MTS Internet Service Provider: User Reviews

There are quite a lot of registered Internet service providers in Russia today. And therefore, people who want to connect to a mobile or home network are often lost and have no idea which company they should contact.

One of the most reliable ways to choose the most suitable operator is, of course, to search for real user reviews of such companies on the Web and familiarize themselves with them. This concerns all communication providers operating in Russia today, including one of the oldest Internet providers in the Russian Federation - MTS. Reviews about the services provided by this company to customers on the Web are both good and not too good.

A bit of history

MTS stands for Mobile TeleSystems. This company was created in October 1993 in Moscow. Its founders were Deutsche Telekom , MGTS, Siemens and several other domestic shareholders.

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The first MTS base station was launched in the spring of 1994 in the capital on Yablochkova Street. After some time, Mobile TeleSystems installed another 8 of these translators. And they all also worked in the capital.

In the region, the first MTS operator station was opened in 1997. By the beginning of the 21st century, the company's customer base exceeded 1 million people. In 2001, this operator supplied cellular communications to 21 regions of the country.

In 2002, the company began expanding into the international market. Then this operator installed its towers in Belarus. In 2003, Mobile TeleSystems also began operations in Ukraine, and in 2005 in Turkmenistan.

To date, this company is one of the largest Internet providers in Russia. Among other things, the MTS operator today is actively absorbing other, smaller communication providers.

What Internet from MTS is available to users

Nowadays, this company connects its customers to both cellular and wired Internet. At the same time, mobile communication from MTS is possible both regular, 3G, and LTE. Coverage from this operator by 2017 is one of the most extensive in Russia. There are MTS towers even in small villages of our country. However, here, the company provides customers with mostly only 3G Internet. In many district centers and cities, users are also able to connect to the 4G network from this provider.

MTS wired Internet company offers customers both separately and in a package with cable TV.

MTS Internet Service Provider: positive customer reviews

Like any other communications provider, MTS, of course, has its pros and cons. The main advantages of this operator, according to Internet users, are:

  • a large number of tariffs, and therefore the ability to choose the most profitable of them in this particular case;

  • very low cost of services.

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This operator is praised mainly for the fact that it offers customers Internet connection at slightly lower prices than many other modern providers. This applies to both mobile and wired Internet from MTS.

In 2017, this company, in comparison with most others, has one more important advantage, according to consumers. MTS today is almost the only provider offering users of mobile Internet unlimited unlimited. At the “Connect 4G” tariff, customers of the company can connect to both a 4G network (about 1200 rubles) and 3G (about 500-600 rubles per month). For comparison: Beeline, Megafon and Tele-2 offer the Russians a maximum of 30 GB per month. Moreover, their services are somewhat more expensive.

The main plus of the company

Residents of cities, large and small, about the MTS wired Internet usually respond ambiguously. Even within one large settlement, the quality of communication from this provider can vary greatly. In any case, there are quite a lot of reviews about home Inter not the same MTS on the Web.

But on the cellular communication of this operator, consumers have a very good opinion . In particular, good reviews about the MTS Internet provider on the Network are from residents of villages, district centers and suburbs. In remote areas, the network from this operator catches better than from most others. Of course, this does not always happen and not everywhere. But there are really a lot of good reviews on the network about this operator from residents of villages and small towns.

The only drawback of the cellular Internet from MTS, including in remote settlements, is that in the first months the connection speed of this company’s customers is very good. In the future, unfortunately, it can fall significantly.

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Customer reviews: the main disadvantages of the operator

So, the main plus of "Mobile TeleSystems" is a good signal in remote locations. The biggest drawback of this company as an Internet provider, most customers consider it to be very poor technical support and not too high level of service. It is often very difficult for customers of this company to reach MTS operators when they encounter any problems related to using the Internet. And the operators at this provider usually work, unfortunately, as noted by netizens, they are not particularly competent.

There are also bad reviews about the MTS Internet provider because the employees of this company sometimes even allow themselves to deceive customers without providing them with any information or part of it. If you want to connect to the Internet from this provider, Russian citizens should definitely consider it. Before purchasing a package or paying for some new tariff, netizens should carefully carefully study all the nuances of the selected service from MTS.

The situation with servicing "Mobile TeleSystems" clients somewhat saves the fact that on the official website of this provider you can at any time become a member of a chat with a specialist. To do this, you just need to open a personal account on this site by your number. MTS chat experts are usually pretty quick to answer.

The speed of the Internet provider MTS (reviews about it are not too good also because of this) provides customers with a low. The services from Mobile TeleSystems are cheaper than from many other operators. But in terms of speed, and especially in big cities, this company is inferior to most providers.

Is it good, according to consumers, that MTS Internet is working in the capital

There are no special nuances in terms of the quality of services provided by MTS in different cities of Russia. Claims and good reviews by Internet users of all corners of the country to this operator are almost the same.

In the capital of Russia, this company , as already mentioned, has been operating since 1994. Reviews about the Internet provider MTS in Moscow exist both good and not very good. But the competition between operators in the capital, of course, is very large. And MTS in Moscow, in the ranking of providers, unfortunately, is far from in the very first place. For example, in 2017, in the capital, Mobile TeleSystems occupied only 17th position in the list of telecom operators by popularity.

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Among the shortcomings of MTS in the capital, users note frequent freezes, poor Internet speed and, in particular, extremely poor quality of service. In order to solve any problem, even the smallest, customers of this company usually have to go to its office. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to get any help from the employees of Mobile TeleSystems by phone.

What do they think about MTS in St. Petersburg

The opinion of this company among residents of the Northern capital has developed almost the same as that of Muscovites. In St. Petersburg, users connect the Internet from this operator mainly as part of a package. The fact is that there are many providers of the Internet itself in the city on the Neva, as in Moscow. And the choice among its residents in this case is simply huge. But on cable television, MTS in the Northern capital, unfortunately, is almost a monopolist. Therefore, Petersburgers are sometimes simply forced to use TV precisely from Mobile TeleSystems. And along with television, consumers from this city, of course, often connect the Internet. After all, using packages today is actually very convenient.

Poor reviews about the MTS Internet provider in St. Petersburg are available for the same reasons as almost everywhere in the country. First of all, this is not a very good quality of communication and broadcasting, as well as an extremely low level of customer service. Sometimes MTS in this city, judging by the reviews, even forgets to send its users, for example, receipts for payment. And in order not to be left without television and the Internet, the company's customers are forced to visit the office in person, spending a lot of time on it.

MTS Internet Service Provider: reviews in Novosibirsk

Residents of the capital of Siberia speak about MTS usually a little better than Muscovites and users from St. Petersburg. Even not too good wired Internet from this company in this city works pretty well. Many residents of Novosibirsk even consider that MTS is one of the best providers in the region. This fact is noted on the web by many users of the capital of Siberia.

There are good reviews about the MTS Internet provider in Novosibirsk , mainly because it provides its services here much cheaper than many other similar companies. But even in this city, MTS, according to users, is nothing more than a sort of lottery. For some, the home Internet from this operator works fine, other customers consider it not too high quality.

MTS in Kazan

In this city, as well as in Novosibirsk, MTS earned quite good reviews from customers. Many Web users from the capital of Tatarstan note the fact that they have been using the services of this company for a long time, and have no complaints about it.

In Kazan, the MTS Internet service provider earned good customer reviews mainly for its high connection speed and relative stability of communication.

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How residents of Vladimir speak about MTS

In this city, "Mobile TeleSystems" are quite active in commercial activities. Residents of some houses here, for example, do not even have an alternative to choosing a cable television and Internet provider. This fact is noted on the web by many residents of the city.

In Vladimir, the Internet service provider MTS also received mixed reviews from consumers. The minuses of this provider, its customers in this village include primarily the instability of the Internet. In the mornings, for example, in Vladimir, judging by the reviews available on the Web, it can simply disappear for several hours. And while the connection itself does not disappear. Citizens simply do not have the opportunity to use the Internet.

Reviews of Yekaterinburg

Of course, many residents of the Urals capital are also connected to the Internet from Mobile TeleSystems. Reviews about the Internet provider MTS in Yekaterinburg also have mixed reviews. The minuses of the work of this company, many of its customers in this city include extremely poor service and not particularly good wired Internet. A plus of MTS in Yekaterinburg is considered to be a pretty tolerable speed of mobile communications.

Best rates MT

Clients of this company, using mobile Internet on laptops and computers, as already mentioned, most often connect the “Connect 4G” tariff. In this case, for a reasonable price, they can use the Network unlimitedly.

Of course, there are also the most advantageous Mobile TeleSystem packages for mobile communications. For example, many citizens of the Russian Federation connect a tariff from this Internet provider Super MTS. Reviews from users of this package have earned good. At this rate, the company offers its customers not only calls, but also the Internet. For citizens who have connected it, the Bit, Super, Mini, Maxi and VIP options become available.

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According to many consumers, this is quite a profitable business - to use the Internet from the MTS provider on the phone. The Super MTS tariff from customers of the company has earned very good reviews .

How can I turn off the Internet "Mobile TeleSystems"

From the foregoing, a rather interesting conclusion can be drawn. Residents of large cities in the European part of the Russian Federation speak about MTS usually worse than its customers from the outback. It is difficult to say what this is connected with. Perhaps the company relies specifically on the province and provides customers with better services. Or maybe the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, where there are still more Internet providers than in the outback, just have something to compare with, and this comparison is not in favor of Mobile TeleSystems.

But the service of this operator in all regions leaves much to be desired. This is also why some clients of this company would like to know the answer to the question of how to disable the MTS Internet provider. Employees of this company usually respond to reviews, including negative ones, with the fact that they will soon try to correct the situation. But in most cases, such statements by MTS are nothing more than a formal reply. As a result, the company's customers lose their patience and decide to part with such an optional provider forever.

So how do you turn off the Internet MTS, if he suddenly for some reason stopped arranging the user? In this case, the client of this company will most likely not have any problems with mobile communications. Such users just need to stop depositing money into their MTS account. On that day of the month on which the tariff was once paid for the first time, the service to the client will be simply turned off automatically. By the way, the MTS Internet user has the ability to independently block his number with this operator for a while. In this case, he will not lose the tariff in a few months (if he suddenly needs it). There is a service of independent temporary blocking of the number in "Mobile TeleSystems" about 1 p. in a day.

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It will be somewhat more difficult for users of the MTS home Internet or a television package to say goodbye to this company. Upon termination of the contract with this company, its customers often have all kinds of problems. In this case, MTS employees begin to drag out time, for example, chasing citizens at their offices located in different parts of the city. Moreover, many service points of this operator have, among other things, an uncomfortable work schedule. In addition, the queues at MTS offices are usually very large.


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