Slot - is it just beautiful or is it absolutely necessary?

“Clothing is beautiful when its inside is beautiful,” said Coco Chanel. Her golden words can be supplemented by saying that attention should be paid not only to the quality of the seams, but also to subtle details, one of which is the slot. This is a special kind of incision that can be made on any product. Why is it remarkable and how to make it - read below.

What is it?

So, the slot is a part of the product, which is a section processed by a special technology. She can be present on any clothes, whether it be a jacket, coat or dress, but most often found on skirts. Unlike an ordinary section, in which the right and left sides are the same, the structure of the slots is such that one half overlaps the other.

Most often, the slot is located on the back middle seam of the product, but in some cases it can be seen on the sleeves, on the front or side seams. Some tailors claim that lining is required for proper handling of the slots. But in fact, the slot is an element that can be tailored from any fabric, including the main one.

slot it

Purpose of this part

Any cut on the product is created in order to give more freedom to movement, to make the thing more convenient. On narrow dresses of the model of the case and skirts of the model of the pencil, there is always a step slot, the height of which is on average 10 cm. The second function of this part is decorative. It happens that in the context there is no urgent need, but without it the thing ceases to be stylish.

Often decorative slots are sewn from different from the main material, contrasting in color. And of course, the slot is stylish and respectable. Well, where did you see the fitted men's jacket without a small cut in the back? Have you come across real Italian coats whose back seam would be stitched tightly? Without such seemingly insignificant elements, expensive things would not be so elegant and refined.

Constituent elements

The classic slot on the skirt in the classic version consists of the following elements: left and right panels, corner or ledge, allowance and edge. All these elements are fastened with a single diagonal seam, which is visible from the outside of the product. Slots of outerwear have a similar design, wherever they are. It is also worth mentioning that these structures are reinforced with additional adhesive elements so that they do not distort the edges of the product. But we will consider this aspect in more detail later.

Slots pattern

Novice dressmakers should know that slots are not provided for on patterns. Anyone who sews is not the first thing, knows that the size and location of this part must be drawn directly on the fabric. To do this, take into account the length of the product and the location of the waist - normal, overpriced or understated. It’s easy to build a slot directly on the fabric - you need to add 2 centimeters to each back half. If you sew from very dense material, then increase this indicator to 3.

pattern slots

Adhesive elements

It was noted above that the slot needs to be glued, firstly, in order to firmly fasten all its components together, and secondly, in order to provide the product with an aesthetic appearance. On a non-woven fabric, cut two strips. Their length should be slightly shorter than the length of the slots. As for the width, the strip for the left side of the product should be 5 centimeters, and for the right - 2 cm. It is necessary to glue the interlining on the wrong side of the product.

slot on the skirt

Processing slots

After you have ground the two back halves of the product, iron the allowances. The details of the slots must be bent to the left side and also walk on them with an iron. For greater accuracy, it is recommended that the chalk outline the bend line in the section, since there the seam will not be laid. After you need to process the edges of the slots and allowances with a zigzag stitch. Sometimes, if the fabric crumbles a lot, they need to be folded up a bit and only after that lay a line. When all the internal seams are already processed, you can begin to hem the bottom.

slots processing

Tell me what you sew?

For tailors, the most common job, of course, is the slot on the skirt. Firstly, in this thing, the cut is not only an aesthetic aspect, but also has practical meaning. Secondly, a skirt is one of the easiest things to sew. Beginners and amateurs most often take it for this product, since outerwear requires enormous experience and skills. But with regard to sewing directly the slots, this technology is the same everywhere. Such cuts are cut and processed the same way, regardless of the thing itself and on the location. That is, the slot of the sleeve, the cut on the coat or jacket will be built according to the above technology, in the same way as for a narrow skirt.

sleeve slot

A bit of history

Many centuries ago, the slot was cut out exclusively on riding suits. Such cuts were equipped with long coats, dress coats and other men's wardrobe elements. Over time, clothes, in any case men's, became more narrow and concise, therefore, there was a need for details that would ensure freedom of movement. So, gradually, from the horsewalls, the slot migrated to everyday images of ordinary people. Moreover, tailors have clearly developed the technology of its tailoring and tailoring, which we strictly adhere to this day.

Today, after hearing the word “slot”, the first thing we do is cut in a skirt, which is made in a special way. However, literally 100 years ago exclusively men's toilets boasted this accessory. The slot entered the women's wardrobe only with the names of such famous designers as Coco Chanel, Christian Dior and Hubert Givenchy.


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