Google History: From the Best Search Engine to the Best Company

History of Google Inc. begins its existence from the end of the 20th century. It was then, in September 1998, that Sergey Brin and Larry Page registered a new company in the state of California, which was destined to change people's views on search engines and their capabilities.

However, the "official" creation of Google Inc. preceded by three busy years, during which the two founding friends invented and polished their brainchild. They met and met in 1995, at Stanford University, when Bryn received his Ph.D. there, and Page was just about to begin his studies. Both agreed that the existing search engines, to put it mildly, are ineffective, although they differed in points of view on many other things.

Sergey Brin at that time was looking for a topic for his scientific work, and among other things that interested him, there were problems in collecting data. At the end of 1995, he and Larry began work on a project that spilled over into the BackRub search engine. In her work, a completely new approach was taken to evaluate sites on the Internet: if other search engines that existed then took into account how many times a search term was found on a page, then BackRub “looked” how many times and which sites link to each of the available ones.

According to the logic of the developers, the more a site is mentioned, the more useful and interesting the information on it. This has significantly improved the quality of the search. The brainchild of Sergei and Larry earned on the servers of Stanford University, allowing all students of this educational institution to use it for internal search.

The system worked really well, and users were delighted with it. In 1997, the creators decided to give their development a new name, and, in the end, settled on “Google” (the sound of “googol” was played here - a word that means 10100).

However, around the same year, Sergey and Larry had to look for another room and opportunities for the system to work, as, becoming popular, it was loading the Stanford server more and more. By patenting a new search technology, the creators tried to sell it - however, not one of the companies to which they offered it agreed to purchase. Perhaps this was one of those successful events thanks to which the history of Google was not ended ingloriously - it was the refusal of potential buyers that forced Brin and Page to establish their own company, which is now one of the most successful in the world.

The first investor in Google was Andy Bechtolsheim, the first employee was a student at the same Stanford, Craig Silverstein, and the first office was the garage of Susan Wojcicki. However, in February 1999, the office moved to a new location in Palo Alto - the garage became too small for a team of eight people. A couple more moves followed, until, finally, the company settled in a town called Mountain View.

Meanwhile, the story of Google continued: innovation and development appeared as if from a cornucopia. In May 2000, the company introduced versions in French, Spanish, German, Swedish and 6 more languages, entered into an agreement with Yahoo!, launched Google AdWords, bought the Usenet discussion service, created and provided users with a search by image, opened an office in Tokyo ... The organization was growing , the number of employees is increasing, new applications, developments and opportunities continue to appear at a fantastic pace.

In 2002, Google already supported 72 languages, including Klingon, a fictional language of an alien race from the Star Trek series. In the same year, Google’s history captures the appearance of the Froogle service, which will later be renamed Google Shopping.

Next year, the growing company buys Pyra Labs, the creator of the Blogger platform, and Applied Semantics, which uses AdSense technology through technology. Google Print appears, which later turned into Google Books.

In 2004, the company moved again - this time to Googleplex, also to Mountain View. She establishes a scholarship named after Anita Borg, places her shares on the stock exchange, a beta version of the Google Academy appears.

And while a serious business is being done, the guys do not forget about the fun - on April 1, they come up with more and more jokes. For example, the year 2002 was marked by the fact that as part of the April Fools' novelty, they “revealed the secret” - their algorithm is so good because it uses ordinary pigeons.

Meanwhile, Google’s history continues - the News app launches, AdWords develops, users get the opportunity to personalize their Google homepage, logo contests, competitions between programmers, and the opening of new offices. Investments in the development of alternative energy, charity projects - they want to make the world a better place, and they are doing pretty well.

Although more than ten years have passed since the company was founded, it still continues to grow at an explosive pace - creating hope that the history of Google will go on and on, which means we will have even more amazing opportunities and discoveries from our favorite search engine for Web users.


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