The most convenient recreation facilities in the Novgorod region

The Novgorod region is located on the Priil Lowland, in the center of which is the famous Lake Ilmen. Once upon a time, the latter was called the Slovenian Sea. Guests of these places offer picturesque nature, good fishing and hunting, as well as a huge number of various attractions. Cozy recreation facilities of the Novgorod region among Russian tourists are extremely popular. And in the region there are actually a lot of them.

List of the best bases

Nature in the Novgorod region is really extraordinarily beautiful. The climate on the Priilsky lowland is very humid and strongly reminds a sea. The fact is that in these places there is simply a huge number of lakes and rivers. Local recreation centers in most cases are located near water bodies. Many of these complexes offer their guests such activities as hunting and fishing, and in wintertime skiing or snowmobiling.

There are very different in terms of comfort and cost of living of a recreation center in the Novgorod region. Inexpensive tourists can relax, for example, in the complexes:

  • "Aurora".
  • "Brown bear".
  • The Blue Torch.
  • "Cozy beach."
  • "Alyonushka."

All these recreation centers of the Novgorod region are quite convenient and comfortable.

recreation facilities of the Novgorod region

Complex Aurora

This recreation center is located in the village of Glebovo, about 40 km from Veliky Novgorod. From all sides recreation center "Aurora" is surrounded by a dense pine forest. This complex is primarily focused on family and corporate vacations. If you wish, you can rent one of the houses, designed to accommodate from 2 to 8 people. For the convenience of guests in the cottages rented out on the basis of the following:

  • saunas;
  • kitchen and sleeping areas;
  • showers.

Actually in the rooms themselves in the houses there are refrigerators, microwave ovens, televisions, dishes, beds, tables, cabinets. On the territory of the base there is a parking lot, a billiard room, a children's playground, etc. Periodically, recreational activities are organized for vacationers in the complex. The cost of living at the Aurora base starts at 1,400 rubles. per day.

"Brown bear"

This complex is especially popular with fishermen. All recreation facilities of the Novgorod region are located in ecologically clean places. The Brown Bear is no exception in this regard. This recreation center is located in one of the most picturesque places in the region - in southern Priilmenye. In the vicinity of the base "Brown Bear" is a huge number of lakes and rivers rich in fish. Vacationers in this center are offered three types of cottages: "Fisherman's", "Royal", "Merchant". All houses have showers and kitchenettes. Tourists can also use a TV. On the territory of the base, among other things, there is a small cafe, a farm and a bathhouse.

recreation facilities in the Novgorod region cheap

The recreation center β€œMedved” (Novgorod region) also offers its guests the organization of fishing, hunting and all kinds of educational excursions. The minimum price for accommodation in this recreation center is 2400 rubles.

Complex "Blue Torch"

Especially popular with tourists are recreation facilities located near lakes in the Novgorod region. Inexpensive, for example, you can rent a room in the Blue Torch complex. This recreation center is located near the town of Valdai, on the shores of Lake Chernushka. Guests at the Blue Torch Camp are offered double standards, family rooms and suites. In the rented rooms, guests can use TVs, telephones, showers, refrigerators, etc. There are also ironing facilities in the rooms at this base. Residents can adjust the heating in the rooms on their own.

On the territory of the complex itself, for the convenience of guests, a massage room, a small gym, a spa, a library, a cinema, a sauna are provided. Accommodation in a double room here will cost about 7500 rubles. for two people.

Novgorod region recreation facilities on the lake

Center "Cozy Beach"

Thus, the Novgorod Region offers recreation facilities on the lake very comfortable. But no less popular with tourists and complexes located on the rivers. Such recreation centers can also be quite convenient. For example, the base "Cozy Beach", built 50 meters from the Msta River, offers, judging by the reviews of tourists, very comfortable rooms. This complex accepts guests both in the winter and in the summer. All of its 50 rooms are equipped with showers. Also, tourists can use the TV and a music center in the rented rooms.

In the complex, among other things, there is a dining room and a bathhouse. If desired, guests of the base "Cozy Beach" can also ride horses, dog sledding or a snowmobile. The cost of living in this complex starts at about 1200 rubles.

recreation facilities Novgorod region prices

Recreation Center "Alyonushka"

This base was built near the canal connecting two picturesque forest lakes in Okulovsky district. Housing in the complex "Alyonushka" for rent in new warm two-story houses. Each of them can accommodate from 6 to 10 people. For the convenience of guests in the houses there are living rooms, showers, kitchens. If desired, tourists can watch TV in the rented room.

The complex has a bathhouse and a cafe. For tourists, hunting or fishing can be arranged. The center also offers boat rental, sports equipment and snowmobiles. Recreation facilities of the Novgorod region offer tourists housing of different price categories. The Alyonushka complex is one of the most inexpensive in the region. There are numbers on this base from just 800 rubles. per person per day.

recreation center bear novgorod region


These are the popular tourist camps in the Novgorod Region. Prices for accommodation in such complexes, as well as the services offered in them, often vary significantly. But even the cheapest forest mini-hotels, according to most tourists, can be very convenient and cozy. To go to such a base in order to have a good rest and have a good time, at least once in your life, is a must.


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