Amazing Zavodoukovsk. Hot spring will restore your strength

Russia is a country rich in natural resources, health facilities and hot springs. Zavodoukovsk is one of the most popular places where you can relax and heal at the same time. It is located in the Tyumen region.

Zavodoukovsk hot spring

What is attractive Zavodoukovsk?

The city of Zavodoukovsk (the hot spring made it so famous) is famous for its amazing climate, fresh air and economic development. In a short period of time, the population has grown to 25 thousand people. Not far from the center there is a source of thermal mineral waters, and nearby is a sanatorium where every tourist can come at any time of the year. Resting in the city of Zavodoukovsk, not everyone can visit the hot spring. Unfortunately, the sources gradually disappear, some become cold or simply thrown over. One hydropathic center has already stopped working, let's hope that further negative changes will not happen.

Zavodoukovsk hot springs

Types of sources

The hot springs of Zavodoukovsk are divided into two main: sodium chloride (iodine-bromine) and one that is located outside the city. Few know him, they did not even give him a name, but the water in it is just as healthy and pure. To get to the first, you need to go on a turn between the city and the village of Padun. You can navigate the Tyumen-Omsk highway. Go to the second source in the direction of the base "Birch". To begin with, tourists go on a bypass road, at the fork turn left and drive about 12 km.

Both in winter and in summer

It is recommended to visit Zavodoukovsk in winter. A hot spring will have a stronger effect on vacationers in the cold season. Some people leave home with bad impressions, since when arriving in the summer, not everyone can withstand such temperatures and a week's stay in tents. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the map: many tourists wander around sources for a long time, not being guided by the terrain or not knowing the road. To get to the place, you need to clearly know your route, since the road is actually confusing.

Zavodoukovsk. The hot springs. Sanatorium

The city is proud of the popular medical and preventive complex, consisting of several sanatoriums. People constantly come here to improve their health and relax. The terrain is magnificent: pine forest, stunning landscapes, especially at sunset.

Zavodoukovsk hot springs sanatorium

Some vacationers are not impressed by the landscapes and call the sources pits in which you can’t even completely plunge. In fact, the depth has really changed, and it will be difficult for a tall person to swim completely, but this is not what they come for, the main thing is to β€œrinse” the body a little with water so that it receives the necessary amount of microelements. To do this, and go to Zavodoukovsk. The hot spring contains water, which is extremely beneficial for the skin of a person and the body as a whole. Thousands of visitors a year come to the sanatoriums of the city, and almost everyone is satisfied with their rest and recovery. In addition, the transport system is very well developed, and at any time a tourist can go to the center and purchase the necessary things. Visit this city and you!


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