Train "Moscow-Brest": timetable, route and cost of tickets

The Moscow-Brest train runs for many years between these cities and two states. Despite the rapid development of modern transport and the construction of new roads, rail passenger transportation continues to be safe, relatively comfortable and affordable for almost every citizen of any of the CIS countries.

train Moscow Brest

The train is better!

Undoubtedly, other modes of transport are also popular, but they are not so convenient. A long trip by regular bus is not the best solution. Each person differently endures long trips in buses. In addition, in such a situation, the passenger’s daily routine depends heavily on the driver’s schedule, because buses, as a rule, do not even have a toilet. In most cases, they stop only in special places where a person can eat or satisfy their physiological needs. Traffic congestion is also unlikely to add optimism to passengers.

A train from Moscow to Brest can never be in a traffic jam. Also, passengers have the opportunity not only to build their daily routines on their own, but also to move around the car, at any time, have a meal in the restaurant car.

A trip by car is much better than a bus ride, but it also has its drawbacks. First of all, it’s expensive. Much more expensive than buying train tickets. The cost of the journey directly depends on the characteristics of the car, speed of movement and road conditions. Any unforeseen factor can not only spoil the whole mood, but also lead to additional financial expenses. Another negative aspect of driving a car is the driver’s fatigue. When the passenger is resting, he works, so after the trip he will always feel tired. It will be more important for him to relax than to consider the sights immediately upon arrival.

Moscow Brest train ticket price

In any case, the Moscow-Brest train will be much cheaper and more practical. Passengers will be able to relax during the trip and will not lose time upon arrival. Of course, a train ride will take a little longer than a car, but the likelihood of unforeseen circumstances is much lower.

Air travel in recent years has become more affordable, but at the same time quite expensive. Contrary to popular belief, they are completely safe. The airport is located 15 km from the city of Brest, and the developed transport infrastructure will allow you to get to it without problems. It will seem to many that this is the most optimal and convenient option, but this is not entirely true. Although Brest Airport is generally called international, it is difficult to consider it as such. The big problems with regular flights and the abundance of seasonal charter carriers create inconvenience. Most of the air routes are possible only with a transfer, which automatically makes the flight very expensive. The unpopularity of the direction leads to the fact that planes of large international airlines with the exception of Belavia practically do not fly to the airport. Young airlines are characterized by delays and cancellations of flights, and such an unforeseen circumstance completely spoils the impression of the trip.

The Moscow-Brest train remains the most convenient option. The disadvantages inherent in other vehicles are absent in this case. Safe, comfortable and relatively cheap. Traveling by train is the confidence that everything will go as planned, without any unforeseen circumstances.


Any long trip can impress passengers, for this reason most of the routes are laid out in memorable places. Do not forget that even the fields, steppes and forests that are familiar to everyone look different if you look at them from the window of the Moscow-Brest train. The route runs through the territories of two countries, and in transit trains it can affect the territory of Poland. Features of the geographical location of the city of Brest make it possible to cross the whole of Belarus and pay attention to the peculiarities of the architecture of cities.

Moscow train route Brest


Rail transport does not have charter carriers and runs exclusively on a regular schedule. In total, about 9 trains follow this route. Most are branded and follow a direct route. One connects Moscow and Warsaw, but makes a stop in Brest. Another train starts moving in Novosibirsk and makes a stop in Moscow. The Moscow-Brest train schedule is variable, seasonally and depends on the selected train. The exact schedule must be clarified either on the Russian Railways website or directly at the ticket office of the railway station.

train schedule Moscow Brest


It is generally accepted in the world that the distance traveled within a country is not a distance at all. However, not in this case. The road from Moscow to Brest is not the farthest on the scale of all CIS countries and in particular Russia. In a straight line, the distance between cities will be about 995 km. Due to the fact that the railway was laid taking into account the features of the relief, the real distance will be more than 1000 km.

Ticket price

For each passenger, the issue of ticket prices will be important. It is known that in rail transportation the cost of a ticket depends not only on the distance, but also on the class of service and type of car. The cheapest tickets will cost 3000 rubles. It will be a carriage of a sedentary class, without additional maintenance. The most expensive ticket costs about 11,000 rubles. In this case, the passenger will travel in a luxury carriage. A travel document for a reserved seat car costs about 3200 rubles, and for a coupe car it costs about 5500.

The price of a ticket on Moscow-Brest trains may vary depending on the season, the dollar exchange rate and the policy of the carrier company. The most current prices are indicated on the Russian Railways website or you can find them at the ticket office.


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