Museum-reserve "Lenin Hills": description and modern photos

The Museum-Reserve “Lenin Hills” is a unique open-air complex located in the near Moscow region. On its territory you can learn more about the life of Russian peasants at the beginning of the 20th century, examine the old manor, and also visit the exposition dedicated to the life and work of V.I. Lenin.

The complicated history of the unique reserve

Museum reserve Lenin's hills
The lands of the modern Leninsky district of the Moscow region at different times were owned by famous noble families: the Naumovs, Trubetskoys, Buturlins, Lopukhins and many others. The estate, which has survived to this day, was built in the XVIII century. At the beginning of the 19th century, Zinaida Morozova (widow of the manufacturer Savva Morozov) bought land and a luxurious mansion. The new mistress slightly rebuilds the house and erects new decorative and farm buildings in the garden. In 1918, Vladimir Ilyich came here on vacation for the first time. The manor and the park surrounding it were so liked by the leader of the proletariat that he returned here more than once, turning the estate into a personal residence. Lenin personally ordered that the interiors be left in their original form. And today the Lenin Hills Museum-Reserve offers everyone to take a look at genuine pieces of furniture and everyday life in the early 19th century.

Manor Museum today

Gorki Lenin Moscow Region
You should not think that the excursion to this place is intended exclusively for those who are interested in political activity and the life of V.I. Lenin. Those who love ancient architecture and simply beautiful places should also visit the Lenin Hills Reserve. The Moscow region was once a popular place for building summer residences and chic palaces for permanent residence. Today, only a small percentage of manor complexes turned into museums, from many magnificent buildings there are only ruins or only memories. The estate "Lenin Hills" was preserved in excellent condition. Today, inside the main house, the atmosphere created by Zinaida Morozova in the XIX century reigns. Here you can see a collection of antique furniture, art objects, as well as personal items of the Ulyanov family.

Museum of Peasant Life

Homestead hills Lenin
The Museum-Reserve "Lenin Hills" invites guests on an excursion dedicated to peasant life. The exposition is open in a real village house, which until 1982 belonged to the Shulgin family. The Museum of Peasant Life demonstrates everyday life in the village at the beginning of the 19th century. Here you can see furniture, clothes, household appliances, kitchen utensils and other items of daily use. The Museum-Reserve “Gorki Leninskie” offers tourists an excursion to the peasant house “with complete immersion” in the atmosphere of bygone years. Here you can take pictures in national costumes and play traditional Russian games.

Museum of V.I. Lenin

At the main gate of the reserve visitors can see an unusual cubic building. The creation of the architect L. N. Pavlov, which he himself called "My Parthenon." This building was built in 1987 specifically for placement inside the museum of V.I. Lenin. According to its author, the shape of the cube symbolizes eternity and greatness. Interior decoration also deserves attention - in the Lenin Museum you can see colonnades, bronze lamps, and black marble cladding. The Gorki Leninsky estate attracts many tourists precisely because of this exposition. In the collection you can see a variety of objects that reflect the political history of our state and the activities of V. Lenin. These are badges, pennants, flags and other objects with the symbols of the USSR and the profile of the leader, as well as genuine photos and documents.

Cabinet and apartment of V.I. Lenin

Leninsky Gorki district
Initially, the museum-apartment with the office of Vladimir Ilyich was opened in the Senate building. But later, in the middle of the last century, this exposition was transferred to the Lenin Hills. Moscow is the city in which V. Lenin’s office was originally located, in which he worked and made important decisions. But, despite this fact, in Gorki the collection looks no less realistic. It accurately reproduces the working environment of Vladimir Ilyich. In addition, in the museum you can see the legendary leader’s car - the Rolls-Royce “Silver Ghost”, it stands in the carriage yard.

Museum-Reserve "Lenin Hills": Leninsky district of the Moscow region. How to get on an excursion?

Lenin hills Moscow
Entrance to the territory of the unique complex is completely free. Tourists pay only entrance to museums and can independently choose which exhibitions are of most interest to them. The exact address of the reserve: Moscow region, Leninsky district, n / a Gorki Leninsky. The complex is located just 10 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. It is open daily from 10.00 to 17.00, sanitary days - the last Monday and Tuesday of each month.

Many travel agencies in Moscow offer ready-made excursions with a transfer to the museum-reserve. But it is not difficult to get here by personal car. To do this, you need to get off the Moscow Ring Road to Kashirskoye Shosse and drive about 12 kilometers towards the region, then turn off, guided by the Gorki sign. You can also take a minibus No. 439 from the Domodedovskaya metro station: you need to get off at the Experimental Base stop, then you will have to walk a bit.

If you have the opportunity, be sure to visit the Lenin Hills Museum. The Moscow region boasts a large number of cultural sites and places for walking, however, this reserve can safely be called one of the most interesting.


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