Christmas tree made of cones. Do-it-yourself decorative tree

After almost every walk in the park, where there are conifers, children carry cones home. Such a natural material is great for making a variety of crafts. It can be toys, souvenirs, decoration elements. In this article we will talk about how to make a tree from cones. Such a product can be a good alternative to a living conifer on the eve of the New Year holidays. Presented to your attention master classes, which talk about the technology of making Christmas trees from pine fruits . So, we study the information, consider the photo and recharge with a portion of inspiration.

tree of cones

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding directly to the implementation of the Christmas tree made of cones, you need to arm yourself with all the necessary materials and tools. Clean pine fruits from dust and dirt, wipe them with a damp cloth. Sort the cones by size: small to large. In addition, for work you will need scissors, a thermogun, gouache paints or spray, PVA glue, A-3 format cardboard, adhesive tape, a piece of plywood 50x50 cm in size, paper (newspapers, old notebooks).

how to make a christmas tree from cones

How to make a Christmas tree from cones? Learn step by step instructions.

  1. We twist the cone out of cardboard. We glue the edge with tape. We level the bottom of the workpiece so that the part is stable.
  2. From another sheet of cardboard we cut out a circle whose diameter coincides in size with the circumference of the lower part of the cone.
  3. Inside the product we stick the crumpled paper, glue the bottom. The basis for crafts "Christmas tree of cones" is ready. We install it on plywood and proceed to the fastening of natural material.
  4. On the lower part of the cone in a circle we glue large pine fruits with a heat gun. The next row is made out with smaller cones. Closer to the top we attach small specimens of these gifts of nature.
  5. Inspect the tree, and if your fir-tree of cones has voids between the fruits, fill them with chestnuts, acorns, or nuts.
  6. You can decorate the product with green gouache paints. Imitation of snow can be created using white paint or by sticking crushed polystyrene onto the cones. A fir-tree painted with silver or golden spray will look very elegant and original. Leave the product to dry completely.

Christmas tree from cones
In height, such a composition turns out to be about 35-50 centimeters. It can be placed in the center of the festive table or on a cabinet shelf. On the eve of the New Year holidays, decorate it with toys, bows, garlands.

Small Christmas tree made of cones (craft souvenir)

This version of the tree is made from only one pine fruit. To make a souvenir, prepare rice, green food coloring, glue, a piece of plywood 10x10 cm, beads, wrapping paper.

Dilute the dye with water according to the instructions, dip the rice in the solution for a few seconds, and then dry it. Glue the plywood with wrapping paper, in the center attach the cone. Lubricate all the flakes with glue on it and cover them with rice. When the product dries, decorate it with bright beads. That's all, the little decorative Christmas tree is ready. Such a souvenir can be an original gift for relatives and friends.


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