How to knit a sweater with knitting needles beautifully and quickly. Male models

Knitted men's sweater is a great gift for any holiday. And if it is also made by hand, then only a completely indifferent person can not appreciate such a sign of attention . Knitting a beloved man is a pleasure. So let's find out how to quickly and easily knit a men's sweater with knitting needles. Knitting patterns of such patterns are very diverse, but in our article you will learn about the simplest and most accessible even for beginners.

Knitted Men's Sweater
Preparatory stage

It includes the choice of yarn and pattern, taking measurements and preparation, if necessary, the acquisition of additional accessories, knitting needles, etc.

Knitted men's sweater involves the use of wool yarn or another suitable for the cold season. The choice of pattern is up to you. If you are an experienced craftswoman, you can choose a beautiful Scandinavian ornament or a complex relief pattern, and for beginners simple patterns for knitting needles. For example, the front surface or elastic.

After you have decided on the yarn and the pattern, you can begin to take measurements. It is necessary to determine the length of the future sweater, the width at the hips, the size of the armhole, the length of the sleeve and the girth of the wrist. If you want to make a surprise or take measurements, there is no way, for the sample you can use the jumper already in the wardrobe.

If you are planning a sweater with a fastener, it is better to purchase buttons in advance (so as not to guess with the size of the loops), suitable in color and style to the yarn. And for knitting embossed braids, you will need additional knitting needles or special devices (pins). And another thing: you can knit a high collar using five knitting needles, two (but then you have to stitch it) or on circular knitting needles. It is also necessary to think about this in advance.

This ends the preparation, let's figure out how to knit a sweater with knitting needles.

How to knit a sweater

Beginning of work

Traditionally, they start to knit a sweater from the back. Having decided on the desired number of loops, we put them on the knitting needles. In order not to make a mistake with the size, first knit a sample and, based on it, calculate the loops. So, we knit an elastic band (if it is provided for in the selected model). The photo shows an example of a sweater knitted with a wide elastic band, in which case the entire back is knitted from beginning to end.

Knit men's sweater with knitting scheme
In another embodiment, knitting from 5 to 10 cm with an elastic band, we add 20 loops in the last row. This is an approximate amount. Focus on the size you need. The addition is carried out at regular intervals. Next, we knit the main pattern. Since this scheme is suitable for beginners and is very simple, we do not make a cutout for the armhole, but we knit in a straight line to the neck. Then we close the loops in the middle and make reductions for a smooth cut. Each shoulder ends separately. When working, do not forget to check with measurements or a sample. Let's continue to figure out how to knit a sweater with knitting needles easier and faster.

Continue knitting sweaters

Now, similar to the back, we knit a shelf. If your model has a round neckline, then just make it the same as on the back, only a little deeper. If the cutout is V-shaped, then first we close one loop in the middle, and then we perform uniform reductions on each side. Most often, this is 1-2 loops through a row. For a high collar, we make the cutout the same as for the round neck. The shoulders also finish knitting each separately. The back and shelf are ready. It was the turn of the sleeves. You probably already understood what the secret of the simplicity of this scheme is. We do not make reductions for the armhole, which means that there is no need to knit the upper edge of the sleeve according to a complex pattern. Its upper part will be just straight. A sweater model will turn out with slightly deflated sleeves.

Knit sleeves

In accordance with the girth of the wrist, we collect loops and knit an elastic band of the same width as on the back and shelf. Next, we carry out additions through one loop and continue knitting. When knitting, sleeves are added several times until the desired sleeve width is reached. At the end of knitting, the width of the sleeve should correspond to the width of the armhole. Pay particular attention to this. Having tied the sleeve of the desired length and width, we close all the loops. We knit the second sleeve similarly to the first. As you can see, this is a very easy way, and now you know how to knit a sweater with knitting needles quickly and easily.

How to knit a sweater with knitting patterns
Product assembly

When all parts of the sweater are connected, you can proceed to its assembly. You can sew parts using a thread with a needle or a hook. If you sew with a needle, it is better to use the same yarn as the thread for knitting. First we connect the shoulders, then sew in the sleeves, then the side seams.

Neck finish

Now you need to make a neckline. For a high collar along the neckline, we collect loops on circular knitting needles and knit an elastic band to the required height. In the same way, you can knit a five-spoke collar. If you use only two, then first knit the neck over the back, then over the shelf. And then sew the collar at the side seams. If the collar will be with a lapel, then stitching its upper part, do not forget that the seam must be made from the front side. Thus, in finished form, it will not be noticeable.

For a V-shaped or round cutout, you can also use circular knitting needles, only in this case a 1x1 elastic band is more suitable, and its height should not exceed 2-3 cm.

Another way to handle the neck is crochet. In male models, several rows of single crochets look very good.

I would like to believe that in this article you have found the answer to the question of how to knit a sweater with knitting needles. The schemes and various models listed above will certainly help you make the choice and associate a practical and beautiful gift to your beloved.


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