Reviews: Zeta Insurance (IC Zurich). Universal Insurance Company

Today we’ll have to figure out which reviews Zeta Insurance receives. What kind of organization is this? What does she do? What are the pros and cons of a corporation worth paying attention to first of all? Are customers satisfied with the service? Numerous reviews will help to understand all this. Not all of them are equally useful, but from each one you can draw something important for yourself. Therefore, believe everything that is written is not worth it. This is a normal occurrence. So what useful information can be useful to potential and real customers of Zeta Insurance?


The first step is to figure out what this corporation is all about. After all, this is an important moment. Each client should know for what reason to contact one or another organization.

reviews zeta insurance

Zeta Insurance is nothing more than an insurance company. It offers the population insurance services in various fields. It used to be called SK Zurich. It is in good demand among the population. But what should every potential client know before contacting here? Does the company really provide good and high-quality services?


It is worthwhile to figure out what specific functions Zeta Insurance performs. This is an important point. It is likely that the organization does not provide certain services. Then it makes no sense in one case or another to contact here.

So, among the services offered by IC "Zurich", we can distinguish:

  • CTP;
  • CASCO;
  • EuroCASCO;
  • travel insurance;
  • property insurance (including cottages and houses);
  • registration of VHI policies;
  • accident insurance ;
  • life insurance in general.

Accordingly, the organization is a universal insurance company. It allows you to get any insurance services, with the exception of pension insurance. And this fact pleases customers. However, he does not surprise anyone. To date, the listed services are offered in almost all insurance companies.

OSAGO insurance companies


Where is this organization located? Zeta Insurance is a company that is distributed throughout Russia. Therefore, she has many branches and branches. It is recommended to find out the location of each office within a given settlement.

Nevertheless, many are interested in where the head office of the organization is located. The city in which Zeta Insurance is located is Moscow. The main office of the company can be found at: Bagrationovskiy proezd, 7, building 11. Accordingly, this is where the client should contact with any complaints and wishes. As already mentioned, it is recommended that the addresses of the corporation's branches be recognized in each city separately. There is nothing difficult or special about this.

Country Distribution

Zeta Insurance reviews positive type for its size. The thing is that this company, as already mentioned, is distributed throughout Russia. This inspires customers with confidence in the future.

To date, the offices of Zeta Insurance are located in almost every more or less large city in the Russian Federation. You can easily contact here for certain insurance services. Customers often emphasize that large-scale corporations make sure that this is not a scammer. This means that you can really ask for help at Zeta Insurance.

sk zurich


Another nuance that is important for every real and potential client to know before studying numerous reviews is contacts for communication with the organization. How can I keep in touch with Zeta Insurance? The telephone number of the head office in Moscow is the following - 8 (495) 727-07-07.

In addition, there are several useful contacts that will help you easily get advice on the services provided by the insurance company. Customers can use the following combinations:

  • 8 (800) 700-77-07 - multi-channel telephone hotline;
  • 8 (965) 243-72-07 - WhatsApp contact.

All this helps in case of any problems to get through to the management of the insurance company and resolve certain situations. Many note that these contacts also inspire confidence that Zeta Insurance does not conduct fraudulent activities.

Reliability Rating

A rather important indicator is the organization's reliability rating. Zeta Insurance (St. Petersburg or any other city is not so important) has a rather high level of trust. Or, as it is also called, a trust.

zeta insurance personal account

According to statistics, Zeta Insurance has an A + reliability rating. This is a high level of trust. He points to the sustainability of the organization, as well as to how much the population believes in the integrity of the corporation. Zeta Insurance boasts fairly high rates in this area. Accordingly, people begin to look closely at the company for further cooperation.

Rating in Russia

Positive Zeta Insurance also receives reviews for its place in the rating of insurance companies in the country. It has already been said that the corporation has branches throughout Russia. But how popular is it?

According to statistics, Zeta Insurance is in the top ten insurance companies. The exact position cannot be called, but the company is far from leading places. Many are already happy that among the numerous insurance organizations, Zeta Insurance is in the top 10. So, you can consider the organization for further cooperation.

Online Services

On its website "Zeta Insurance" "Personal Account" offers all its customers. It facilitates easy access to company services. A great helper for remote communication with an insurance company.

Reviews "Zeta Insurance" gets positive for having this opportunity. Customers are pleased that you can easily issue, in electronic form, for example, electronic CASCO or CTP. "My Account" makes life much easier.

But at the same time, some emphasize that this service does not always work properly. "Zeta Insurance" "My Account" provides all its customers, only the service is not yet fully operational. Sometimes there may be some problems with authorization or ordering certain services, this should not be surprising.

About employees

Employees in the company receive different reviews from customers. Much depends on the particular branch or branch. After all, different people work everywhere. Somewhere they are more cultural and responsive, somewhere less.

Zeta Insurance (Ivanovo or any other city - it is not so important) as a whole receives positive reviews for the staff working here. Some opinions indicate that polite and helpful people work in the branches of the insurance company. They always pay attention to each visitor, try to answer all questions asked quickly and as clearly as possible. No rudeness or rudeness.

Zeta insurance Ivanovo

At the same time, part of the feedback indicates that the employees at Zeta Insurance are sometimes not entirely competent and are not able to give comprehensive answers to customer questions.

What to believe? Rather, stick to a neutral point of view. In general, Zeta Insurance has a good and attentive professional staff. But even they can be rude. After all, the human factor has not been canceled. Fortunately, there are more positive opinions about working personnel than negative ones.

Renewal of policies

Reviews "Zeta Insurance" gets a variety. Sometimes it is difficult to judge the integrity of the company. Some emphasize that the extension of policies in some cases takes place with some nuances. It is difficult to name them problems; rather, these are flaws.

For example, there are opinions indicating that when renewing policies in the offices of Zeta Insurance, there are no corresponding forms. Nevertheless, this does not make customers nervous - employees quickly resolve the situation. Accordingly, a further extension takes place without flaws.

In fact, such claims are isolated cases. Often customers emphasize that it is possible to extend without any problems any policy that was purchased earlier.


OSAGO and CASCO insurance companies offer their customers insurance policies. This is one of the most popular opportunities that people are interested in. Zeta Insurance offers this service, like all similar companies. What about car insurance?

Opinions were divided in this area, and quite seriously. Zeta Insurance (Zurich) offers all its customers OSAGO and CASCO for vehicles. Some customers indicate that the company provides excellent car insurance services. You can easily receive payments in the prescribed amounts, no delays. Vehicles after accidents are repaired quickly and without any negative moments. This is where you can contact in order to insure your car.

zeta insurance phone

There are also opposing opinions. They indicate that other OSAGO and CASCO insurance companies offer on more favorable terms than Zeta Insurance. This corporation does not provide proper car insurance services. Payments either do not arrive, or come with huge delays and in small quantities. Vehicle repair also leaves much to be desired. MTPL and CASCO policies from Zeta Insurance are far from being accepted everywhere. And some cases are not insurance. Therefore, it may be difficult to get insurance benefits. There are even opinions that indicate that Zeta Insurance is not engaged in insurance, but "it is not clear what." All this is not the best way affects the ranking of the organization.

What to believe? If you look closely, then Zeta Insurance receives positive reviews more often. No one is safe from some hitches and negative moments. In order to know exactly which cases are insurance and which are not, you just need to carefully study the contract that is signed by the parties when purchasing OSAGO or CASCO.

Auto repair

Very often, customers leave feedback regarding vehicle repairs. This feature is of interest to most of the population. What can be said about Zeta Insurance LLC?

Car repair after accidents in the organization forms a diverse view. Quite often, customers say that they have to wait a long time for it. But it is still produced. Not always, but in most cases. In some situations, this feature is answered in a negative light: "less than a year has passed," "they have been waiting a long time," and so on.

But there are opinions indicating that auto repair at Zeta Insurance is carried out quickly and in the shortest possible time. “Great job!”, “Fast and high quality!” - It is precisely such statements that are found regarding car repair after accidents.

What to believe? In this case, there is no unequivocal opinion. Someone auto repair quickly, someone - no. And part of the clients may, by their own carelessness, remain completely without insurance and repair from the organization. But often the population is still quite cooperating with a company called Zeta Insurance.

zeta insurance spb


What can be summed up? "Zeta Insurance" is a pretty good place to take out insurance policies in one case or another. Yes, there are some flaws. All organizations have them.

In general, Zeta Insurance has rather high indicators of reliability and public confidence. You can easily issue any policy here. But it should be remembered that some hiccups during maintenance may occur. This is quite normal. In general, Zeta Insurance is a very popular and conscientious company that is often considered when deciding on insurance issues.


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