Znamensky Cathedral, Kursk: photos and description

Orthodox churches in Russia are national and cultural heritage, they embody the history of the country and people. It has its own symbol of faith and unity and the ancient Russian city of Kursk. The Znamensky Cathedral, the schedule of services of which today is an example of regularity, survived many happy and bitter times with the people. At the beginning of the 21st century, he again fully fulfills his mission: gathers people and gives them strength and hope.

Znamensky cathedral Kursk

Place history

Since the 16th century, it has been a noteworthy place where the Znamensky Cathedral (Kursk) stands today. The history of the settlement of this territory began with the construction of the city fortress, which stood here at the very beginning of the 17th century. In 1612, Kursk was captured and devastated by the Polish-Lithuanian army, but the fortress stood. And this was attributed to the intercession of the Mother of God. During the defense of the fortress, a collective vow was given: in case of victory, build a monastery in honor of the Moscow icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”. The fortress was defended, and in three years a wooden church of the Nativity of the Virgin was built here. At the behest of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the “Sign” icon returned from Moscow, and later it “settled” in the created monastery. However, in 1631 there was a terrifying fire that destroyed all the wooden buildings, but the icon was saved. In 1649, the king ordered the construction of a stone temple in honor of the icon. The prototype for the cathedral was the temple in the Conception Monastery. The church was made in the Baroque style, with a bell tower and a large dome. But the construction began to deteriorate quickly and in 1815 was demolished. There was a need to build a new cathedral.

Temple design

On June 4, 1816, the Znamensky Cathedral (Kursk) was laid as a monument in honor of the victory of Russian weapons in the Patriotic War of 1812. The construction of the temple was carried out by the provincial architect P. Schmitt in close cooperation with archimandrite Palladius. The church was built on donations from parishioners and investments of the Znamensky Monastery. The name of the architect who created the initial project was not preserved in history. Some researchers attribute authorship to A.I. Melnikov, the St. Petersburg classicist architect, but there is no exact information about this. Schmitt finalized the project, adapting it to the needs of the current church. The cathedral was to become a city dominant, so he needed a high bell tower and a spectacular facade.

services in the znamensky cathedral kursk

Years of construction

In the summer of 1816, the main excavation work began, it was necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the soil and the errors that led to the rapid destruction of the previous temple in this place. The work was carried out for 10 years. A large number of different workers and craftsmen were involved in the construction. In addition to the main building, it was decided to build a refectory. The bell tower was built on the model of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the ringing of its bells was to be heard throughout the district. For casting and raising bells, a separate team of masters was required. For the tower, German watches with a large dial and a beautiful chime were purchased. In total, the construction of the temple cost a colossal amount - 600 thousand rubles.

In 1826, despite the incompleteness of the finishing work, the church was solemnly consecrated in order to have time to conduct a service for the deceased Alexander the First. Since that time, regular services began in the Znamensky Cathedral (Kursk). And only after 6 years an amazing cast-iron iconostasis was installed in the temple, the manufacture of which took more than 6 years from the masters. Later, various completions and rebuilds were made. In 1866, large bells were raised on the bell tower, cast at the expense of the donations of the Belgorod merchant.

Znamensky Cathedral Kursk


Znamensky Cathedral (Kursk) is designed in the style of classicism, in its appearance reflected the trends of the Western European Renaissance. In the plan, the building has the shape of a cross with an elongated western wing. The square base at the corners is decorated with small domes. Its light drum is decorated with columns and crowned with a large dome. The dome space has a height of 48 m. In its scope, the structure is closest to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The building is made of strong brick, most of it has survived today. Decorative details of the facade are made of "ball" stone. The main entrance is decorated with a portico with six columns with Corinthian capitals. In its original form, to the right of the main building, above the refectory, there was a bell tower with spectacular twin towers. The building of the cathedral has a majestic and concise look characteristic of classicism. Such a restrained appearance is in harmonious balance with a spectacular and luxurious interior decoration.

Znamensky cathedral Kursk service schedule


To decorate the interior of the cathedral, a team of artists from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts was invited. This group, led by A. Bystrov, previously worked on the design of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The interior of the temple, like the exterior, is designed in the style of classicism. The unique cast-iron iconostasis is decorated with icons of the work of Petersburg masters. The walls are decorated with paintings and stained glass icons. Under the dome is a spectacular chandelier weighing 2.5 tons, covered with gold leaf. The light drum is decorated with the figures of the prophets from the Old Testament.

Kursk Znamensky Cathedral worship schedule

Cathedral Life

The construction was highly appreciated not only by clergymen and residents of Kursk, but also by artists, members of the Academy of Arts, architects. The cathedral was recognized as a true masterpiece of late Russian classicism. Since the consecration of the temple began his happy life, which lasted almost 100 years. Emperor Nicholas II visited the cathedral twice. For him, the famous “Sign” icon was brought here from the Root Desert. In 1898, Father John Sergeyev, better known as the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, served the Divine Liturgy here.

But there were sad days in the life of the cathedral. So, in 1898 the temple was shocked by a night explosion. It turned out that a terrorist act was committed in order to destroy the main shrine of the cathedral - the “Sign” icon. Fortunately, the relic from the explosion did not suffer, although the destruction in the cathedral was colossal. A prayer service was held in the morning for the happy preservation of the icon. Those responsible for the explosion were found and punished.

From the time of the October Revolution of 1917 until 1932, the temple continued to work, although the clouds around it were gathering. In 1918, the miraculous “Sign” icon was stolen, but it was quickly found in a nearby well. In 1919, the relic, together with the troops of the volunteer army, "went" to the south of Russia, and then left the country. In 1932, the Soviet government closed the parish, and the October cinema was equipped in the church building, for which some of the premises were rebuilt, the bell towers were demolished. During the Second World War, the temple was badly damaged; after the Victory, a cinema began to work in it again.

Znamensky cathedral Kursk photo


In 1992, the temple was returned to the possession of the Russian Orthodox Church. A year later, the cathedral received an accurate list of the “Sign” icon, made in 1902 and consecrated on the original. In 1999, the Russian Orthodox Church began restoration work to return the church to its historical appearance. The work went in several stages. It was necessary to carry out a constructive restoration, then the interior of the temple was filled, icons were collected, murals were made. During the reconstruction, they did not begin to return the former refectory appearance, and it remained two-story, with a spectacular painted coffered ceiling. During the restoration, the decision was made not to make the double towers of the bell tower, as this would require a significant restructuring of the refectory. Therefore, today the cathedral is decorated with a bell tower with one tower with a spire. In 2000, the throne of the Znamensky Cathedral was consecrated. In 2006, attackers attempted to steal the main relic of the temple - the list of the “Sign” icon, but the crime was quickly uncovered. Since 2007, when the temple gained its original appearance, many renowned priests from Russia and from abroad have been serving here. Russian President D. A. Medvedev and his wife were here on a visit.

and the address of the Znamensky Cathedral in Kursk

Monastery complex

Znamensky Cathedral (Kursk) is located on the territory of the monastery and is part of a large architectural complex. The monastery has existed since the end of the 17th century; its architectural ensemble has evolved gradually. The oldest surviving part of the previous buildings is the tower of the monastery fence, built at the end of the 17th century. The center of the composition is the Znamensky Cathedral. In 1875, the Church of the Nativity of Christ appeared to his left. This eclectic-style building in the shape of a Byzantine cross with a wide dome effectively complemented the strict Znamensky Temple. The Church of the Nativity looks more elegant thanks to the two-color design, rhythmic rows of windows and decorative elements on the facade. Later, the bishop’s house was built in the monastery, today it houses the museum of local lore. The monastic cells of the old building were not preserved, today novices live in modern houses.

Znamensky cathedral Kursk history


Currently, the Znamensky Cathedral (Kursk), whose photo is part of any guide to central Russia, is a museum and a working temple at the same time. A lot of educational work is underway in the monastery, icons are written, youth training is being conducted. Today the Znamensky Cathedral (Kursk), whose schedule of services corresponds to its status, conducts its work on a daily basis. Services are held here for all calendar holidays, as well as for special occasions.


Over the years of its existence, the Znamensky Cathedral (Kursk) has collected a good collection of holy relics. The most precious thing is the list with the “Sign” icon, the original of which cannot be returned to the homeland. She “lives” in New York and is brought once a year to the Znamensky Cathedral. The shrines of the monastery include the image of St. John of Shanghai with particles of his relics, the image of Seraphim of Sarov (also with relics). In addition, here you can bow to the relics and images of such saints as Matrona of Moscow and St. Sylvester.

Znamensky cathedral Kursk

Practical information

You can find the phone number and address of the Znamensky Cathedral in Kursk in any directory. The church is located on Lunacharsky Street, house 4. Nearby are other buildings of the monastery. Liturgy in the church is held on weekdays from 8 a.m., on Saturdays - from 8.30, on holidays and Sundays - from 9 a.m. On Fridays at 7 in the morning a prayer is held in front of the “Sign” icon.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10516/

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