How to install games on iPhone?

The revolutionary iPhone smartphone has won the favor of millions of people around the world! What is so special about it? The fact of the matter is that everything in this phone is unusual, but very convenient. Starting from the menu interface and ending with the simplicity of all possible settings. It is in this phone that you can sort menu items not only alphabetically, but also at will. But sooner or later, you will get tired of admiring the standard features and there will be a dilemma: how to install games on the iPhone?

There are two possible further ways: the first is official and very easy, the second is a workaround using third-party programs.

We will analyze the official version. The first thing to do is register an account in iTunes. This can be done directly on the phone or sitting at the computer. You won’t have to look for this function for a long time, because any actions to download games, music, books, films and other things will require you to log into your account. To install the game, after registration is complete, you need to go to the AppStore, decide on the search category and click on the game that you like most. It’s very simple to choose, after clicking on its name a game card opens, in which there is all the necessary information: screenshots, a brief summary, reviews, rating and cost. If it’s paid, then your bank account must have the necessary amount for debiting, but if it’s free, just click “download”, enter the username and password from your account and wait for the game to download and install. After that, the game icon will appear on the desktop at the very end.

But adherents of the unofficial path offer another method, how to install games on the iPhone, regardless of their cost. To understand the details, you need to get acquainted with such a concept as jailbreak. The essence of this term is to expand the functionality of the device, using vulnerabilities in iOS, which open up unlimited access to the file system to the software. Such an operation can be carried out independently or entrusted to a professional. It is worth noting that doing this yourself is not at all difficult, but if you skip at least one step or incorrectly implement it, the device may no longer turn on.

After jailbreak, you need to find on the desktop an icon called Cydia. The first thing we will do is install Installous. It is with the help of this program that iPhone programs will be installed in the future.


  1. Add the source to the Cydia program. There should be a “Manage” button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Find the icon called "Source" and click on it.
  3. After that, the edit function should appear - “Edit”.
  4. A new button will appear - “Add”, click on it and in the line that opens, write the address of the new source:
  5. After checking the spelling of the address, click "Add Source", and then, with any message that appears, select "Add anyway".
  6. After correctly completing the first five points, a source called “” should appear in Cydia. We go into it.
  7. We find the Installous program in the accessible list and install it. The installation process may take several minutes.

Now it’s almost clear how to install games on the iPhone. The Installous program is an unofficial analogue of the AppStore, which has an intuitive interface and is similar to its official version from Apple.

So, each user of "apple products" sooner or later faces the problem of installing additional programs on their device. There are several options, so everyone can choose the method that he considers the most convenient. The official path that Apple has created is suitable for those who do not wish to amend the software of their phone. The main thing in this method is that the user is ready to pay for the application he likes. For those who are not ready to do this, there is a Jailbreak method. Its only minus is that the device will be removed from warranty service, because third-party programs can affect its operation. Now you know how to install games on the iPhone!


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