Reverse is a bug fixed

In accounting, there is such a thing as reversal. Such an operation is often used in practice and is important in adjusting various digital values.

Storno - this is an opportunity to fix everything

it's reversed

A reversal entry is used in accounting practice to correct erroneous entries. In other words, reversal is posting with a minus. In the accounting system, you can’t just delete a record, especially if it relates to past periods. In order for the inspection authorities to understand the actions of the accounting officer, the reversed entry completely duplicates the erroneous one, it is only reflected in the registers with a minus sign. Very often, such wiring is called "red." The presence of two mutually destructive entries is a good example of an accountant fixing a mistake. Reversing is a correction, not a distortion or deletion of information. If you do not make a negative posting, but simply delete the erroneous amount, this will lead to incorrect reporting submitted.

The erasing record is always made only in the period in which the error was found. In the system of double entry of accounts, violation of the reversal rules can lead to unjustified overpricing. When correcting a partial amount, red posting is made to the detected difference. Storno - this is officially authorized posting, which is governed by the rules of the chart of accounts.

If accounting is done on paper, then when the reversed amount is entered in the statement, it is circled in red ink. When calculating the totals, a negative entry is subtracted from the total.

Reversal of documents in an accounting program


Most often, accounting entries are generated in settlement programs after a certain document has been posted. When reversing a past period, it is best to minus the entire document. This operation ensures that additional correspondence of accounts that arose as a result of the primary document is not lost.


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