DIY valentines from fabric: master class, patterns, photo

Everyone knows that the most expensive gift is one that is made by yourself. And, of course, the better and more beautiful it is made, the more valuable it will be for the recipient. This is especially true for such a holiday as Valentine's Day. If you want to express the full power of your love, then you need to try. You can, for example, make valentines with your own hands - from fabric or from other materials, this will be a great idea. After all, it will be pleasant for every person to receive a gift from his other half that has preserved the warmth of her hands and a piece of soul.

do-it-yourself valentines from fabric

DIY valentines from fabric: a workshop on creating hearts

A valentine made of fabric with her own hands will look very unusual and attractive. To do this, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • pebbles, beads, interesting buttons;
  • beautiful dense fabric;
  • satin ribbons ;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • scissors, threads and needles.

do-it-yourself valentines from fabric

First, you need to cut out two hearts from the fabric, taking into account the allowances for the seams. For one half, sew the finished finish. Hearts decorated with artificial flowers or expensive lace will look very interesting. It's not so difficult to make valentines with your own hands from fabric. The schemes for creating such a gift are very simple to perform and do not require special sewing skills.

After the decoration is ready, you need to sew two parts and turn them on the front side. It is important to leave a small hole in advance. The product is densely packed with padding polyester and sewn with a blind seam.

do-it-yourself valentines from fabric

The appearance of such a heart will largely depend on the selected tissue. For example, a velvet heart will be very tender and sweet, and for a serious man, a genuine leather heart will become an excellent accessory, which he can use as a key ring.

DIY valentine cards from fabric

If you are ready to spend a lot of time on a present for your beloved, then your feelings are really strong. All the more interesting will be an unusual postcard with a surprise and a pleasant message.

To work you will need:

  • white cardboard;
  • red cardboard;
  • fabric, lace;
  • scissors, glue, threads;
  • red felt-tip pen;
  • white paraffin candle;
  • a jar of white acrylic paint and a brush.

On the back of the cardboard we apply evenly a layer of glue. We smooth the folds on the fabric and glue it in the center of the cardboard on the back side. At the same time, the size of the piece of fabric should be slightly larger than a sheet of cardboard. From a sheet of red cardboard we cut out a red heart in the center. A cut-out heart for beauty can be glued to the fabric from the inside, and a blank with a heart-shaped hole is glued on top onto white cardboard.

Now on a white cardboard in place of the hole we write our message with a red felt-tip pen. It can be a declaration of love, pleasant words and wishes. Then several times we draw on the inscription with a paraffin candle to make the message waterproof.

On top of the paraffin layer, apply white paint so as to completely hide the inscription. From above you can paint a heart with flowers and bright colors according to your desire.

do-it-yourself valentines from fabric photo

Valentine is almost ready. It remains to bend the fabric at the edges by 5 mm to make it a kind of frame. Lace, beads, beautiful buttons and other decorations are sewn onto this frame from above, as you wish. The finished postcard can be decorated with flowers, rhinestones and other materials.

Such interesting valentines can be made with your own hands from fabric. Patterns for such a product are practically not needed, which greatly facilitates the work.

Valentines sachets

Not only decoration can be fabric valentines. With your own hands you can make not only a beautiful, but also a useful product. For this, instead of the usual synthetic winterizer, fragrant herbs can be used as a packing. In this case, you get an unusual valentine sachet. Or a sachet can be made in the shape of a square, but then it is better to choose a fabric with hearts or decorate the finished pillow with symbols of Valentine's Day.

do-it-yourself valentines from fabric patterns

Napkin hearts

Usually, felt is used to create small hearts, but ordinary household dense wipes are an excellent substitute for this material. Very quickly such valentines are made with their own hands from fabric. Photos of such "instant" souvenirs are presented above. They will be a great gift for friends and relatives.

From napkins you can make not only pendants, but also small fridge magnets, decorated with beads, ribbons and lace.

The heart can consist of several layers of napkins. After all the layers are glued or stitched, you need to align the edges. To do this, it is better to use small sharp scissors. Please note that this stage is the most important, because if the edges are uneven, no decorations will save the product.

Fancy Flowers for Valentine's Day

Another idea how to hit your sweetheart on this wonderful holiday. Almost all girls love flowers, but it’s not at all necessary to give an ordinary living bouquet. A rose made of fabric, decorated with beads, ribbons and lace will look very beautiful. In addition, such a flower will retain its original appearance for many years.

Consider the simplest option to create a flower from fabric or paper. It is necessary to take a dense material and cut from it three small hearts of the same size. After that, the hearts are fastened with a sharp edge using a decorative pin. The stalk can be made of green wire. Experiment, make flowers of various sizes and colors, create original bouquets that will be a great gift for your sweetheart.

Mysterious Heart Valentine Card

To create this card you will need the following materials:

  • glue and scissors;
  • one sheet of thick cardboard in white, pink and red ;
  • beautiful ribbon;
  • hole puncher.

Working process

Making such a valentine is quite simple.

  1. It is required to take a sheet of white cardboard and use a ruler to divide it into three parts, while the middle part in size should be like the other two together. About 20 cm of the first part, and the other two - 10 cm each.
  2. Gently fold the cardboard along the marked folds so that a postcard is closed, closed by two halves.
  3. From pink and red sheets, it is necessary to cut two hearts of different sizes. Then the smaller ones stick to the larger one.
  4. Close the card and glue the hearts on top of the cover. Of course, in this form it no longer opens. Now we take the scissors and cut the hearts along the wavy line.
  5. To make the postcard look more festive and not open itself, it is better to tie it with a ribbon. To do this, punch holes on two sides with a hole punch and stretch a beautiful ribbon.
  6. Now we just have to write a nice text of congratulations inside and decorate the card with rhinestones, applique and other decorations.

do-it-yourself valentines from fabric

Delicious valentines for sweet tooth

To make such a gift, it is not necessary to be able to make sweets or bake cookies. It is enough to take a beautiful glass jar, decorative elements, beads, ribbons, fabric, buy sweets that your soulmate loves, and show your imagination.

To begin with, you should prepare the container. In the event that there is a label on it, it must be removed or replaced with your own with pleasant wishes and a declaration of love. The jar needs to be washed and dried well. To remove odors, the container is treated with a solution of citric acid or vinegar.

When all preparations are completed, you can proceed to decorate the gift. You can glue hearts on a jar, decorate it with fabric, ribbons and lace. It all depends on your imagination.

The final stage is filling the container with goodies. Now it remains only to tie the neck of the tape and close the jar.


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