Nagorny Park, Baku: photos and description, how to get, reviews

In wonderful and amazing Baku there are many places that are worth a visit to a tourist. Even just wandering the streets of this beautiful city is incredibly exciting - there is so much interesting around! But if you want to have fun and relax in one bottle, you should definitely visit the Nagorny Park of Baku - a landmark of the city, which is loved by both visitors and local residents.

What is Upland Park

The park territory, located in the heart of Baku above the bay, is a complex consisting of park areas proper, a memorial complex and observation platforms. These are alleys and stairs, interconnected in a single ensemble, in which the bay is harmoniously included. The park is built of limestone from Baku quarries.

History tour

The Nagorny Park of Baku (photo below), located above the Baku Bay, exists from the very beginning of the twentieth century. His project belongs to the architect Lev Ilyin. Previously, the park was called English - because on its territory were located the graves of the British, who appeared in Baku after the overthrow of the Russian Empire (now they only have a monument to those British). However, such a name did not last too long for the park - during the Soviet years they liked to assign the names of revolutionary figures to different objects, and after the death of Sergei Kirov, the English park in Baku received the name in his honor (Sergei Kirov was the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan). In the park there was even a sculpture of this politician.

Upland park in Baku before

It was in Soviet times that Nagorny Park became the place where Baku people could not only walk, but also relax, including with children. Numerous attractions were opened there, a dance floor began to work - such outdoor venues were common during the years of the Soviets in all cities of the Union. They equipped several cafeterias and even restaurants, a theater appeared, moreover, the park had its own library! In general, Nagorny Park (even though it wasn’t one then) quickly gained the location and love of both residents and tourists in an updated form.

In the nineties, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the changes affected the park. Reconstruction was carried out, during which the monument to Kirov was dismantled, and the name of the park was changed to Nagorny park - according to the location of the area.

Nagorny Park today

The last reconstruction of the park at the moment was carried out about six years ago. New paths and paths appeared, large-scale landscaping was carried out, and a whole waterfall complex was fully operational. In addition, a modern lighting system now operates in Nagorny Park.

Alley of Martyrs

Today, in addition to the fact that the park provides an opportunity to walk in the silence of trees and relax, it is also a memorable place for all residents of the city. It is here that the alley with the graves of soldiers who fought for the independence of Azerbaijan is located. In addition to the warriors, there are civilians who died as a result of the events of Black January. There is always silence on this avenue, the Eternal Flame burns here, and on January 20, people flock here every year who want to honor the memory of the fallen. It was because of the burials in the park that all the attractions were removed from there in the nineties. Despite this, he is still very much loved by the people of Baku.

Baku observation deck

And Nagorny Park of Baku is the highest point in the city, from where a panorama of the city itself and the bay near it opens with amazing beauty. Many tourists go up to the park (we will talk about how to do this a bit later) only for the sake of this peculiar viewing platform, not even suspecting that the whole park is worthy of admiration.

What to see in Nagorny park

In addition to the fact that it’s just nice to walk around the territory of the Nagorny Park and stare around, there are objects in it that I want to say separately. And first of all, this is one of the sights of Baku - the Shehidlyar Mosque. She appeared there in 1992 with the assistance of Turkish representatives. You can find it on the Alley of Martyrs - the same alley with the graves of warriors. You can’t go inside, but admiring the mosque from the outside is quite acceptable.

Shehidlyar Mosque Baku

Of interest is a huge two-meter block, sticking out in the park and breaking out of its general architecture. According to local beliefs, this block with a hole in the center has healing properties. It has been in the park since the nineteenth century, and not once during all the alterations and reconstructions has anyone touched it.

Also a park attraction is the Green Theater. He began his work in the sixties of the last century, in the next century he suspended his activities, but after reconstruction he resumed it. Both local and visiting artists perform on the stage of the theater - this is perhaps one of the most famous Baku concert venues.

Baku Green Theater

Another attraction is the Gulistan Palace, erected in the eighties of the twentieth century. His purpose was to conduct cultural events. The design of the palace received the State Prize, it is so beautiful and unusual.

It is worth mentioning the funicular, with which you can get into the park (more on this below). It has been operating since 1960 and in just ten minutes brings everyone to the park. The funicular can be called both a landmark of the park, and the entire city as a whole.

Also, many different monuments and sculptures are located on the territory of the Nagorny Park of Baku, which are also worthy of having their eyes fixed on them. In addition, a huge number of old, centuries-old and younger trees grow there, and, of course, chic flower beds are broken.

Highland Park of Baku: how to get

To get to the park territory, you need to know where it is located, despite the fact that you can see the park towering above the city from almost anywhere. The address of the Nagorny Park of Baku is as follows: Sabail district, Lermontov street.

There are several ways to get there. The first is from below (recall, the park is the highest point in the city), by funicular, directly from the Carpet Museum on Primorsky Boulevard. You need to sit at the Lower Station stop (Bahram Gur monument) and get to the Upper Station (Nagorny Park). The cable car runs from ten in the morning until ten in the evening, the cost of the trip is 1 Azerbaijani manat (about 38-39 rubles).

For those who do not want to ride the funicular, there is a second option - bus number 3 or 18. It goes immediately to the top point - to the stop "Flame Towers" (or Flame Towers). From there, the park is a stone's throw.

Staircase to Upland Park

However, there is a third option - for the desperate: walking along a high staircase. This is quite difficult, but it makes it possible not only to enjoy beautiful views, but also to take plenty of pictures. By the way, the fourth way - for the wealthiest and the laziest - is a taxi. There are several of them in Baku, including the now common Uber.

The park is open around the clock, admission is free.

Highland Park of Baku: reviews

Tourists are unanimous in their opinion: Upland Park is really impressive. And even if one of the visitors is more or less indifferent to the numerous shady alleys and bright flower gardens in the park, then no one can resist the picturesque panorama that opens from the park. Baku lies all at a glance - and these views are truly amazing.

View from the observation deck

And if you get there in the dark to admire night Baku, then this spectacle will become unforgettable. The upland park of Baku is rightly called the highlight of the city.


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