Where is it best to relax in September in Turkey with the whole family?

Where is it better to relax in September in Turkey? Surely this question excites many tourists. How many Russians have not heard from their friends and relatives that in this climate-friendly country, you can have a great time and enjoy an unforgettable experience? There are no such. Many of our compatriots also ask another question: “Where is it inexpensive to relax in Turkey in September?” The popularity of this country as a resort area has always been high.

Unforgettable vacation

Indeed, Turkey is a unique country, replete with a huge number of attractions. Every tourist should see the exotic landscapes of the Caucasus and the antique inviolability of the ancient city ​​of Ephesus. Here, nature is amazing in its beauty: majestic mountains, picturesque plains, healing springs.

Where to relax in September in Turkey

It is in this country that the exclusive flavor of the East and European values ​​are harmoniously combined. Travel lovers call Turkey an open-air museum. And yet, what attracts this distinctive country of tourists who are annually forced to solve the problem: “Where is it better to relax in Turkey in September?” Firstly, local hotels offer services based on the principle of “optimal price-quality ratio” and “all inclusive”. Secondly, the sea is warm here even in September and there are no sharks or jellyfish in it. Thirdly, 99% of local resort towns and cities are located in ecologically clean areas where there are no industrial enterprises. With this in mind, perforce, you begin to think about where it is better to relax in September in Turkey. The velvet season in this country attracts hundreds and thousands of tourists from Europe and Asia.

Things to do

Suppose you decide on a question: “Where is it better to relax in Turkey in September?” and intend upon arrival in the country to bask on a comfortable beach under the warm rays of the sun.

Where to relax in Turkey in September

However, local resorts - it is also a developed infrastructure, high service and a whole arsenal of entertainment for tourists, so swimming and sunbathing is only a fraction of how you can spend your leisure time interestingly. Sightseeing, walking on the sea, diving, fishing, surfing - all these activities are available for holidaymakers.

September weather

The question of where to relax in Turkey in September is closely intertwined with what weather will prevail at the beginning of autumn at local resorts. As a rule, the maximum air temperature is set to + 33 ... + 35 degrees Celsius, and the water warms up to +28 degrees Celsius. However, the nights are not as warm as in the summer. Precipitation in September is a rather rare occurrence. The heat at this time of year is not so strong, so people who have come to rest, suffering from hypertension or cardiovascular diseases, will not feel serious discomfort. You can also take small children to local resorts.

Popular destinations

So, you have a very vague idea of ​​where to relax in Turkey in September?

Where to relax in Turkey in September reviews

Reviews of tourists indicate that the following destinations are considered the most popular: Antalya, Belek, Kemer, Alanya, Marmaris. Consider the most popular resorts.


Difficult to answer the question: "Where to relax in Turkey in September?" Feel free to go to the village of Belek, which will conquer you with picturesque nature, namely: quaint green plains, majestic coniferous forests and the azure sea. The beaches are incredibly clean, and rock climbing enthusiasts can have fun in the mountains. Belek is a place where all conditions for a comfortable stay are created. It offers spa facilities, comfortable rooms, golf centers, saunas.

Where to relax in Turkey in September

The Köprülü Canyon Park Reserve is also located in Belek, where children can be taken to admire exotic representatives of the fauna and flora.


Kemer is another great solution to the question of where you can relax in Turkey in September. In this paradise of the planet you will also find a huge number of comfortable beaches and wonder how pure the water is here. However, this settlement has a more humid climate than other resorts in Turkey. The thing is that Kemer is located between the mountains and forests. Young people can recommend a vacation in the central part of the resort, where the bulk of the nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, parks are concentrated.

One way or another, but not every tourist can choose the right resorts in Turkey. Where is it better to relax in September? This is what excites novice travelers who are planning a vacation abroad for the first time . If you intend to relax with your family in Kemer, it is best to opt for the Kirish or Camyuva districts. Here are ideal places for lovers of measured pastime: beaches with small pebbles, cypress and pine forests contribute to peace and harmony. In August and September, the weather in Kemer is optimal for swimming and sunbathing, but the air is just perfectly clean, so the children will feel great while relaxing in the above resort. Kemer is just 1.5 hours from the airport.

Turkish resorts where it is better to relax in September

Local hotels can offer a lot of entertainment for kids, in particular, children's rooms are provided for them, and there is a special menu in the dining rooms for young tourists. For a fee, parents can hire a professional nanny to look after the child at a time when parents need to leave.

Everyone who came to Kemer should look at a local attraction - a unique cave complex Belbidi to enjoy the magnificent beauty of the waterfall.


So, your tourist destination is Turkey. Where to relax with a child in September? Naturally, in Antalya, where all the conditions for a comfortable family vacation are created. Tourists call this place the “Turkish Riviera”: the mild climate of the Mediterranean, the azure-colored waters of the bay, resembling a crescent moon in combination with bizarre rocky shores with archaic buildings form a unique landscape of beauty. Here you can choose a hotel of varying degrees of comfort, because the tourist season in Antalya lasts 275 days a year. Well, about your rich excursion program, fun nightlife and attractive shopping prospects, your friends and relatives have repeatedly told you. Antalya can be recommended first of all to those who are used to combining business trips with sea vacations, since a significant part of the beach areas here are located within the city, and hotel complexes are focused on recreation "outside the territory".

Where to have a cheap vacation in Turkey in September

Again, the beach is clean and the water is clear. For families with children, Antalya is almost the best place.

Alternative resorts in Turkey

Representatives of the younger generation, who prefer active types of recreation, should go for new sensations to Bodrum, Marmaris or Alanya, where the nightlife just rages: discos, nightclubs, bars and restaurants offer a lot of interesting entertainment for young people. Hotel complexes can offer extreme sports, despite the fact that the service they provide is not considered high-class.

The specifics of holidays with children in Turkey

A huge number of travelers adhere to the point of view that Turkey is an ideal place for families with children. However, before you go with your child to this country, you need to carefully consider all the details so that he is as comfortable as possible. In particular, you should choose a suitable hotel in advance that could satisfy most of the "children's" needs.

Experienced tourists are advised to go with a child to resorts such as Kemer or Antalya. It is in these settlements that offer maximum entertainment for children.

Turkey where to relax with a child in September

As for resettlement, it is better to prefer a hotel club system or bungalow. Why? The thing is that with this option, children are in a protected area, and therefore, fathers and mothers can weaken their “supervision” and fully relax while the nanny looks after them.

Try to check into hotels where there is a lot of vegetation, as trees can protect children from the negative effects of sunlight.

Information on the cost of services in hotels should be analyzed in advance. Also, it will not be superfluous to know in advance how much the rent of rooms will cost. Their cost depends on several factors: the stardom of the hotel, the type of room and the period of the tourist season.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10603/

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