, who fled from Nazism. Among these people are such famous personalities as Thomas Mann (writer, Nobel Prize winner in 1929), Lyon Feuchtwanger (German writer of Jewish origin) and Fritz Lang (film director). In 1942, when World War II "walked" around the earth, according to Roosevelt’s decree, local residents of Japanese descent (which is thousands of people) are taken out of the city and settled in closed camps.

After the end of hostilities, the city again began to grow rapidly in breadth. Skyscrapers and new highways appeared. Then came the "dashing 90s" when mass riots took place on the streets of the metropolis, during which a large number of people were wounded and killed. The reason is Nazi hostility. The fact is that in 1992, 4 white-skinned policemen beat a guy of the Negroid race. But the last straw for blacks was the acquittal of human rights defenders in court. The riots lasted for almost a week. Then a special army was introduced into the city, and the instigators were arrested.

In the mid-1990s, they planned to separate Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley from Los Angeles. The reason was an earthquake, due to which many municipal buildings, infrastructure and residential buildings turned into piles of stones. However, after holding a general vote in 2002, it became clear that the section was not destined to materialize.

What state is Los Angeles in?

The official and unofficial symbols of Los Angeles

Now we know what state Los Angeles is in and how it appeared on Earth. It's time to get acquainted with the symbols and emblem of the city. First of all, tourists want to visit Hollywood and walk along the Avenue of Stars. Therefore, the unofficial symbol is worth mentioning first. The HOLLYWOOD sign is located on Mount Lee, towering 490 meters above sea level. However, this territory is well guarded, so there is no way to get there. But do not be upset - a beautiful landscape opens from the observation deck of Griffith Park. From here you can also take a memory photo against the background of a popular sign.

Now about the official symbol - the coat of arms. It is colorful, but not motley, since only 7 colors are used, which are in perfect harmony with each other. First of all, heraldry recalls the year of foundation of the City of Angels - the 1781st. It is a circle with inscriptions and plants, in the middle of which is a shield. It is divided into 4 parts, and each has a specific meaning. Knowing the history, it is not difficult to understand it, since these parts symbolize countries that are somehow connected with Los Angeles. In the upper right corner is a scarlet bear and a star - this is the flag of California in 1846. Nearby, that is, on the left, you can see the US flag. In the lower right part there is a tower and a lion, reminiscent of the kingdoms of Leon and Castile (recall that the discoverers came from this particular country). And the last corner is reserved for the eagle tormenting the snake - once the coat of arms of Mexico.

What state does Los Angeles belong to?

Climatic conditions

Los Angeles (California, USA), whose photo is present in this article, is characterized by a Mediterranean climate. It has mild, wet winters and dry, hot summers. But the temperature in the desert and on the coast is significantly different. Precipitation occurs mainly in mountainous areas. In mid-summer, the temperature can vary between 17-24 degrees Celsius, and in winter - +9 ... + 19 ° .

City of Los Angeles (California): Development Plan

Given that the City of Angels was built up at lightning speed, it does not have a clear layout. The peculiarity lies in the fact that over time, the surrounding villages joined the "main" part of the settlement. Today Los Angeles consists of Central, Hollywood, San Pedro, Silmar, Watts, Westwood, Bel Air and Boyle Heights. The suburb forms the San Fernando Valley. So, it turns out that Los Angeles surrounds Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and Carvel City. And it is divided into 2 parts by the mountains of Santa Monica, which is why it has five main zones:

  • Westside.
  • Downtown.
  • Southern Los Angeles.
  • East Los Angeles.
  • Port area.

Los Angeles, California, USA (photo)

The main attractions

Now, knowing which state Los Angeles belongs to, you can safely plan your trip. Since it is the capital of world show business, it is not surprising that tourists begin their journey with a visit to Hollywood. First, go to the Kodak Theater. This is exactly the place where the Oscars are held. Tours are held here, you can easily go inside.

Next on the list is the Walk of Fame, or Stars. Probably, you should not linger on it for a long time with a description, since everyone knows this attraction. You can only mention that the stretch of the alley for 18 quarters. A quick tip: to see the prints of Robert de Niro, Charlie Chaplin, Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey and Marilyn Monroe, you need to go to the small Avenue of Stars located in front of the Grauman's Chinese Theater. By the way, this building is a masterpiece of Asian architecture. And here the premieres of the best films are often shown.

Griffith Observatory is open for lovers of mesmerizing landscapes , and movie fans should definitely visit Warner Brothers and Universal Studios. Those wishing to meet a celebrity while walking along a beautiful street are recommended to go to Rodeo Drive. In Downtown, you can see huge skyscrapers, and a little further from this area - Japanese, Chinese, Thai and Korean quarters.

Los Angeles - What State of America?

Unknown places of interest

Of course, this place cannot be called little known, but it is not popular either. This is the Museum of Death (Los Angeles, California, USA). He is on the list of the most terrible museums in the world. Indeed, this is a terrible place that a person with a shattered nervous system is not worth visiting. Like people particularly impressionable. Huge collections of works of art are collected here, the authors of which are ... serial killers! On the walls are photographs depicting scenes of murders, autopsies, and even terrible accidents. There are separate rooms with funeral paraphernalia, gloomy artifacts demonstrating the process of murder or suicide. In general, the Museum of Death (Los Angeles, California) will leave an indelible impression on your soul.

Some more places to visit:

  • Cocktail Bar "No Jobs". It is located in the building of the former kindergarten, where the children of Charlie Chaplin went. The house was built in 1913. Today it is a wonderful institution, which is made in the style of a bar of the XX century.
  • Cinema under the open sky. Located in the center of the city. There are parking spaces for cars and a lawn for pedestrians. You can watch old and new films - how lucky.
  • Hollywood cemetery. Many celebrities are buried here, so those who want to honor the memory of their favorite actor should definitely go to this place.

Los Angeles Shopping

In addition to the film industry, Los Angeles is famous for its excellent shopping experience. The main place to achieve this goal is Rodeo Drive. This street is completely lined with boutiques selling clothes, shoes and accessories of famous brands such as Hugo Boss, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Chanel and Prada. But lovers of souvenir products need to go to Hollywood Boulevard.

Los Angeles, California (photo)

Interesting about Los Angeles: various events and holidays

Los Angeles - What State of America? It is known that the city is located in California, but it will also be interesting to know that it occupies the 2nd place in the USA in terms of population.

Interesting holidays and events are regularly held. For example, on New Year's Eve, a Rose Parade and the Pink Bowl Football Championship are held here. In the second month from the beginning of the year, a celebration is organized in honor of African American history, during which theater and musical performances are held, lectures and films are watched. In March - the Night of Nights. Such an interesting name was awarded the Oscars. In May, Mexicans celebrate Victory Day over the French in 1862, and in June a parade of sexual minorities takes place. A pop festival is held throughout the summer, and in August, surfers compete on the beaches of Hermosa, Manhattan and Redondo. In early autumn, you can visit the world's largest County Fair in Los Angeles, and the second fall month offers to enjoy the International Film Festival. In December - an interesting Christmas parade.

Official holidays

  • New Year - January 1.
  • The third Monday of the first month is Martin King's Memorial Day.
  • Third Monday of February is George Washington's birthday.
  • The last Monday of May is the feast of Remembrance.
  • Independence Day is celebrated on July 4th.
  • At the end of July, the 21st, is President's Day.
  • The first Monday of September is recognized as Labor Day.
  • On the second Monday of October, Americans honor the memory of Columbus.
  • Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
  • Christmas in America is celebrated on December 25th.

Death Museum (Los Angeles, California, USA)

What not every tourist knows: interesting facts

About Los Angeles (what state, foundation history, and so on) you need to know everything, in particular some interesting facts:

  1. The locals are called Angelenos.
  2. Americans call their small homeland Al-Hey, or LA.
  3. The city port is the busiest in the whole world.
  4. Walking through the streets, you can easily stumble upon the filming process.
  5. Most of the companies here belong to the fair sex.
  6. In the City of Angels, there is almost no public transport.
  7. On the Walk of Fame, there are more than 2.5 thousand stars.

Tourists About Los Angeles

Well, now, knowing what state the city of Los Angeles is in, you can go on a grandiose walk. Moreover, all tourists who once visited LA, and especially those people who moved to the City of Angels for permanent residence, advise this. Los Angeles is a stunning, colorful, chic and attractive in every respect settlement, so if there is even the slightest opportunity to visit here, you must definitely use it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10449/

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