How to make a bug with your own hands: diagram and detailed description

In order to organize wiretapping, you can resort to several ways to implement your plan. Electronic tracking devices can be purchased at the store or ordered over the Internet. However, a high-quality industrial design will cost the consumer a pretty penny. As a rule, cheap Chinese devices quickly fail, and practicality is not particularly distinguished. One thing remains - to make a bug with your own hands, all the more so since it is quite feasible, and the costs of components (in order to manufacture a particular audio surveillance device) are essentially symbolic. However, let's get down to business.

Legal grounds

Do-it-yourself bug

Of course, you need to understand that special equipment for listening is the prerogative of the special services. In case of violation of the constitutional rights of the person and proven guilt in the infringement of the secret of private life, administrative punishment will follow. There are frequent cases when it comes to criminal liability. Therefore, do not “abuse” the manufactured product. It is much wiser to use such a device as an additional means of security or use it to exercise acoustic control over the territory of your own home. For example, a self-made bug for wiretapping will become an excellent “informant” if you are not sure of the decency of the nanny you hired or want to know what is happening in the classroom. Yes, you never know the situations in life when the use of listening devices becomes a necessity.

Mobile GSM bug: an incredibly simple solution

DIY bug for wiretapping

In order to make a listening device from a cell phone, you need a device that supports the function "Auto Pick Up", you also need a headset (headphones). The Nokia 1280 device can be considered the most acceptable for such purposes , since the simplicity and reliability of the phone can count on the success of the ongoing project. By the way, the black-and-white screen is a sign of profitability, the energy consumption of the device is significantly reduced. Believe me, such a bug from the phone, tuned with your own hands, is an excellent substitute for expensive listening equipment. Moreover, to perform simple actions described below, literally everyone can do it. Let's get started.

  • Go to the phone menu and enter the “Call mode” section.
  • Create your own personal mode. All items related to the light indication, vibration, volume of the signal melody, screen saver, sound accompaniment for pressing buttons and notification of an incoming SMS message need to be deactivated.
  • Give a name to the new mode.
  • Through the main menu, find the “Accessories Setup” section, which usually has two sub-items “headset” and “hearing aid”. In each of them, it is necessary to edit the operating parameters and the question of how to make a bug will be practically resolved.
  • All "accessory" items must be included. Set the newly created mode active and exit the settings.
  • Cut off the cord from the headphones and insert the plug into the headset jack.
  • The display should show the activated mode.

We use the smartphone for other purposes

How to make a bug?

When leaving on a business trip or vacation, you can leave a kind of watchman, so to speak, a mobile "guard" at home. And you don’t need to solder anything, and the cell bug is a reworked smartphone with your own hands. Everything else is just primitive.

  • Almost all smartphones are equipped with the function "Auto-accept calls."
  • In relatively new cellular units, energy-saving mode technology is implemented. Therefore, when you take into account the obviously healthy state of the device, you can count on 5-7 days of operation of your battery.
  • A variant is possible when the phone is connected to the charger, and a special device with a time relay acts as an intermediary between the outlet and the charger. An hour a day is a completely acceptable mode of energy supply (given the situation described above).
  • Turn off the sound notification, light indication and vibration mode in the phone.
  • Such an action as installing headphones into the headset jack is not superfluous, since the sound background around the caller will be an unfavorable signal that will determine the location of the spy device.
  • Place the device in the middle area of ​​the living space. Do not forget: the device should not be in a conspicuous place, but also a wardrobe is not a solution. Place the phone on the mezzanine or secure on the back of the hanging picture.

Bug for wiretapping: do it yourself from “improvised means”

How to make a bug out of your phone

As a rule, old phones are not thrown away. Find the long-forgotten “electronic comrade”, because it is from him that you will make an effective sound pickup device. It is worth noting that almost any phone can be converted into a listening device. However, dimensions play an important role in "espionage life." Therefore, in such a delicate matter as wiretapping, it is more advisable to use small phone models.

General flowchart

  • Disassemble the phone.
  • Take a screen and delete all the LEDs (keyboard backlight - leave one for visual control).
  • Solder the power button.
  • Install the device - “Call auto-accept”, because the bug with your “hands” must pick up the phone.
  • Replace the microphone with a more sensitive one (electret).
  • Increase the antenna (ordinary copper wire 15-20 cm).
  • Solder the battery and fix it on top of the keyboard pad (elastic, tape).
  • Check the performance.

Do-it-yourself bug from the phone

The optocoupler shown in the diagram can be replaced by a KT315 type transistor or Western analogues C9018, C9014. In this case, the capacitor is removed, and the resistor is set with a resistance value of 2.2 k.

Miniature bug

With your own hands you can make an FM transmitter. A fairly simple circuit will allow you to receive a signal in the radio frequency range 88-92 MHz. Do not immediately run to the store and buy parts, perhaps you have faulty electrical equipment, from the board of which you can dismantle the necessary components.

You will need:

  • The bipolar transistor - 2N3904 or its analog.
  • Resistors - 4.7 and 330 kOhm.
  • Capacitors - 4.7 pF, 1 and 22 nF.
  • 30 pF trimmer capacitor.
  • Contour coil - winding diameter 6 mm, eight-turn, 0.5 mm wire.
  • The material for the board is foil fiberglass.
  • Battery type "Krona" at 9 watts.
  • Electret microphone (the most sensitive is used in tape recorders).

Putting an FM bug to wiretap

Bug to wiretap

  • First, the tuning capacitor is soldered (the middle of the board). The transistor is mounted on the left.
  • Moving to the bottom, we install (from left to right) capacitors: the first - 4.7 pF, the second - 1 nF.
  • Now solder the resistors.
  • After - a 22 nF capacitor and a frameless coil.
  • The wire - antenna, microphone installation and battery soldering completes the design.

In conclusion

Now it’s not a secret for you how to make a bug out of your phone and what is needed for this. The options for GSM and radio products presented in this information review are just a part of the many available electronic samples, through which you can establish high-quality acoustic control. Nevertheless, it should be noted that practicality and quality are achieved through the application of the above recommendations. However, perhaps there is a “craftsman” who will come up with a more rational way to realize the excellent performance of his listening inventions. In the meantime, we will use what we have. Listen carefully!


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