We sculpt a rose from polymer clay: a master class

Polymer clay, or plastic, is a material very popular today among needlewomen. Jewelry, souvenirs, toys are made from it. What are the advantages of this material, where to start mastering the technology of working with plastic? This will be discussed in the article. You will learn how to make a rose from polymer clay - a beautiful element of a brooch, necklace or hair clip.

polymer clay rose

Plastic properties

At first glance, polymer clay is similar to plasticine. It is sold in the form of sticks of different colors and sizes. Each piece of plastic is wrapped with a film. This is necessary so that it does not harden, and it is this process that occurs when air acts on the clay for modeling . Plastic also hardens when amenable to heat treatment. In work, this material is very malleable and flexible. From it you can sculpt very small figures and details. Masters of this direction in needlework learned to make microscopic products on which all the small elements are visible. Very plausible flowers are obtained from plastic. Chamomiles, bells, roses and other similar products, consisting of simple details, are capable of dazzling even a novice in this craft. Next, a master class is presented to you, which describes how to make a rose from polymer clay. Examine it and try to create such a craft with your own hands. Make sure that it’s not difficult, but very exciting. So, polymer clay is waiting for you.

Rose: a master class on making this flower from plastic. Preparation for creativity

Before proceeding directly to the implementation of the crafts, we will collect all the necessary tools and materials for this. You can familiarize yourself with their list below.

polymer clay flowers

  • Polymer clay of the desired green and red color.
  • The board is wooden, plastic or glass.
  • Knife for cutting plastic.
  • A bowl of water.
  • Stack or toothpick.
  • Brush.
  • Varnish for decorative work.

Before you start sculpting flowers from polymer clay, prepare a workplace. The table and board must be dry and clean. Particles of dust, dirt, pile, if present on the work surface, immediately stick to the plastic and ruin its appearance. Wash your hands with soap before starting the creative process. Put a bowl of water on the table, put the stucco material and knife on the edge of the plank.

The stage of execution of the product bud

polymer clay master class

We begin to sculpt a flower in the form of a rose from polymer clay with our own hands. Cut the red plastic bar into ten relatively identical pieces. Roll nine of them into balls. Place one element in the form of a pear - this will be the core of the flower. Flatten the balls, forming cakes out of them. It will be rose petals. They should all be about the same size. Take the central part (core) with one hand, and attach one of the cakes to it with the other. Wrap the petal around the pear-shaped element. Press the edge that is adjacent to the core with your fingers, allowing it to attach. Fasten the second petal in the same way. Positioning it from the middle of the first, that is, it turns out that they will overlap. Press the lower edge of the cake, and slightly bend the upper edge back. Get a half-open petal. In the same way, attach other such parts, bending more and more petals. You will see how the product takes the form of a flower.

Sculpt a leaf

You made a rose from polymer clay, or rather, its bud. Next, proceed to the manufacture of leaflets. Cut a green plastic block in half. From one piece, first form a lump. And then flatten it into an oval flat cake. Place one narrow side of this blank in the shape of a sharp corner. Put the product on a plank and use a toothpick or special stack to draw veins. Flatten the edges of the leaf with your fingers, giving them a wavy shape. Make another similar element in the same way.

Connection parts

We continue to make flowers from polymer clay in the form of a rose. The bud and two leaves are ready. Now you need to connect them together. Attach a leaf to the seamy side of the flower, under the petals. Press the junction with your fingers, hold for a few seconds. Attach the second leaflet in the same way. Now, so that the place where the parts are joined does not seem too thick, cut off the excess clay with a knife, aligning the inside of the craft.

do-it-yourself polymer clay

Plastic baking process

Read the instructions that came with polymer clay. It indicates at what temperature and how long it takes to dry the product in the oven. As a rule, it is heated to 110-130 degrees. Put the craft on a baking sheet covered with parchment and leave it in the oven for a quarter of an hour. If the product turned out to be voluminous, then the baking time can be increased by another ten minutes.

Finish: varnish plastic

When you blind and dry a rose or other product from polymer clay, it will need to be varnished. This will give the craft more strength and brilliance. Dip a brush into the varnish and apply it evenly on the surface of the product. Leave the finished composition to dry naturally.

polymer clay rose master class


If the product will be used as a brooch, then at the stage of leveling the inside of the flower, you can attach special accessories and then dry everything together. Such reinforcement will be reliable and durable.

In order for a rose (polymer clay), the master class for the manufacture of which you studied, to become a decorative element of a hoop or hairpin, it must be glued to them using a heat gun.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10670/

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