Ski base in Tolyatti: description of the establishment and reviews

In the city of Togliatti, a ski resort is one of the tourist sites that attracts many visitors. The name of this institution is AvtoVAZ, which is associated with the area of ​​the settlement where it is located. You can find general information about this place, as well as read reviews from visitors in this article.

Basic data

The ski base in Tolyatti is located at 49 Marshala Zhukova Street. In winter, skiing is organized here, which you can take with you or rent on the spot. There is plenty of space for practicing this active sport in the cold season. In summer, there are also many activities for tourists. People can play football, rent a bike or go jogging. On the base you can stay for a few days, the infrastructure is developed, there are a sufficient number of rooms. Inside, users will find the necessary set of amenities, including video equipment, furniture and more. Near each house there is a barbecue, where you can prepare delicious meals with the company. It is with these positive aspects that the administration of the institution attracts visitors.

base in Togliatti

Review Benefits

People who visited the ski base in Tolyatti liked the conditions that were created here for all users. There are slopes of varying difficulty and a large area for entertainment. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the institution is allowed to use its own equipment. If this is not available, then you can take advantage of rental offers, the prices are reasonable, as reported in the comments by visitors. The presence of barbecue facilities near the houses is an additional advantage. Even in winter there is the opportunity to cook kebabs for a large company and relax after active entertainment. On the territory of the institution there is a buffet where you can buy ready-made food for yourself. People report that they sell tasty buns for every taste. Along the perimeter, the ski base in Tolyatti is lit up, and even horse patrols are present. Such a spectacle is rarely seen, but because many visitors received a charge of positive emotions and promised to come again and again.

Avtozavodsky district

Summertime Benefits

Reviews about the base in Tolyatti, which is located in the Avtozavodsky district, are mostly met only positive. Visitors note not only the delights of visiting an institution in the winter, but also in the summer. Forest zone makes its own adjustments to the rest, which takes place only in cheerful colors. Fresh air pushes you to spend time actively, and here it can be done with great variety. Bike rides with equipment rental, morning jogs, fitness classes and more. Separately, it is worth noting that the prices at the ski base in Togliatti are extremely low. An average resident can afford to rent a house for several days, and this will not affect the budget greatly. On the territory of the institution there are arbors in which you can arrange picnics. This is a popular place, and therefore it is better to take care in advance and book one of them for the company. Some visitors even celebrated their birthday here, and they liked everything.

ski rental in Togliatti ski resort

A bit of negativity

Among the many positive reviews about the base in Avtozavodsky district there are several negative. One of the visitors tells an unpleasant story with a wounded child. They family skied, and the tourist lost control. As a result, a wound formed on the forehead of the baby, and therefore the parents immediately rushed to the base. The guard refused to open the medical center, not paying attention not to the condition in which the child was. He simply recommended looking for a coach to help in this situation. The wound was dealt with by outsiders. The problem is the lack of medical services at the ski base in Togliatti. Where extreme entertainment is held, such a flaw should be addressed. Another small drawback is the lack of asphalt tracks for visitors who train in the summer during skiing. To do this, people have to use the usual city road.

ski resort address in Togliatti


Based on general impressions from all users, it can be concluded that the ski base in Togliatti is suitable for every sports enthusiast, without exception. Here you can stay for a while in the company of friends or with your family, improve your health and just relax from all worries. A variety of activities and infrastructure delight visitors. A separate plus is the availability of low prices. Hiring a ski at a ski base in Tolyatti will not hit your pocket, and therefore you can not even take your own equipment. For children, a visit to this institution will be a useful experience. Fresh air at any time of the year and sports will only benefit. The totality of all reviews suggests that for outdoor enthusiasts, the institution is a must-see.


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