How to starch fabric? Proven Method

Things that you often use and those that you regularly wear tend to wear out gradually, which means they lose their original fresh look. What needs to be done to β€œrevive” or leave a new one for a long time, for example, a linen tablecloth or your favorite cambric blouse? One of the proven methods may be starching products. Things processed in this way become more durable and fresher. Therefore, we advise you to read the tips on how to starch the fabric, and follow the instructions described in this article.

costume fabric

Methods and varieties of product processing

If you are interested in how to starch the fabric, first decide what stiffness of the finished product you want to get. Depending on the structure, thickness and quality of the matter, it is necessary to determine the concentration and composition of the chemical solution for processing things. At the same time, the following materials are usually not processed: costume fabric, woolen items, and tight knitwear.

There are several levels of starch stiffness:

1. Soft. It is used for products from light fabrics: cambric, chiffon, fine knitwear.

2. Average. Suitable for bedding, napkins, blouses, men's shirts.

3. Tough. It is used for collars, cuffs and knitted decorative volumetric products, for example, napkins-vases.

There are also several ways:

1. The traditional, time-tested method in which potato starch is used.

2. Special chemical compounds (liquids and powders) that are added to water during hand washing at the last rinse or in an automatic washing machine when falling asleep detergents and rinses.

3. All kinds of sprayers and sprays. The most convenient option of all, since it does not require special preparation of the solution, tissue and devices. Usually, airborne droplet treatment of products is carried out during ironing at an average temperature.

starch fabric

How to Starch Cloth in the Traditional Way: A Step-by-Step Guide

For processing things in the usual way, it is better to use potato starch, but you can also use corn or wheat.

1. First of all, the product must be clean. Make sure that there are no spots on it, since after starches all defects will be especially striking.

2. Prepare the solution by diluting starch in cold water. Observe the following proportions:

  • for thin tissues - 5-10 grams (1 teaspoon) per 1 liter of water;
  • for bedding - 10-15 grams (1 tablespoon);
  • for collars, bulk napkins - 20-25 grams (2 tablespoons).

3. Then pour some hot water into the prepared solution. After thorough mixing, the paste should be uniform, viscous and transparent. No lumps are allowed. Upon receipt of a turbid solution, it must be boiled for several minutes.

4. To the resulting paste add water in a ratio of 3: 1.

5. To starch the fabric, dip the prepared thing for soaking in the solution so that it is completely immersed in it, and leave it for 5 minutes.

6. Squeeze the product and hang to dry. It is not recommended that things dry on radiators, batteries and balconies, as it will be difficult to iron them later.

7. In order for the fabric to be well-smoothed, do not overdry the product, it is better if it is slightly wet.

how to starch fabric

How to starch the fabric - in the old proven way or modern - you decide. Most importantly, the result should please the eye with its impeccability.


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