How to get to Turquoise lake in Crimea?

On the southern coast of Crimea there are many interesting sights. But the local natural beauties deserve special attention. A kind of highlight of these places is the Turquoise Lake in Crimea. It is elevated relative to sea level by 600 meters and is surrounded by chic forests.

How to get there by car?

Almost everyone who has visited the peninsula is interested in how to get to Turquoise Lake in Crimea by car? Get directions in each case will help the navigator. In order not to get confused in local roads, you need to focus on the city district of Alushta, and then you can easily find the road.

Turquoise lake Crimea

Turquoise lake is located near the small Crimean village of Zaprudnoe. Due to the fact that this is one of the mountain reservoirs, the path to it is very difficult. Moreover, the duration of the mountain climb to it is about a dozen kilometers - the beginning is located near Partenit.

Local residents pay special attention to the fact that the mountain road has not been repaired for a long time and today has fallen into decay. Therefore, many advise to get to the eminent reservoir not on a personal car, but on another transport - on a horse, bicycle or even on foot. Turquoise lake in Crimea (Zaprudnoe), although it is a landmark of the peninsula, but the roads to it leave much to be desired.

Finding the right place is not difficult - all the surroundings of Turquoise Lake of Crimea are strewn with lots of signs for the guests of these places. The main thing is to get to Partenit.

Turquoise lake of Crimea how to get

How to get there by public transport?

Many guests of the Crimean peninsula prefer to travel on it without personal cars - public transport is also well developed in these places. Local residents, if necessary, will prompt the right direction to Zaprudny.

When leaving such large local cities as Yalta or Alushta, you need to catch a trolleybus 53 and go to the Partenit stop. The further path, most likely, will have to continue on foot. On average, the road from the stop to the lake takes about an hour, given the fact that the path runs uphill. But this walk is worth it - in the vicinity of the reservoir you can admire the beautiful Crimean nature.

There are other options how to get to these places by public transport, namely:

  • minibus 103, which leaves from Alushta;
  • minibus 110, the starting point of which is the station.

If desired, everyone will find how to get to Turquoise Lake in Crimea. This is one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions on the peninsula.

Turquoise Crimea lake how to get by car

When is it better to go to the lake

You can admire the local beauties at any time of the year. Moreover, each of the seasons here is attractive in its own way. So, at the height of autumn, the lake is surrounded by gold leaves, which in a special way sets off the color of its waters.

In summer, winter and spring, the local nature opens up for visitors to the region from a different perspective. Therefore, no matter what month the trip to the Crimea takes, this place should definitely be included in your route.

Why is the lake attractive for tourists?

Located on the Crimean peninsula Turquoise Lake is one of the most picturesque corners on earth. But tourists are attracted not only by local natural beauties - many beliefs and legends are associated with its waters.

Of course, a number of tourists get here out of curiosity to personally make sure that the waters of the lake are indeed painted in an unusual shade. It was they who gave him the "talking" name.

Turquoise lake Crimea Zaprudnoe

Some local residents and guests of the region believe in the serious magical power that the waters of the lake possess. According to local beliefs, they save from the seal of loneliness, as well as from such misfortune as the crown of celibacy. There are many legends that reveal the amazing power of turquoise water.

The waters of Turquoise Lake in Crimea are always cool, even on the hottest summer days. There is a simple explanation for this - the pond is fed from a variety of sources spurting from the ground. They bring cold jets into the thickness of warm water.

How the lake appeared

This reservoir appeared partially as a result of human activity. Significant limestone deposits were discovered in these places several decades ago. As part of its mining, heavy equipment dug up a full-fledged quarry. But soon, from the very bottom, the source began to beat.

All lime mining operations were hastily curtailed. And the abandoned quarry was soon filled with water of the original turquoise hue. The peculiarity of this lake is not only in the specific color of its water. The fact is that it has a salty taste.

Where is the Turquoise lake in the Crimea, all local residents know. Also, this reservoir is known as the Jubilee or Emerald Lake.

Turquoise lake in the Crimea where is

Beach Holiday Options

Guests of Turquoise Lake will certainly find something to do in these places. The most common local activities are fishing, as well as beach vacations.

Mostly family vacations, picnics are practiced here. The lake itself is located in the territory of Alushta forestry. Therefore, nature is carefully protected here. Nevertheless, fishing is permitted in these places by fishing rods, as well as roasting barbecue on an open fire.

Those who decide to stay here should admire the area from the heights of the Ayu-Dag mountain range located in the immediate vicinity.

For lovers of intellectual relaxation in neighboring Partenit there is a stone museum. Many of its exhibits possess not only artistic, but also scientific value.

Natural wealth of Turquoise Lake

Crimean nature is famous for its uniqueness. In any corner of the peninsula there is a mass of beautiful places, to the creation of which a human hand was not attached. Turquoise lake is no exception.

The pond is located high in the mountains, surrounded by forests. Many specimens from relict plants grow here. Mountain vegetation is presented in a great variety, including coniferous trees. This explains the fact that in the vicinity of the lake it is very easy to breathe. Pure coniferous air is intertwined with echoes of aromas of natural local herbs.


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