What is architectural supervision of construction and why is it needed

The construction industry is quite specific and a high-quality house project - multi-apartment or private - is not a guarantee that in the end it will turn out exactly as planned. In order for the construction work to be completed on time and at the proper level of quality, supervision of the construction may be necessary. It is this service that is designed to ensure that the project is implemented without the slightest deviation, which can lead not only to a violation of the design documentation, but also become the cause of failure to operate or cause accidents.

Thus, field supervision is the supervision of the conformity of the construction to the project. In addition, it helps to quickly navigate in the event that during the construction it turns out that the design documentation needs to be amended. If the general contractor in the construction allows for some inconsistencies, buys the wrong materials, allows deviations from the project, then it is the supervision that allows the most to be identified in a timely manner.

Architectural supervision during construction is not required, but if you want to get quality housing, it becomes necessary. And this is not just about compliance with pieces of paper, but about the fact that non-compliance with the requirements of the project can lead to direct damage to both the construction company and subsequently to the owners of the house. A building permit (passport of a construction object) is issued under certain conditions, and if they are not respected during the work, the latter may be declared illegal.

Architectural supervision is a service that, as a rule, is provided on the basis of a separate contract, although the law also allows its designation as part of a design contract. It is carried out throughout the entire construction period up to commissioning, and in some cases, during the first operation of the facility. However, the need for field supervision should be considered at the stage of completion of design work and indicate volumes in the project.

Architectural supervision of construction can be carried out not only by a legal entity, but also by an individual. Moreover, the law allows the conclusion of an agreement with several persons who are the authors of the project. The construction customer has the right to transfer the functions of managing the contract to field supervision of a third party organization. The author of the project also has the right to transfer the execution of work under such an agreement to other legal or physical persons who participated in the development.

In the event of a situation where the organization involved in the development of the project does not have the ability or does not want to carry out architectural supervision of the construction, the construction contractor has the right to attract a third-party organization for its implementation. In this case, the author of the documentation must confirm the refusal to carry out field supervision, and the organization that undertakes its implementation should have officially obtained the right to conduct field supervision.

The contract for architectural supervision of construction should include a number of mandatory points:

- the need for checks during the construction of the conformity of the work performed with design documentation;

- the need for inspections of compliance with fire and other safety, environmental protection;

- solving issues that arose to the project during the construction process;

- the need to notify the construction customer of the identified violations and recommendations for their elimination;

- the need to monitor the elimination of identified violations;

- the need to participate in the commissioning of the most critical construction sites;

- consideration of the proposals of the construction customer regarding the project improvements, the possibility of reducing the cost due to project changes.

The contract may also include a clause on the control by the party exercising the supervision of the purchased materials, and some other points by agreement of the parties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10702/

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