How did people appear on earth? When did the first person appear?

Each person in a certain period of his life thought about how people appeared on Earth. Centuries-old attempts to reveal this secret have not yet led to a result, scientists today are debating on this topic. It is logical that the truth must be sought in the most ancient sources, which are closest to the moment of the birth of life.

Theory One: God Created Humanity

how people appeared on earth

One of the first legends that sounded reliably was the story that people were created by the Higher Mind, that is, God. Many peoples believed that the first people were molded from clay. It is not known why this material was considered "human." Most likely, this is due to the fact that clay is a radioactive substance, which is explained by the presence of uranium in the composition, and during decay it can release significant amounts of energy. Ancestors claimed that this was the energy that was used to create living things. Legends about the first woman and man are known throughout the world.

Theory Two: Hermaphrodite People

According to other myths that tell how the first man appeared , people descended from certain bisexual creatures - hermaphrodites. Adherents of this theory were the peoples of Africa and Sudan. They believed that the separation of people by gender occurred after a huge number of years.

Theory Three: Aliens

Modern versions of how people were born have associated this fact with the presence of alien life. People believed that unearthly creatures came to Earth and artificially gave birth to life on the planet.

how and where did man appear

Theory Four: Living Cell

For a long time, many scientists rejoiced, believing that they had solved the mystery of how people appeared on Earth. It seemed quite obvious to them that the emergence of humanity is associated with the formation of a living cell.

They built various models when a living cell was born from inanimate matter under the influence of chemical processes. It was alleged that this living particle was in the earth’s ocean, which at that time simply boiled over with chemical reactions.

It was later proved that everything necessary for the appearance of life was in space long before the formation of the Earth. Scientists insisted that the appearance of a living cell is a coincidence and unforeseen biochemical processes that explain how 1 person appeared.

However, there were people who actively disproved this version, since the content of the genetic code is an abstract record, which is impossible to predict. Francis Crick, who was the first to discover the genetic code, claimed that a living cell could not be born on its own. But even assuming that this happened, there is no explanation for why there was such a variety of living forms that arose as a result of a single cell.

how did the first person appear

Adherents of this theory, as humans were born, cited the development of Darwin as an example, who believed that all life was formed as a result of random and chaotic mutations. As a result of natural selection, forms that were unsuitable and unfit for life died. And those strongest who survived continued to survive and develop.

Today, such a theory as people appeared on Earth does not hold water. Despite numerous excavations, not a single creature could be found from which another creature could have arisen. If Darwin were right, now we could observe outlandish and amazing monsters.

The recent discovery of the fact that most genetic mutations have a clear focus has ultimately disqualified the “accidental case” theory. And the rest of the mutations, which is caused by disorders in the body, cannot carry anything creative.

Theory Five: Evolution

The assumptions of this theory are that the ancestors of man were higher primates, or monkeys. The modification had 4 stages:

  • Australopithecus. They walked straight and could use some objects with their hands.
  • Pithecanthropus. Other skills added to the possession of fire. However, the appearance was far from human appearance, monkey features were traced quite clearly.
  • Neanderthal. The structure of the skull was still different, but the general skeleton was close to the human.
  • Modern man.
    how people were born

The disadvantage of this theory was that scientists could not explain in detail how mutations could contribute to the emergence of complex life forms. So far, not a single type of beneficial mutation has been discovered; all of them lead to gene destruction.

Theory Six: Hyperboreans and Lemurians

Esoteric history has its own interpretation of how people appeared on Earth. It is claimed that before modern mankind, the planet was inhabited by huge giants called Lemurians and Hyperboreans. However, the theory was criticized, because, according to scientific facts, this simply could not be. Our planet does not have so many resources to feed such giants. And this is not the only rebuttal. If the growth of these creatures really reached enormous proportions, they would not be able to lift themselves, and with a sharp movement, the force of inertia would knock them off their feet. Moreover, their vessels could not withstand such a load, and blood flow would pierce their walls.

how did 1 person appear

This is only a small part of theories, but practical experience shows that everyone chooses a version according to their worldview.

Numerous studies have shown that initially all embryos are female, and only during hormonal changes some of them are transformed into the male sex. Many researchers believe that this is due to changes in the male genotype, which entail violations in the Y chromosome. It is she who determines the male gender. According to these data, after some time the planet will be inhabited by female hermaphrodites. US specialists support this theory, as they were able to prove that the female chromosome is much older than the male.

With the help of modern research, a huge number of facts have been discovered, but even they do not give a clear explanation of how and where a person appeared. Therefore, people have no choice but to choose the most acceptable theory of the origin of life, trusting their intuition.


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