Nomadism is nomadism

Nomadism is a special type of economic activity in which the majority of the population is engaged in nomadic cattle breeding. Sometimes nomads (nomads) are mistakenly called all people who lead a mobile lifestyle. These include hunters, gatherers, slashing farmers, fishermen, and even gypsies.

When studying this issue, as a rule, a lot of opinions, discussions arise, the clarity of formulations disappears. Therefore, as a basis, we take the following definition: nomads are migratory peoples living at the expense of cattle breeding. It largely reflects the essence of the concept.

Nomads and nomadism

Not all cattle breeders are nomads. Experts note three main signs of nomadism:

  1. the main type of economic activity should be extensive cattle breeding;
  2. special culture and worldview of nomadic communities;
  3. regular movement of population and livestock.

The habitats of the nomads have historically been steppes, semi-deserts, or alpine regions. That is, the nomadic type of management took shape in a sharply continental climate, in places with low rainfall, with limited water and feed sources. Such territories are called arid zones.

Flock of sheep

The population density of nomadic peoples is extremely low: it usually ranges from 0.5 to 2 people per square meter. kilometer. This type of settlement is dictated by the basic principle of nomadism - this is the necessary correspondence between livestock and water and feed resources of a particular arid zone.

The origin of nomadism

The history of the nomadic world spans a period of approximately three millennia. But scientists have doubts and disagreements, both the indicated timing of occurrence, and other moments related to nomadism. There are many points of view that are not supported by indisputable arguments.

Large horned

Perhaps, some say, nomads appeared among hunters. Another point of view argues that this process was facilitated by forced relocation to risky farming areas. That is, the birth of nomadism is an alternative to risky farming in areas with adverse conditions, where a part of the population was expelled. Adapting to new conditions, these communities were forced to engage in nomadic cattle breeding.

Classification of nomadism

The history of the study of nomadism allows the classification of nomadic species. But it should be noted that their number is large and continues to grow as experts in this field study the issue.

The most common schemes are based on the degree of settledness and economic activity:

  • nomadic;
  • semi-nomadic, semi-saddle;
  • distant;
  • seasonal (summer and winter pastures).

Some schemes are expanded by types of roaming:

  • vertical (mountain and plain);
  • horizontal (latitudinal, meridional, circular, etc.).
Chukchi and deer

Geographically, experts identify six main areas in which nomadism is still widespread:

  1. Steppes in Eurasia. โ€œFive species of cattleโ€ are historically bred here, namely horses, cattle, sheep, goats and camels. The nomads of this zone: the Mongols, Turks, Kazakhs, Kirghiz - created powerful steppe empires.
  2. Near East. The local population: Kurds, Pashtuns, Bakhtiyars - cattle, and horses, donkeys and camels are used as vehicles.
  3. Sahara, Arabian desert. The main occupation of the Bedouins is camel breeding.
  4. East Africa The local population raises cattle.
  5. Alpine regions (Tibet, Pamir, Andes). It contains yaks, llamas, alpacas.
  6. Zones of the Far North (subarctic). Chukchi, Evenki and Sami breed deer.

Life and culture of nomads

Forced to move in search of new pastures, pastoralists use various easily dismantled, lightweight structures for their dwellings. It can be tents, tents, yurts. The frame of such a dwelling is fixed rigidly on the ground, and from above it is covered with wool, leather or fabric materials.

Household utensils should also be convenient in transportation, that is, suitable materials are wood, leather, metal. Clothes and shoes were made of leather, wool and fur. Nomads were not completely isolated from agricultural peoples. They could keep in touch with them, but they could do without their products for a long time.

Nomad's home

As a type of culture, nomadism implies a special perception of time and space, a peculiar cult attitude to livestock, singing of endurance, unpretentiousness and hospitality in people. The culture of nomadic peoples is characterized by the reflection of a warrior-horseman, a breadwinner, a hero in oral art and in fine art.

The heyday of nomadism

The heyday of nomadism is a time period from approximately the 10th to the 15th centuries. It is associated with the emergence of whole nomadic empires, which were created not far from agricultural civilizations and subjugated them. For this, different strategies were used. One way was raids and robberies.

Bedouins in the desert

The subordination of agricultural society and the collection of tribute from it were also used - the Golden Horde can serve as such an example. There were options with the seizure of territories and the subsequent merger with the local population. With the development of the trade routes of the Silk Road, stationary caravanserai arose in areas passing through the lands of nomads.

The decline of nomadism

With the beginning of the modernization of economic sectors, nomads were unable to compete with the rapid development of the industrial economy. The end to their military, mobile advantage was the emergence of improved firearms and artillery. Nomads increasingly began to be used in various processes as a subordinate party. As a result, nomadic management began to change. In the 20th century, socialist countries even attempted to collectivize nomadism, but they ended in failure. Currently, many nomads are returning to semi-natural farming. A market economy places severe conditions on people, and many pastoralists go bankrupt. Today, there are only 35-40 million nomads in the world.

The role of nomadism in history is significant. Nomads contributed to the development of territories unsuitable for living, created and strengthened trade relations between peoples, spread technical innovations and culture of different states. The contribution of nomads to the world, ethnic culture is invaluable. But one cannot but speak of the destructive activities of nomadic peoples. Possessing a strong military potential, they destroyed many cultural values โ€‹โ€‹in a certain period of time.

Specialists, studying materials on the history of nomadism, come to the conclusion that the nomadic way of life is gradually disappearing.


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