Technical passport of the property: documents for registration, where and how to get

Each person who is the owner of residential real estate should be well versed in what documentation for this object should be available to him. It definitely includes a technical passport that contains information about the various technical parameters of a particular property. It is required to perform various transactions with the object or to confirm the legality of the planning. Therefore, it is important to understand what data it contains, where it is issued and how it is made out.

The concept of a data sheet

It is a mandatory document for each property owner. The technical passport to the house contains the exact characteristics of the existing facility. It is formed in A3 format. It includes various drawings and diagrams, based on which you can see the exact layout of the living space.

A document is provided by BTI employees. It must be changed when making any legal changes to the property. This requires that the specialists of this bureau independently visit an apartment or house for measurements and calculations.

registration of technical passports

Legislative regulation

The process of formation and issuance of this document is regulated by several regulatory acts. Standard technical passport of the building is provided when taking into account data from acts:

  • PP No. 1301. It describes how the document is drawn up correctly, and also under what conditions it is provided to the owners of residential premises.
  • PP No. 576. It contains data on what is the size of the fee for obtaining a copy of the registration certificate, for conducting an assessment or drawing up other documentation based on the rules of technical accounting or inventory.
  • Gosstroy Order No. 79. It indicates how long the work on technical accounting and inventory can be carried out in relation to different objects.
  • The order of the Ministry of land construction №37. It contains detailed and thoughtful instructions on how to properly register housing stock in the Russian Federation.

Therefore, when issuing a technical passport, it is important to focus on these provisions of the law. If they are violated by BTI employees, then you can file a complaint against them.

A document is presented for the entire period of use of the housing, but every 5 years a reconciliation should be carried out to identify all illegal adjustments made to the premises by the owners. If the passport is not replaced within 5 years, then the owner of the real estate cannot be held liable, since such measures are not listed in the legislation, but at the same time there will be difficulties in making various real estate transactions.

technical passport to the house

When required

It is usually requested by apartment buyers or people planning a property exchange.

There is no need to receive a document every 5 years if:

  • major repairs were not carried out;
  • no significant changes have been made since the old document was drawn up;
  • during the conversion, the main and supporting parts of the property were not affected.

If you plan to sell an apartment or a house, you will definitely need a technical passport. It has legal force if issued earlier than five years ago. It can be used in court to resolve various disagreements or when disputes arise regarding changes made to real estate.

Registration of technical passports is advisable under the conditions:

  • the apartment was redeveloped, which must be legal, so all changes are made to the registry;
  • transfer of real estate from a residential facility to non-residential;
  • using the information from the passport, you can calculate the inventory cost of housing ;
  • information from the data sheet makes it possible to determine in kind the share of each property owner;
  • if a cadastral price has not yet been determined for a specific object, then using the data on the inventory value, you can calculate the amount of tax;
  • often a document acts as evidence in various legal proceedings;
  • without it, you can’t get real estate insurance.

It may be needed in other situations. Most often, a technical passport for a house is required for citizens who plan to purchase an object. When studying it, they can check if there are any illegal adjustments in real estate, whether the set price of the object is expedient, and also study other technical characteristics of the building.

If illegal redevelopment is detected, then it is forbidden to make different transactions with the object. Therefore, the owner will have to first deal with the registration of changes that are registered in the BTI, and then engage in the sale.

technical passport form

What does it look like

It is presented by a document containing data on the technical parameters of the living space. Additionally, there is information about its location and accomplishment. Carrying amount information is included.

The form of the technical passport is strictly unified. It is created in A3 format, and also contains 4 separate pages.

Document Content

Information from the data sheet is significant for each buyer of real estate, so it is subject to careful analysis. Each page contains a lot of information:

  • 1 page. On it is a phased plan of a high-rise building or a private house. It contains data on the purpose of the housing, its inventory number, exact address and floor plan, divided into separate rooms. In addition, designations of complex engineering equipment located in an apartment or house are introduced.
  • 2 page. Consists of two tables. The first is data on property owners. The second table is represented by explication, so it looks like a graph diagram. It reflects all the geometric dimensions of each room in the housing.
  • 3 page. Includes a detailed description of the property. Therefore, there are structural parts of the building, information about connected utilities and other equipment.
  • 4 page. It contains information about the book price of real estate at the time of construction of the residential property. Additionally, there is a date of creation of this document and the seal of BTI. An employee of the institution involved in the formation and issuance of a technical passport puts his signature on the last page.

A sample document can be viewed below.

technical passport where to get

What information can be obtained

This document contains many important information. Real estate buyers are studying the technical passport of an apartment building and a separate apartment for information:

  • the exact address of the object;
  • the area of ​​the entire apartment and each separate room;
  • number of rooms in housing;
  • value of real estate based on data obtained during the last inventory;
  • data on ongoing repairs;
  • if the owners changed the layout, then information on all adjustments that are allowed and correctly legalized is included;
  • information about engineering communications;
  • information about building materials that were used in the process of building the object.

If any of the above data changes during the use of housing, then by all means adjustments should be made to the data sheet. This process should be performed as standard after redevelopment.

Differences from cadastral passport

The registration certificate is intended to contain complete technical information about real estate. Often people confuse a technical and cadastral passport, although these documents are completely different. The first includes almost all the data from the cadastral document, and there is also an explication represented by a graphic diagram of the housing.

Obtaining a cadastral passport for any property is now not possible. He was replaced in 2017 by an extract from the USRN. The information in it is fundamentally different from the data contained in the data sheet. It includes information about all operations performed with real estate, about the owners and standard characteristics of an apartment or house.

Do I need a technical passport

Where to get the document

A technical passport is being drawn up at the BTI - Bureau of Technical Inventory.

The institution is represented by cadastral engineers who come to the location of the property and carry out various measurements and calculations to evaluate the technical parameters of the object.

Step by step instructions

The registration procedure is considered standard. It must be done if the existing document was received more than five years ago. Where to get a technical passport? To do this, contact the BTI. This organization is available in every city.

How to get a technical passport? The procedure is divided into successive stages:

  • initially all the necessary documents are collected for registration, and it is recommended to find out their exact quantity in advance from BTI employees;
  • the state duty is paid, and for this you can use the terminals, bank or post offices, and you can also make payment directly to the BTI cash desk;
  • preparation and transmission of an application, moreover, two forms can be used for this;
  • Application form No. 3 is applied if the property owner has lost the previous document;
  • Form No. 4 is used for the initial creation of a data sheet;
  • the transfer of documentation together with the application to the BTI employee on receipt, and the date and time are immediately set when the specialist of the institution will visit the property for measurements and calculations;
  • a technician comes to an apartment or house to check the available technical information in the database with the actual indicators of housing;
  • the specialist has specialized tools to measure all walls, and the values ​​obtained are immediately recorded;
  • Based on this data, a new document is being designed;
  • All engineering communications available in the premises are checked;
  • the locations of different equipment are checked with the data that is available in the database;
  • if different violations and differences are detected, then all adjustments made by will are checked inadvertently;
  • if the location of utilities has changed or changes have been made to the layout, all this leads to significant fines;
  • if the violations are significant and unsafe, then a lawsuit is filed with the court, by the decision of which the homeowner is obliged to return the property to its previous state;
  • a new document will not be issued until the layout is corrected;
  • Based on the data obtained, BTI experts make housing explication;
  • on a predetermined day you need to come to this organization to get a new document;
  • for this you need to have a passport and a receipt on the accepted documentation;
  • paid for the formation or replacement of the document, and the cost may vary significantly, since it depends on the purpose of its preparation.

Thus, it is not difficult to issue a technical passport at BTI, although due to visiting a technician and carrying out various measurements, the procedure can take a long time. The purpose of a document can be different, but the process almost always consists in performing the above actions.

technical certificate

What documents will be required

For registration, it will be necessary to initially transfer certain papers to BTI employees. Documents for the technical passport:

  • The applicant’s passport, which must be the owner of the apartment or house, since only the owner or his authorized representative with a correctly drawn up and notarized power of attorney can apply for this document.
  • Certificate of ownership of real estate, which can be replaced by an extract from the USRN, which contains information about the owners of the property.
  • Title documents presented by the agreement on the purchase of an apartment or house, a certificate of inheritance, gift or other similar documents.
  • A well-formed application in a special form, and you can get it directly from BTI employees.

If the heir of the deceased owner is engaged in the process, then he must additionally have with him a certificate of inheritance and a death certificate of the owner.

The amount of documentation may vary, since it takes into account why a passport for housing is required.

technical passport BTI

Terms for creating and issuing a document

You can apply for a passport in various ways. Depending on the chosen option, the period during which the technical passport of the building will be ready is determined:

  • personal appeal to the BTI - from 7 days to a month;
  • when using MFC - from 10 to 40 days;
  • through a website in the capital - from 7 days to a month.

There are no exact dates during which this document is formed. If you need to get it urgently, you need to contact BTI directly. For a fee, they can draw up documentation quickly.

Registration cost

There is no exact information about how much money should be paid for obtaining a document. This is due to various factors. Initially, you need to decide whether you need a technical passport. The goals of its application are identified, and all actions that must be performed by specialists to obtain technical information about the apartment or house are evaluated.

The average cost is set in such limits:

  • if you only need to receive a document in connection with the loss of the previous data sheet, then approximately 2.3 thousand rubles are paid;
  • if it is necessary to reissue the document, since significant changes have been made to the housing, then the payment can reach 7 thousand rubles .;
  • if you use the help of third-party companies that collect the necessary documents and solve other important issues, then often they ask from their customers up to 20 thousand rubles.

It is not necessary to pay any state duty for obtaining a technical passport, therefore only tariffs set by different BTIs are taken into account. They may vary in different regions.

building technical passport

Who pays the document when selling a home?

If the owner of the object wants to sell it, you will have to transfer to the customers numerous documents, which include the data sheet.

If it turns out that a passport is missing, then the owner will have to deal with its registration. Moreover, it is he who must independently pay for this procedure.

Thus, the registration certificate is considered an important document for any housing. It contains significant information about the technical parameters of the property. It is formed in the BTI, but you can apply for it at the MFC, and in Moscow it is offered the opportunity to order it on a special site. The registration process is considered lengthy, but not too complicated. The cost of the document depends on the purpose of its receipt and the effort expended by specialists. The most expensive will be the issuance of a passport when making changes to the layout of an apartment or house.


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