Shaitan Tau Nature Reserve in the Orenburg Region

Russia is a huge country famous for the beauty of its nature. On the territory of the state there are a great many beautiful places. These are majestic mountains, lakes and rivers, virgin forests. Russia is famous for its nature reserves, which are home to many animals and plants. One of their representatives is Shaitan-Tau. The mountain range with the same name is located between the Sakmara and Kuril rivers. The southern part is located in Orenburg, and the northern - in Bashkiria.

Shaitan Tau Nature Reserve

general description

The Shaitan-Tau Nature Reserve in the Orenburg Region has a diverse flora and fauna. An example of invertebrate animals can be called archaeocytes, which are classified as sponges. They lived about 500 years ago and existed 9 million years. The creatures lived in the sea at a depth of no more than 100 meters. In the Urals, Siberia and other parts of Russia, the remains of these living creatures were found.

The Shaitan-Tau Nature Reserve, the photo of which is given in this article, is quite large, its area is 41 kilometers long and 13 kilometers wide. The main terrain in this territory is mountain-forest-steppe. This natural object is located at the junction of landscape zones. "Shaitan-Tau" - a reserve that arose on the site of the Ural Mountains. Most of the terrain was flooded with water (due to which archaeocytes became extinct). Zalair plateau is a flat part of the territory.

Shaitan tau reserve


On the territory of the natural object are a variety of animal species. Among them: mammals - 40 species, many different birds - 101 species, reptiles - 5 species of animals of this class, amphibians - 2 species. The Shaitan-Tau Nature Reserve has many lepidopteran living creatures - 138 species. Animals typical for this natural zone live in the forest: bears, squirrels, moose, foxes. And also birds: capercaillie, black grouse, woodpeckers. In the steppes live jerboas, ground squirrels, mice, there are peregrine falcons, lizards, eagles and turtles.


In 1990, a study was conducted under the leadership of Ryabinin, who listed rare plants in need of protection. These include those that grow in mountain steppes and broad-leaved forests, for example, in the Southern Urals. They also include relict plants, which are the remnants of forests. Particular attention was paid to those representatives of flora and fauna that were listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. In the conservation area there are many plants that are economic. They are divided into the following types: decorative (38 species), honey plants (22 species) and 16 types of medicinal.

Shaitan tau

“Shaitan-Tau” is a nature reserve, on the territory of which many rare, already almost extinct plants grow. They should be under the protection and protection of man, since this natural object is their only habitat. Which became one of the reasons for the formation of a conservation area in the area.

History of creation

“Shaitan-Tau” is a nature reserve that the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia planned to create in 2012. Vladimir Putin approved this idea. The action was aimed at increasing the number of cultural and national heritage of Russia, increasing the number of parks, natural sites and reserves. The objects under protection include national parks, gardens, nature reserves, health resorts. These territories have been removed from the hands of people engaged in farming in these natural zones, as they are the cultural, national, aesthetic heritage of Russia.

Shaitan Tau Nature Reserve in the Orenburg Region

If ecosystem resources are misused, this can lead to the extinction of many species of flora and fauna. Since 1947, the state had planned the construction of a reserve in the Orenburg region. The Scientific Council in Orenburg considered the idea of ​​creating a protected area, deciding to create the Shaitan-Tau Nature Reserve. Currently, the creation of this natural site is in the process and has not yet been completed. The organization of the reserve in Orenburg and Bashkortostan is decided independently in each region. The chairmen of the facilities wanted to make a reserve back in 1978. Soon, the working group prepared a plan to establish a protected area.

Why do we need a reserve? Creation problems

“Shaitan-Tau” is a reserve with an area of ​​8-10 thousand hectares. Some state authorities considered the territory too small and insufficient to protect the natural heritage. At the first stage, they wanted to increase the total area of ​​the object, but then decided to leave everything unchanged.

A greater number of residents of these territories were against the initiative to create a conservation zone. Before building the Shaitan-Tau reserve in the Orenburg region, a vote was taken. On the day of the survey, there was a conflict between the population of Orenburg and local authorities. Absolutely the entire population voted against the project. But the authorities responded with a letter in which they wrote that the creation of the natural site was confirmed by the government. They considered it inappropriate to agree with the opinion of a people not close enough to culture. Now Shaitan-Tau is a nature reserve, which is included in the list of specially protected natural sites.

Shaitan Tau Nature Reserve, photo

The laws of the reserve

In the territory of the protected zone it is prohibited:

  • Agriculture;
  • any unauthorized entry of a person;
  • deforestation ;
  • leisure time;
  • fishing;
  • hunting;
  • gathering.

However, even despite these laws, many people harm the reserve with their activities. Every year a large number of forests burn on its territory. In addition, people hunt animals, especially brown bears, whose fur is valuable. The population continues to collect rare plants for the purpose of their further sale.


Property and cultural heritage of Russia - “Shaitan-Tau” (reserve). The provision on its creation legalized this zone and made it inviolable. The reserve territory is home to many animals and plants, most of which are valuable, rare and listed in the Red Book.

Shaitan Tau - reserve, position

This natural object has extraordinary beauty. People need to take care of the heritage of their country, not to engage in activities that are unfavorable and destructive for nature in the territories of nature reserves and parks. The state should protect the nature of Russia, do everything possible to improve it and prevent people from harming it. This is one of the most pressing topics of our time, which for hundreds of years in a row has been exciting real connoisseurs of natural wealth, biologists, florists, scientists. But a simple citizen very rarely realizes the harm done by his desire to spend time to the detriment of nature. There are not so many nature reserves, but they nevertheless fulfill a most important function, saving the whole world from impending catastrophes.


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