XVIII - what century is it? 18th century Europe

So, for starters, we will answer a far from new question that arises among many students and not only: "XVIII - what is this century?" Let's try to figure it out in the framework of this article.

The mystery of the Latin numbers, or the answer to the question: "XVIII - what is this century?"

Often people complain that Roman numerals are very complicated for them. In fact, there is nothing difficult here. Everything obeys quite understandable logic.

xviii what age is it

So, in the case of the number XVIII, it must be deciphered, starting from the very beginning. So, X is ten. Accordingly, the number will be clearly greater than 10, since the remaining digits are to the right of the main one. The fact is that if we had the number IX, then it would already be 9, since the unit on the left is subtracted from 10. So, we understand further. V is 5, and the last part, respectively, 3. All elements are summed up and we get the finished number - 18. But in parallel with the question of XVIII - what is this century, another difficulty arises. Which year can be attributed to the 18th century - the 1750th or 1829th? There is only one answer: 1750, since 1829 will be the 19th century.

18th century history. Education

So, when we figured out where is what age, let us dwell on the history of this period. To begin with, in the 18th century Europe experienced a grand event in its history - Enlightenment. This term is familiar to many. One may wonder: XVIII - what century is it, but one cannot but know the features of this phenomenon. Each country has its own way. But what was common to all was the collapse of feudalism.

Enlightenment is a natural process that inevitably began with the fall of the feudal system. It is humanistic and gravitates to formal law, seeing in it a guarantee of freedom and a better life. Enlightenment as a phenomenon not only influenced the mental development of Europe. It boldly criticized the obsolete and obsolete forms of life and way of life that have survived since the Middle Ages.

Key Enlightenment Ideas

So, Locke highlighted moral qualities and guidelines, considering the state as an agreement of people. He believed that the only natural regulator of interpersonal and social relations are the norms of morality, morality and behavior.

history of the eighteenth century

They should have been established, according to the philosopher, "by universal tacit agreement." The history of the XVIII century completely determined the future path of development of many countries, including Great Britain. The British figures of the Enlightenment believed that the highest goal is not the happiness of society, but the happiness of the individual, personal exaltation.

Locke also emphasized that all people are born with a set of forces and abilities that will help them achieve almost everything. But only constant efforts, as the philosopher believed, contribute to the realization of the potential inherent in each. Only personal creative endeavor will help a person succeed in life. Saying this, the 18th-century English philosophers very accurately captured the need of society at that time.

French Enlightenment

Unlike the ideas of the English Enlightenment, Rousseau highlights society, not just one individual. According to his ideas, initially all power belonged to society, but then it betrayed power to the rulers, so that they act in its interests. Rousseau was a supporter of a democratic republican state. Civil equality will be achieved only when every citizen will be able to participate in governance.

Europe in the eighteenth century

Montesquieu, in turn, insists that the state system of any country should adapt to the climate, religion, and the nature of the people. Also, the philosopher considers the republican form to be the best form of government. But, not seeing the possibility of implementing it in modern states, he dwells on the constitutional monarchy. In this case, the ruler will belong only to the executive branch, and legislative - to the elected parliament.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10628/

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