Beadwork: a history of occurrence

Among the varieties of needlework, beadwork occupies a special place. The history of its origin goes back to ancient times. This type of folk art is very popular and common in many countries. It developed in time with fashion trends, and the evolution of this material and the techniques for working with it took place at the same pace as social progress.


The history of beadwork began even before the emergence of the great ancient civilizations. This material has invariably attracted masters of various eras with its aesthetic qualities. The art of working with him originated in the days of primitive people.

Even in ancient times, when there was no such thing as a “bead,” people decorated their bodies with stone or animal fangs, in which holes were made for the rope.

beadwork story

Beads were also popular during the time of powerful ancient empires. Our ancestors used them as jewelry and a means of protection from evil spirits. Among the artifacts of more than one people, archaeologists to this day find polished stones in which holes were drilled.

First materials

The history of the appearance of beads and beadwork also originates in those times when people made accessories for themselves from various seeds, pods, nuts, shells, as well as claws and bones. Not one person believed that if he bears on himself any of the parts of the killed animal, such an ornament will protect him from the attacks of this beast or make him stronger and more courageous.

The history of beads and beadwork is also associated with the creation of clay beads by our ancestors. Potters burned them and covered them with paint. When crafts began to develop, metal balls with a hole began to spread. Ornaments and talismans were made of them, they served as a bargaining chip, even symbolized wealth and power.


With the help of jewelry, people expressed their worldview. These views were especially popular with Native Americans. The history of beadwork is inextricably linked with the Indians, who used beads to decorate houses, woven ribbons from them into their hair, and embroidered clothes on them. The decor of a single headband, a ritual belt, a baby cradle or a snuffbox could not do without this element of accessories.

beadwork history

In North America, beads made from shells and feathers were also used. Also, a lot of other materials were used to create them. For example, corals, turquoise, silver, etc. were processed for this purpose.

Among the Mayans and Olmecs, jade was very popular. In addition, archaeologists found beads, the basis for which were gold and rhinestone. And the ancient Egyptians most often used special crystals to create beads.

Ancient Egypt

The history of beadwork originates in Ancient Egypt, which is rightly called the birthplace of this type of needlework. The fact is that it was in this country about 3 thousand years ago that glass was invented, from which the production of the first real beads began. At first they were opaque and were used to decorate the clothes of the great pharaohs. The Egyptians also weaved bead necklaces and embroidered dresses for them.

The history of the development of beadwork is on the same foot as the development of all mankind. At the first stages of their existence, these beads served as material for embroidery and the most common stringing on a thread. But over time, new, evolving options for their application began to appear.

history of beads and beadwork

The invention of mesh weaving was the impetus for the emergence of independent products from this hardware. Then various patterns and patterns began to be used more and more often, and beadwork moved to a new level. The Egyptians combined glass beads with various precious stones and precious metals. Jewelry created from this material began to spread to other countries.

Roman Empire and the whole world

Immediately after Egypt, Syria, and then the whole Roman Empire, followed by the whole world, took over the baton. The Chinese invented a device that consisted of wires stretched in a wooden frame, along which beads glided. It is used to this day and is called abacus.

The Romans were actively selling beads in all areas of the empire. This accessories was also not alien to the ancient Celts and the Vikings, who wove beads and bracelets from it, embroidered clothes. Some ancient peoples used it as a bargaining chip.

beadwork history and modernity

The history of beadwork in Russia originates in the days of the nomadic tribes of the Sarmatians and Scythians. Among them, clothes and shoes decorated with beads were very popular. A few centuries before the beginning of our era, they already trimmed glass balls with collars, sleeves and chest shirts. Not without colorful beads and the decor of bloomers, belts and hats.


Beadwork, the history of which is inextricably linked with glassmaking, also developed actively in Venice. After the Roman Empire collapsed, many masters from Greece and Byzantium moved to this republic. In the 10-12 centuries, beads and various crafts from them were made here.

And from the 13th century, this industry has reached a new level here. In the early 90s, all glass factories were moved to the island of Murano. Masters made a wide variety of beads, beads, buttons, as well as dishes and mirrors. They also actively sold all their creations.

the history of beadwork in Russia

Naples differed from other handicraft centers in that it was used for centuries to process corals. The technology for creating glass was carefully concealed by Venetian craftsmen. An especially big secret was the recipe for soda.

It was added to the sand to obtain the material on which the beadwork was based. The story also tells of such a fact as the ban on the export of glass from Venice, so that no one else could solve the secret of its creation.

Starting from the 14th century, every glassmaker of the republic was considered a representative of the privileged sections of society. At 15, the Muranians received their own administration, judicial system and currency. From that moment until the 17th century, the art of Venetian glass-makers survived their best times.

This region for centuries remained the only producer of real beads. His merchants brought accessories to the East and West, exchanging them for spices, silk and, of course, gold. African tribes used beads as a bargaining chip.


Beadwork, the history of which is inextricably linked with its distribution on the planet, was in great demand in Europe. In her countries, entire warehouses were built for this material and special fairs were organized for the sale of beads.

The most valuable was considered shiny and small beads, which had a diameter of half a centimeter. Brocade beads were very popular, as well as polished inside, covered with gold or silver.

history of beadwork

The discovery of America and the short cut to India also influenced beadwork. The history of its creation has moved to a new level. Instead of glass workshops, large factories began to be built. The centers of such large-scale production are Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, England and France. Ornaments were sold with might and main in Northern Europe.

New technologies

The second half of the 18th century brought new improvements to beadwork. History and modernity merged together thanks to the advent of machines that made glass tubes. Thanks to this technology, bead production has become much faster and cheaper.

High competition in the market between Venice and Bohemia has become a powerful impetus for the craftsmen to come up with the most diverse colors, shapes and sizes of this furniture. She is gaining wide popularity among European ladies. The clothes, embroidered with beads, become the most fashionable.

history of beadwork

The collections of the State Hermitage Museum to this day store unique samples of wardrobe items from that period. Since glass beads are perfectly opposed to time, they still retain their brightness and attractiveness.


In the section of the 19th and 20th centuries throughout the world, this material was also in very high demand. It was used to decorate handbags, wallets, cup holders and other items.

Beads are still widely used today to create fashionable jewelry, as well as to work on individual details of wardrobe items. The history of beadwork for children is very interesting and multifaceted. It can serve as an incentive for them to start doing this beautiful kind of needlework.


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