Sanatorium "Karachi" (in the Novosibirsk region)

Holidays in Novosibirsk are not only entertainment centers and local attractions. This region is also famous for its picturesque landscapes and large health facilities. Sanatoriums in the Novosibirsk region (reviews of tourists confirm this) have all the necessary conditions not only for treatment, but also for a quiet and peaceful pastime away from the bustle of megacities.

Thousands of guests come here every year. Tourists are attracted by the unique nature of the region and the ability to qualitatively improve their health. The article will focus on the health resort "Karachi". The sanatorium, the prices of which permits are relatively affordable, is considered one of the most popular treatment and prophylactic complexes in Siberia.

health resort Karachi

How it all began

The rich history of the resort "Lake Karachi" begins much earlier than this is reported in the official annals. According to scientists, 300 million years ago, the ocean was at this very place. Then, when he retreated, only numerous small ponds remained. One of them - Karachi - a lake with unique properties.

The main reason for the popularity of the resort

According to descriptions from history, the local people became the first to know about the healing features of the lake, and then their work was picked up by doctors. For many centuries, people have been drawn to this place, placing their hopes on it. The name "Karachi" in translation from the Tatar language means "black silt". However, before the pond was called "Achu-Tabis", which means "bitter-salty." To establish for sure when it was - several hundred or maybe thousands of years ago, today is no longer possible. What is known for sure is that a great many beautiful legends developed about the miraculous, healing power of the lake.

The first important stage in development

Due to its convenient geographical location (Novosibirsk), Lake Karachi has been very popular at all times. Every year pilgrimages were made to the reservoir, and the number of arrivals only increased. This circumstance was, of course, noticed, and soon private resorts began to open.

In 1880, a more rational, cultural use of the invaluable gift of nature began. This happened when the merchants Norakovsky and Milinis took the lake and the surrounding land for 12 years. The deal was quite profitable for them. Merchants paid a meager, even at that time, fee - 250 rubles. for all the time.

From this moment, the resort began to be arranged: on the shore of the lake, small houses covered with turf were built. They were installed plank beds. In the huts at the same time could accommodate about 30 people. After some time, the sanatorium "Lake Karachi" could accept for treatment already 65 people. Naturally, there was no talk of any medical observation then.

rest in novosibirsk

Second phase

An important period in the historical development of Karachi is associated with the launch of the Siberian Railway. Her management noticed the healing effect that water from the reservoir has. In 1900, a bathroom department and several wooden houses were built to house patients. However, the treatment outcome was influenced by such negative factors as poor medical control, lack of laboratory tests, low level of quality of procedures aimed at treating patients.

In 1901, a railway resort was opened. His medical staff consisted of one paramedic and a doctor combining the position of manager. Now, under the properly organized supervision of medical staff, treatment with mud and brine has become more effective. And the fame of the healing lake of Karachi spread even more. There were so many people who wanted to visit the resort that even yurts were used to accommodate people. And on the shore of the reservoir began the hasty construction of small private houses from the boards.

In 1911, and then in 1913, resourceful merchants Shcheglov and Ketov opened two more new private resorts. Now, next to Lake Karachi, there were four private sanatoriums and one railway. Basically, people suffering from rheumatism came here to treat with mud and brine. Belief in the healing properties of the lake has become even stronger.

A new round in development

With the advent of the October Revolution, and then the Civil War, a completely new stage began in the history of the resort of Karachi. During this turbulent time, the resort's infrastructure has suffered greatly. By 1920, half of the brigade department at the railway resort was destroyed, all buildings were destroyed.

In 1920, V.I. Lenin issued a decree on the nationalization of resorts, according to which they should be passed on to the people. From that moment, all the complexes located on Lake Karachi were headed by Sibstrakhkassa. Under the command of Y. Z. Shtamov, after a few months, the former life had revived in the sanatorium. The clinic was ready to accept all the workers and veterans of the past war.

The 666th Field Hospital had a great influence on the development of the resort . In 1920, Karachi received more than 1644 people in need of treatment. In 1921, with the help of the hospital, more than 4 inpatient departments were formed. The work involved doctors, professors and students from Tomsk University. By this time, the resort could accommodate 2037 patients. In 1924, restoration and construction work began at the Karachi Lake health resort.

In 1925, the development of the resort makes a significant leap forward. Thanks to the Tomsk Physiotherapy Institute, the Karachi sanatorium in the Novosibirsk Region was completely refitted. At the same time, the resort completely changes its appearance, the last traces of past destruction disappear.

health resort Karachi photo


Sanatorium "Karachi" was served by doctors from Tomsk clinics and a physiotherapy institute. Under the guidance of M. G. Kurlov, they did a great job of studying the effect of water on human health. Also, scientists have studied the lake itself. From this moment, the sanatorium "Karachi" took a leading position among the resorts of Siberia balneological nature. And its level of organization of medical business was not inferior to leading European health resorts.

History of Subsequent Development

After some time, the management of the sanatorium had to raise the issue of a more rational and prolonged use of the healing resources of the resort and its powerful equipment designed for the professional treatment of diseases. This need was associated with the rapidly developing industrial industry in Siberia, and especially in the Kuzbass, as it required the involvement of a large number of workers in the production process. In this regard, since 1931 the sanatorium "Karachi" began to work year-round.

The result of this decision was not long in coming. If in 1930 the sanatorium was visited by approximately 1,550 patients, then in 1932 the number of people who used the resort's services increased to 3267 people.

resorts novosibirsk reviews

Another significant stage in development

An important moment in the history of the resort was the construction of a new mud bath begun in 1934. Were opened: physiotherapy department, laboratory, X-ray room, clinic, pharmacy, solarium, a comfortable bathhouse and much more. For an interesting pastime for their visitors, the resort was equipped with a wonderful kursal, club and gymnasium. In 1937, the construction of the largest and most popular mud baths was completed. The building was equipped with 44 bathrooms, and 40 mud couches were also installed in it. At the time of the Second World War, the sanatorium "Karachi" was a comfortable medical institution with the latest equipment and a large staff of qualified balneologists, headed by Professor ND Liberov.

War and post-war time

During the period of hostilities, a hospital was formed in the sanatorium. It was then that the doctor A.N. Bykhovsky discovered the previously unknown method of cold-shroud mud treatment of gunshot osteomyelitis. Subsequently, the development was successfully used in many evacuation hospitals in the Urals and Siberia. Another important discovery made in the resort of Karachi was the development of Professor I. A. Valedinsky. With its help, it was possible to significantly reduce the healing time of damaged bones and other complex wounds received from firearms. And if earlier for the treatment of injuries it took from 170 to 200 days, now, using the new technique, the wounds were healed in just 68.

After the war, the role of the resort "Lake Karachi" has grown even stronger. The primary task of Siberian physicians was to restore the health of veterans who went through the battles, and those who invested their energy in raising the country from ruins. And the workers who built hydroelectric stations, railroads and mastered Siberian subsoil were already waiting in line at the Karachi sanatorium in the Novosibirsk Region. For them, summer pavilions, new sleeping quarters made of stone were erected on the shore of the reservoir, and in a separate building - a beautiful club-dining room with 420 seats. Later, two residential wings of 150 seats were attached to it, thereby significantly increasing the influx into the sanatorium. "Lake Karachi" in those days won all-Russian fame and recognition.

Karachi sanatorium prices


The study of the healing properties of Lake Karachi began in 1897 by the scientist A.P. Bogachev. He collected dirt and brine from a reservoir, after which he conducted their chemical analysis in the laboratory conditions of the Tomsk Mining Administration. Since 1950, scientists from the Novosibirsk Medical Institute, under the guidance of Honored Scientist Professor G. D. Zalessky, resumed work on the study of the properties of a reservoir. Associate professors A. E. Gelfman, N. P. Kochetkova, G. K. Ivanov and professor M. Ya. Subbotin put a lot of effort into the study of therapeutic factors, the principle of their action on the human body and the development of an effective treatment program. The information received significantly expanded the arsenal of knowledge previously laid down by scientists from Tomsk State University - M. G. Kurlov, T. O. Waledinsky, M. D. Ruzsky.

Unexpected discovery

For a long time, the resort was in need of drinking water. In 1958, a source of mineral water was discovered in the lake at a depth of 1173 m, which later became known as Karachinskaya. Her first studies immediately acquired a research character using the evidence - based medicine approach . The principles of scientific justification were based on thousands of laboratory observations, which was fully consistent with international standards for any medical and health impact.

A very fortunate coincidence was precisely the fact that the Karachinskaya mineral water was discovered by such prominent scientists of Siberia as G. D Zalessky, academicians V. P. Lozovoi, V. P. Kaznacheev and Yu. P. Nikitin. Thanks to them, it became known about its healing properties. Subsequently, the study was continued by professors E.F. Kanaeva, A.E. Gelfman, M.I. Loseva together with doctors from the hospital - L.V. Kosovanova, M.A. Kosovanov and others.

A deeper study of the therapeutic effect of Karachinskaya mineral water was resumed in the 60s of the 20th century. During this period, a group of scientists led by Professor A. E. Gelfman first conducted clinical and experimental work on the study of its effect on the physiological state of the stomach. He also began studying the effects of Karachinskaya water on kidney function and water-salt metabolism. The completion of the research work of this period was the candidate dissertation by L. V. Kosovanova.

Application of acquired knowledge in work

The beginning of the use of Karachinskaya mineral water for the prevention and treatment of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract occurred in the 60s of the last century. She became the third natural factor with healing properties used in the resort. Now, a single set of wellness procedures included therapeutic mud, brine and mineral water. With its help, diseases of the digestive organs, joints, nervous system and even more than 10 serious ailments can be successfully amended.

Karachi rest

Printed publications about the resort

The first published information about the lake appeared in 1901 in the guide to the resorts of Russia thanks to its author L. Vertinson. In 1971, the resort was officially assigned the status of republican significance. In 1973, a popular science work on Karachi was published at the West Siberian Book Publishing House. Its authors - Academician, Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR V.P. Treasurers, as well as a candidate of medical sciences and at the same time the chief doctor of the health-improving complex - M. A. Kosovanov. In this book, scientists in an accessible form laid out all their knowledge about the history of the resort, its future prospects and how and who they treat in a natural health resort. To this day, the book is very popular both in the professional environment and among patients. More than 200 tons of papers in journals and collections have also been published about Karachi Lake. Many of them are stored in the museum and the health resort library.

Modern history

The study of the healing properties of Karachinskaya mineral water continues at the department of faculty therapy of Novosibirsk State Medical. University. The work is carried out under the supervision of the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A.D. Kudimov together with scientists from the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute. Due to lack of funding in the 90s, the resort began to decline. Negatively affected by the consequences of the privatization of honey. institutions. Only thanks to the support of the Novosibirsk administration, Karachi continued to exist. The existing conditions were no longer able to provide the proper level of comfort for arrivals. Due to the emergency condition, the enclosures were closed. The resort needed urgent reconstruction.

The revival of the sanatorium from the ruins began with the arrival of the investor "Karachinsky source" in 2011. Today a boiler room has already been built, a housing stock, a drinking gallery, a laundry, a mud bath, baths and a pier have been reconstructed, and the surrounding area has been landscaped. Work is underway to restore the club-canteen. In addition, the list of services provided by the sanatorium "Karachi" (its photo can be seen above) and the medical base has expanded. In 2013, the fourth natural factor, the mineral healing iodine-bromine water, was introduced into the wellness program of the resort .

The resort will celebrate its 135th anniversary in 2015. For the current, 2014th and next years, it is planned to build a covered passage from residential buildings to medical, as well as the construction of new outbuildings to accommodate guests, a pool, saunas and a gym.

Karachi Lake Children's Sanatorium

Additional features

Accepts those wishing to improve their health not only the resort "Lake Karachi". Every year, the children's sanatorium organizes a treatment program designed to strengthen the immune system during the school holidays. The duration of the program is 10 days. The complex of procedures includes:

  • Herbal or brine baths.
  • Manual massage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Exercise therapy.
  • Speleokabinet.
  • Herbal tea with rose hips.
  • Pediatrician consultation.

For an interesting pastime of children, entertainment and development programs are organized. There is a games room and a playground. Other options at Karachi Resort are also available. Rest in the health resort will allow you to combine business with pleasure.


Many residents of Siberia prefer to spend their holidays in the sanatorium of the Novosibirsk region. Reviews left by tourists who have already visited resorts are filled with enthusiastic impressions of staying in medical institutions. The cost of tickets is quite affordable. This is an undoubted advantage of the health resorts of Siberia. So, for example, the cost of the Children's Health program described above is 7,500 rubles.


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