Bryansk: attractions. History of the city of Bryansk. Monuments of the city of Bryansk

Bryansk ... The sights of this city are not as well known as, for example, the monuments or cultural treasures of Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kiev. However, one who is lucky to visit this amazing and unique settlement at least once in his life will hardly forget him. And, according to many travelers, it’s still worth coming to this Russian hinterland, and it’s better to do this in spring or autumn: the colors are more expressive, and the weather itself favors walking and exploring Bryansk.

What is famous for this modest town even by Russian standards? What is so interesting about him? How to get there and what to see first? All this will be discussed in this article.

Bryansk attractions

Section 1. General Description

Bryansk, whose attractions are not classified as world famous, is primarily famous for its history. Why? The fact is that it is rightfully considered one of the oldest Russian cities.

Studying his past, you can learn about how our country developed. In the 12th century, Bryansk was part of the Black Sea Principality. At the moment, this period is carefully studied by specialists thanks to extant chronicles. An amazing story is revealed to those who get acquainted with ancient written sources! The saturation of the annals with rapidly changing events indicates the rapid development of this part of the country. By the way, the local museum of local lore is ready to tell about many events of the past. Bryansk is pleased to open its doors, both for indigenous people (mostly curious schoolchildren and students), and for travelers.

The history of the 1941-1945 war is inextricably linked with this settlement and its partisan movement, which at one time was very important for the victory of the Soviet people in the fight against fascism.

In general, it should be noted that the modern city is distinguished by its infrastructure. Here, among other things, there are excellent transport interchanges, hotels and catering establishments of various price policies. What else is needed for a close acquaintance with the considered corner of our country? Successful enterprises, numerous museums and monuments of Bryansk - it is very interesting to get acquainted with all this for those who seek to understand the features of Russia's development at the present stage.

By the way, the oldest street in Bryansk is Kalinin Street. Here is the Intercession Cathedral, built in the 17th century.

Section 2. How to get to your destination

First of all, in Bryansk, whose attractions attract more and more visitors, and not only from Russia, but also from nearby countries, for example, Ukraine and Belarus, you can fly by plane - the airport is 14 km from the city center. Buses and taxis allow you to quickly get to the hotel or other destination.

The second option is the railway. Undoubtedly, traveling by train takes a lot of time, however, very many people prefer this type of transport. From Moscow, trains passing through Bryansk leave from the Kiev railway station every day, but from St. Petersburg in the summer you can leave in this direction only on even numbers.

There are also several stations that accept passenger trains running between Russian cities. In addition, here, however, a little less often, international teams arrive.

Bus communication with Bryansk is a reliable and quite comfortable way to get to this wonderful village. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kursk, Belgorod, Kirov, Smolensk, Tula - from all these cities modern comfortable buses depart that are relatively inexpensive to take you to your destination.

Mr. Bryansk

Section 3. How not to get lost?

Employees of travel agencies claim that when traveling on a trip, their customers tend to study information such as “Sights of Bryansk. Photo and description. " They carefully write out the addresses of a particular local zest, but rarely pay attention to the very structure of the city. But in vain, because it is this omission that later becomes the reason that tourists are lost and can not immediately find the way.

In general, everything is quite simple. Bryansk is divided into four districts. Each of them, in addition to city blocks, includes villages located outside the city limits.

The transport network is represented by trolleybuses, private and municipal buses and minibuses.

Section 4. What is considered the highlight of the city?

The city of Bryansk shows its sights quite willingly, so it’s sometimes quite difficult to navigate the question of what to look in the first place and what can wait until the next arrival.

One of the most important features of the city is the Park Museum. Tolstoy. For family vacations and romantic walks there is no better place! Here are collected wooden sculptures created by masters of Bryansk. These are wonderful images of characters from folk tales and epics. Festive events and attractions, shady alleys and fountains ... in a word, in the Park Museum of them. Tolstoy can have a great walk and have a good rest.

Sights of Bryansk photo and description

Section 5. The memory of the war is always alive

Not everyone knows that during the war 95% of the buildings of the regional center were destroyed, and architectural monuments and museums of Bryansk were significantly affected. The popular resistance shown by the partisans proved the stamina, courage and courage of the heroes, whom the Nazis could not break. In memory of the great war in Bryansk, the Immortality Barrow and the Partisan Square were created.

But the Partisan glade is a whole memorial complex where you can see the real partisan dugout and weapons preserved from those distant heroic times.

Sights of Bryansk photo and description

Pokrovskaya Mountain is another attraction that reflects the history of Bryansk. Here is the Intercession Cathedral. Before World War I, military priests conducted services in it. In Soviet times, it housed first a school, and then the archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since 1991, the premises have been used for their intended purpose, services are regularly corrected.

Pokrovskaya Gora can be reached by trolleybus No. 1, as well as by fixed-route taxis (No. 29, 38).

history of bryansk

Section 6. The cultural heritage of the city

In Bryansk there are 19 houses and palaces of culture. A large number of clubs provide an opportunity to increase the level of cultural development of all comers. There is evidence that more than 8.5 thousand people are constantly visiting this kind of institution. The largest is the Machine-Building Plant Club.

There are also many libraries in the city, and optimal conditions have been created for readers. Imagine only: 9 million copies (!) - this is the number of books that make up the library fund of the provincial Russian town of Bryansk.

Many tourists note wonderful parks of culture and recreation. There are five of them. Not only shady benches, but also numerous attractions invariably attract residents and visitors of the city.

Art schools are a real pride of the local population. These institutions make it possible to fully master the foundations of creative activity and create lasting support for the cultural development of the younger generation.

museums of bryansk

Section 7. Antiquities of a Great City

“Monuments of Bryansk” - a photo that must be present in the family archive of an avid traveler. What to visit and remove in the first place?

Experienced tourists claim that the most interesting attraction of Bryansk is, of course, the Chashin complex, considered the founding place of this ancient city. During archaeological excavations, scientists were able to prove that the settlement located on this territory dates back to the 10th century. Two ramparts and a moat, parts of the Detinets and Posad, related to the pre-Mongol period, these objects became the find of archaeologists.

A visit to this place allows you to touch the ancient history of Russia and try to understand how the life of our ancestors differed from modern life. The Old Russian city is an extremely interesting object for everyone who is interested in history - both for professionals and amateurs.

By the way, a museum of local lore is ready to demonstrate some of the found objects. Bryansk takes care of replenishing its collection today.

Section 8. What to see in the city first of all?

If a tourist has limited time when visiting Bryansk, first of all the old-timers of the city recommend visiting the embankment, Tolstoy park, Pokrovsky Cathedral and the Bryansk arsenal.

By the way, there are always a lot of interesting things in souvenir shops for travelers. Skillfully created objects will allow for a long time to preserve the memory of the ancient and at the same time very modern Bryansk.

Souvenir products - this, of course, is very important, but the unique atmosphere of the city, whose history spans many centuries, is even more valuable! Travelers who are interested in history and are aware of the laws of the historical process, when visiting famous places have the opportunity to visually present the events of bygone years in the specific conditions of a real area.

Monuments of Bryansk photo

Section 9. Resting in nature: The Bryansk Forest Reserve

Tourists visiting Bryansk, whose sights are really unique, as a rule, always find time to get acquainted with the Bryansk Forest reserve.

The plant world of the Central Russian Plain is a truly rich variety. Today, the reserve has created excellent conditions in which life is boiling. For example, the European woodpecker is represented here by 10 species. There are brown bears, white hares, lynxes, owls and capercaillie in the Bryansk Forest.

Coniferous, broad-leaved and pine-oak forests stretch on the territory of the reserve. A rich variety of nature is open for vacationers. Amazingly positive mood and wonderful memories are provided!

Resting in nature, of course, is very healthy at any time of the year. Fresh air, a wonderful aura of a unique natural object, beautiful vegetation - all this creates excellent conditions for exploring the wealth of our amazing planet.

Section 10. Unusual Landmark: Monument to the Steam Train

In Bryansk there is an unusual attraction. Which one? Only in this city a monument to the engine was erected! The opening of this facility took place in 2005. It was installed on May 9 in honor of the Great Victory.

Monuments of Bryansk

It was these locomotives that were used during the 1941-1945 war. They were very important for the victory of our troops. The model mounted on a pedestal was distinguished by high maintainability. Even after the shelling, such vehicles could be quickly restored and reused! It is also important that they do not require a lot of fuel. In a word, this steam engine really deserves the honor of being in a prominent place so that the young generation knows about the achievements that allowed our people to achieve victory in a fierce confrontation with the enemy.

Section 11. Interesting facts about Bryansk

This is actually a city that is able to surprise. Here you can try to find a ghost station. Many volunteers really tried to do this. However, no one has managed to find the mentioned station, despite the fact that its location is indicated on modern maps of the city. What is the matter? It turns out that from this station only the foundation and the old sleepers are left.

There is a memorial in Bryansk, which is little known to the general public, erected in honor of the partisans of the last terrible war. It is located in Sibenets. This is a very picturesque place. It is unfortunate that tourists and even many local residents of Bryansk do not know about this object.


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