The best musical headphones for children: review, types, models and reviews

First, let's answer the question of whether it is possible for children to have headphones as such and how, in fact, they differ from adult models. Firstly, all gadgets of such a plan for children have a specific design, that is, are designed for a small head size and corresponding auricles. Secondly, adult models are practically unlimited in decibel (dB) output, in contrast to children's devices, where the manufacturer took care of the noise threshold.

earphones for children

The two above-mentioned distinguishing factors can be considered basic, and everything else, such as types and types of models (headphones for children, wireless, closed, wired, pull-out, etc.) is a matter of taste for each individual child and parent.

The main differences

Gadgets for adults reach a maximum of 115 dB, while children's ears are still not ready for such a noise threshold. Pediatricians and other experts in this field warn that after a child uses adult headphones at high volume, he simply can simply damage his hearing or lose it altogether. And here we are not talking about some six or seven hours of use per day, but about ten - fifteen minutes.

Headphones for a phone for children, musical or some other, necessarily have a noise limiter - about 85 dB. It is this volume that is recommended by healthcare professionals, and exceeding this threshold is highly discouraged. If you do not want to go broke on musical headphones for children, it is better to use external speakers. Of course, this option may not be the quietest, but at least you will save the hearing of your child.

Ergonomics and design

In addition, an intelligent manufacturer will always take care of the comfort of his consumer. That is, here we have a unique design, some adjustments to the size of the head, distinctive ear pads, etc. In addition, children are sometimes more choosy than adults, where models for a five-year-old baby may not be like a ten-year-old tomboy. Also, do not forget about the scope of these gadgets, that is why you need headphones for children: listen to music from a phone, computer, tablet or in general for studio equipment.

Whatever model you choose for your child, you should remember one thing that all children's experts talk about: you can’t listen to music on headphones for more than two hours a day, regardless of the type or style of the model.

Let's list the most sensible models from well-established manufacturers, which included the best headphones for children. The gadgets described below have a decent price range, as well as characteristics, so there are plenty to choose from.

Puro wireless

This premium model is from a well-established manufacturer, where beauty can be traced literally in everything. Professional and thoroughly thought out design, stylish appearance and, of course, excellent sound output. In addition, Puro Wireless is an anti-noise headphone for children, where the volume will never exceed the acceptable peak threshold.

earphones for children wireless

The wireless module "bluetooth" allows you to use the gadget without any cables and cables, so the child can safely have fun, without fear of tripping over the wires. The battery life of the device is also impressive - about 18 hours of continuous use. If the battery is dead, you can use the backup cable from the kit.

User Feedback

Owners speak very warmly about the model. They appreciated all the care for the child that the manufacturer laid in these headphones for children. Some complain about the price tag, but for such a gadget, which is really high-quality in many respects, it’s not a pity to give your money. Yes, and specialists in this field are too flattering to speak of these headphones.


One of the main features of this model from a well-known manufacturer is the soft and soft-touch skin. Despite the apparent fragility, these headphones for children have a sturdy construction and a sturdy cable. The appearance of the model looks like adults and somewhere, even professional devices, so the teenager should be crazy about them.

can children have headphones

The colors of the series are also striking in their diversity: blue, red, yellow, purple, classic white or black, plus shades of each color. In addition, in the kit you can find cute stickers that can decorate headphones for children to your taste. The gadget has excellent sound insulation, and the volume level fluctuates within acceptable limits.

Users respond positively about the model. They liked the attractive appearance, which is especially important - the reliability of the design, as well as high-quality sound. Some complain that the cable is too short - only 0.8 meters, but the manufacturer considered the length quite acceptable for the child, and on the shelves of the brand you can always find the desired extension cord, so this point can not be called critical.

Groove-e kiddies

This model is distinguished by a very democratic price tag, but this does not mean at all that it is burdened with some serious flaws. The headphone design is quite solid, and due to the fitting bracket it is also convenient.

earphones for children

Specially designed ear pads for children’s ears are suitable even for the smallest music lover. You can also note the excellent sound insulation and excellent sound, which is rare for this segment. Appearance is somewhat flashy, but little mods should like. In addition, the presence of rich colors on the shelves greatly expands the choice.

Owners speak about the model mainly in a positive way. Still, the main argument for many was the price tag, and only then the sound quality and stylish appearance. But in any case, the model deserves attention, because it successfully combines reliability, sound, and price.

Kidz gear limited wired

These are rather bulky, but at the same time very reliable earphones for the child. On the shelves you can see a wide selection of shades and styles of the model. Thanks to a well-designed bracket, the headphones are suitable for high school students and young children five to six years old (the size is clearly adjustable in a wide range).

best headphones for kids

The cord of the model is relatively long (one and a half meters), so there will be no problems while watching TV, playing on a console or working on a computer. The headphones are equipped with sensible noise isolation with a removable limiter, which is especially important for young children who have extremely sensitive hearing.

Owners of the model respond well to the capabilities of the device: excellent sound, pleasant upholstery, reliable design and the presence of a removable threshold noise limiter. Some are unhappy with the excessive bulkiness, but this moment does not add tangible weight, and the appearance may not be as important for equipment such as the internal component.

Smiggle neon

This is the most “fun” model from our selection. Unique and bright style will not leave you indifferent either your child. Appearance and attracts the eye, and children just squeak from the delight of owning such a nice thing.

anti-noise headphones for children

Headphones have more than an acceptable cord length of one and a half meters, and the material from which it is made practically eliminates tangling and gusts. The headband is easily and widely adjustable, so the design is suitable for children of all ages. True, the last nuance is somewhat controversial. The maximum sound level of the model is about 95 dB, which is 10 points more than the permissible norm, so it is better to buy a gadget for an older child.

Owners respond differently about the model. The stumbling block was not the internal characteristics of the headphones (everything is fine here), but the appearance. Someone is delighted with screaming and defiant stylistics, while someone likes more calm notes, so it’s a matter of taste. And the rest - a very solid and well-balanced model in terms of price and quality.

Kondor Superman Man of Steel On Ear

Headphones turned out thematic. Attractive appearance and styling for comics about Superman will not leave indifferent fans of this hero of the Marvel universe. In addition to the stylish design, the model was distinguished by a reliable design, high-quality sound and good ergonomics, which is very important for small music lovers.

musical headphones for children

Headphones have a folding design, so they can be easily carried both in a school backpack and taken with you on a walk or on a trip. The manufacturer took care of the normalized limiter of the volume threshold and durable, and most importantly, difficult tangled wires, so the child, even if accidentally pulls the cable, will not be able to break it.

Owners in their reviews appreciated the model. Moreover, a good part of the users turned out to be “adult” children, fans of Superman comics. In addition to the attractive appearance, they appreciated the quality sound at the output and the reliability of the design, which is quite enough for ordinary headphones.


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