Do-it-yourself comfort for newborns: pattern, description

In today's article, we will tell our readers how to make do-it-yourself comfort for newborns. But first, find out what it is all about. Comfort is a difficult and slightly unusual name, especially for a baby accessory. Imagination immediately presents a complex technique with electronic control or a diaper of an unusual configuration. But in fact, this is just one of the varieties of soft toys, but with a secret.

do-it-yourself comfort for newborns

Something new

So, what is comfort for newborns? The description of this toy is quite simple. Usually it is made in the form of a small canvas, which can be in the form of a square, rhombus, star or rectangle, the head of a little animal is sewn to its center or to one of the sides, as an option - a little man, a cartoon hero (princess, Mickey Mouse, Smurf, etc. .).

The idea of ​​creating such an accessory belongs to Susan Canitstso, who, being the mother of a newborn baby, noticed how he likes to pull a variety of handkerchiefs or a blanket corner into his mouth. With a little thought, she sewed a comfort toy from a cotton cloth. The pattern of this product is elementary - a little further we will offer the easiest option for work.

It is not difficult to use the comfort - you need to hold the toy near your mother so that she is saturated with her smell. If a woman is breastfeeding - this is generally ideal. She can attach this baby gadget to her body while feeding her baby, and then, transferring him to a crib or motion sickness center, give him comfort, which will keep her warm and fragrant, which will allow her baby to feel safe even without being at mom’s on hands.

comfort pattern

What are they like?

There are several models that have already become traditional - these are toys of the same plan as we described a little above. They are a small blanket sewn from two layers of fabric or knitted from yarn and decorated with a decorative toy at the top.

There are other options, for example, comfort for newborns, the size of which in the unfolded form is approximately 60x80 cm, serves not so much as a toy, but as a blanket or plaid. They cover newborns, but a special cut and tailoring of corners that make them voluminous or knotted, attract the child like a toy.

A little further there is a photograph of fabric comfort, sewn from flaps of different matter. This version of the toy is very interesting for kids. You can not only sleep with him, but also diversify your leisure time while you are awake. Paws-nodules stretch and twitch great, and due to the fact that the child has the opportunity to look and touch different types of tissues that differ in color and texture, he has better thought processes.

comfort for newborns master class

Making such a comfort for newborns with your own hands will not be difficult. To sew it, you do not even need a pattern. The body of such a bear is an oblong trapezoid with rounded corners. Separately, legs are cut out from long rectangular pieces of fabric and semicircular ears. The muzzle can be embroidered with thread or stitching the eyes and nose from another material using the patchwork technique.

Buy ready or do it yourself?

Of course, in any store of goods for children you can always buy ready-made comfort for newborns. With your own hands, nevertheless, it will not be difficult to make it, and this is not a costly business. Let it take a little mom's time, but there are several advantages in the hand-made:

  • material safety;
  • quality;
  • beauty.

First of all, pay attention to the raw materials from which the toy is made. Most often, cotton is used for its manufacture. If it is a knitted comfort (crochet, knitting), you need to choose cotton yarn. For sewing toys, the most suitable fabric will be:

  • chintz;
  • calico;
  • satin;
  • tight knitwear ;
  • mahra;
  • flannel.

You can use high-quality synthetics, for example: fleece, microfiber or plush.

crochet comfort


Any craftswoman who is at least somewhat familiar with this tool can crochet comfort. All models of this toy are made according to a single principle. In the photo above - the final step-by-step master class. The crochet comfort for newborns consists of a wedge-shaped napkin and a cute little animal, which is attached to the center of the panel. In our version, it’s a bunny, its body is delicate and soft, so that it would be pleasant for the child to keep his toy in his hands. You can choose any pattern you like.

Note that there are knitted comfort models for older children - for example, such a wonderful teddy bear made of fleecy yarn. His body can be made with knitting needles or crochet. An important condition is the density of the mating. The hinges must be tight so that the toy holds its shape well.

comfort for newborns sizes

Fabric Comfort

The most popular model is a toy made of fabric. For its manufacture, it is better to prepare two pieces of material. The first is a smooth cotton fabric with a pattern, and the second is plain and pleasant to the touch. It can be plush, bike or flannel.

The comfort, the pattern of which is presented to readers a little lower, is a bunny. Following our recommendations, you can make a wonderful toy for the baby. The body is cut out according to the standard scheme (in the figure).

baby comfort description

The presented image can be taken as the basis of any other animal. Changing the color and the main detail (head), you can create a whole zoo for your beloved baby, each copy of which will not be superfluous, especially considering that this gift is made by hand. The comfort for a newborn needs to be washed often, because kids love to suck the paws of toy animals, nibble nodules, it is better if there are several toys.

comfort pattern

Work with a pattern

The schematic image shows how many parts need to be cut for sewing one product. It is necessary to make such blanks:

  1. Body - 2 parts, one for each type of tissue.
  2. Ears - also two of each type of fabric (total 4 pcs.).
  3. Two parts made of solid material and one wedge to form the muzzle.

Before proceeding to cut, a piece of fabric is folded in half with the face inward. The side of the diagram on which the edge is drawn with a dashed line is applied to the fold of the material. The remaining parts are placed randomly. The pattern must be pinned and circled. By adding 1 cm of allowances, you can cut parts. The wedge-shaped part of the head must be carefully cut in the area of ​​the tucks. Then sweep and stitch them manually or using a machine.

do-it-yourself comfort for newborns

We form the head of the toy

This is the most difficult and painstaking part of the job. It is important to fit the parts together, and then carefully sew them together. Please note that on the diagrams there are marks marked with the letter “a” - this is the connection point between the parts of the head and the wedge on the nose of the little animal.

When all the parts are interconnected, you need to supplement the muzzle by embroidering with threads the eyes, nose and mouth. For this, a soft floss is best suited. The thread is laid with the usual seam “needle forward”, but for a start it is better to draw elements with a pencil or pen for fabric.

The nose is embroidered with satin stitch, you need to close the thread in the corner in which the details of the head come together. The following photo shows how to make this element of the toy voluminous. Work is best done with a knitting needle or wooden skewer. Later, it will come in handy for the formation of the paws of the little animals.

do-it-yourself comfort for newborns

Assembling a useful accessory

Now it remains only to complete the comfort for the newborn. With your own hands you will need to sew the head to the calf, but it is not yet ready. To do this, fold two of its halves face to face and sew together, leaving a hole at the top enough to insert a piece of filler into it. Having stitched the details, you need to unscrew them and align the corners. Inside each, fill silicone or cotton, then sew up the segments and, tightening the thread, fasten it. At this stage, you need to follow the symmetry so that the paws do not turn out different in size.

Lastly, we sew the head to the body. The stitches pass in a circle and thick enough, it is better to sew with strong threads. On the neck you can tie a beautiful bow made of satin ribbon, choosing its color to match the entire product.


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