What is interesting camp "Bonfire" in Samara

Long summer vacations make parents think about how to make their vacation diverse for their child. For those who live in Samara, the camp "Bonfire" may be the perfect solution. In this institution for a summer vacation, children of different ages and characters will like it.

Campfire Samara

Where is the campfire campfire (Samara)

The location of the wellness center for the child is of great importance. Camp β€œBonfire” (Samara), reviews of which are exclusively positive, is located in Oak Grove, which is located on Skvoznaya Street at the intersection of the ninth and tenth lines. You can get there either by car or by local buses No. 232, 392 or 50. Those who have already been to the institution say that the climatic conditions here are just wonderful.


In the camp "Bonfire" (Samara) there are several buildings. All of them are located at some distance from each other. Each has its own gazebo, games area, tennis tables, toilets, showers, washbasins. Also on site there is a laundry, ironing room.

camp bonfire samara reviews

Children are allocated for accommodation according to age:

  • The smallest vacationers, who are from 6 to 9 years old, are settled in the 12th building.
  • Boys and girls from 10 to 12 years old will live in the 3rd.
  • Children who have reached the age of 12-14 years, settle in the building number 11.
  • The oldest children, from 15 to 17 years old, move into the building at number 5.

The distribution of children by units in the camp "Koster" (Samara) gives each child the opportunity to feel confident, "at ease", living with children with similar interests and hobbies. Parents who write reviews about the wellness center focus on the fact that daughters and sons found friends in the camp who they actively communicate with even after the shift. And this suggests that the administration creates a friendly, warm atmosphere for vacationers.

Food for children in the camp

After reading the reviews about the Campfire camp in Samara, each parent will understand that the rest in this place left a good impression on both the parents and the children themselves. Nevertheless, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the features of the establishment in order to send your child to rest with confidence and a calm soul.

Moms and dads can be sure that the child will not be hungry while relaxing in the Koster children's camp in Samara, reviews confirm this fact. 5 meals a day in the camp:

  • breakfast;
  • lunch;
  • dinner;
  • afternoon tea
  • dinner.

The diet is saturated, the menu includes a maximum of healthy and tasty dishes and products. In the campfire camp, the administration makes sure that the menu is filled with fruits, seasonal vegetables, dairy and meat products.

The quality of products is subject to multilevel control starting from the purchase stage, ending with a check on the compliance of ready-made dishes.

camp bonfire samara photo

Looking at the reviews of parents, we can conclude that children are fed in sufficient quantities, tasty and varied, not a single child complained of malnutrition.

How do children spend leisure time in the camp "Bonfire"

Of course, for parents who choose a place for a summer vacation for their child, it is important to know how the leisure of their beloved child will go on. In the camp "Campfire" a rich and interesting program is held daily, which will not let the child get bored for a single minute. For a worthy and fun leisure filled with positive emotions, for children in the camp there are:

  • A summer stage where boys and girls can show their creative talents or participate in competitions between groups. In the same territory there are gazebos where you can have fun doing your favorite pastime. Nearby there is a playground where you can ride on a swing from the heart. There is also a karaoke club, a game library.
  • There will be a place in the Campfire camp for those who cannot imagine their life without sports. A football field, a volleyball court are at guests' disposal, there is also a place for playing badminton and table tennis. Of course, all the necessary sports equipment is given to children for games.
  • For boys and girls, entertainment programs are organized daily, of which they themselves are participants. Mind games are held regularly. Also in the camp "Bonfire" are held such creative contests as "Acting", "Miss Camps", "Au, we are looking for talents", KVN, "Fun Starts". All this suggests that children are always in search of interesting ideas and fantasies.
  • Guests from theaters come to the children, showing various performances.
  • Carnivals, shows, discos almost every day.
  • Evening gatherings around the campfire with songs and fun stories from life leave pleasant memories for life.
  • Each detachment is an independent state, which has its own laws, orders and rules, of course, not beyond. Children come up with methods that will help to become the best squad of the day, to achieve their goals. Of course, for the title of "Best Squad", children receive an award in the form of certificates of honor, sweet presents.
  • In addition to the above activities, children also have the opportunity to learn something new by visiting circles. There are creative classes, children can also improve their talents in dance clubs, there are classes for soft toys, as well as fine art.

Based on the foregoing, it can be understood that the children in the Campfire camp will not be bored for a single minute. Parents of children who have visited DOL say that after their arrival, their sons and daughters became self-confident and gained many new skills.

camp fire bonfire reviews

Given that the program is rich and varied, children must constantly be on the move. Boys and girls who have complexes can at first refuse to participate in events. Nevertheless, the work of professional psychologists will help correct the situation. Very soon, the child will take the initiative, and parents simply will not recognize their shy, in-depth child.

Why should I send my child to the campfire?

There are many reasons to send your son or daughter to this wellness center. This is evidenced by reviews:

  • The child will make new friends.
  • A fun pastime and a rich program will charge you with positive and positive emotions for the whole next year.
  • Good nutrition will strengthen your health and improve your stomach function.

Looking at the photo of the Campfire camp in Samara, one can understand that this institution for children is worthy of attention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10559/

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