What is a method? Method: Definition

In the vocabulary of almost every person appears several thousand words. This amount significantly depends on its level of education, erudition and general development. According to statistics, the average vocabulary of an adult is in the range of ten to twelve thousand words.

A characteristic feature of educated people can be called the correct and appropriate use of their linguistic reserve. The key to the competent handling of words and concepts is the appeal to the origins of word formation, as well as the search for reliable, undistorted information.

working methods
This article will examine the origin and meaning of the concept of “method”, “system of methods”, their types and applications.

Definition of the term

The word "method" has Greek roots. In literal translation, it means "the path, following the path." An expanded interpretation of the concept includes a set of actions, a sequence of steps, or a set of techniques that are aimed at achieving a very specific task. That is, a set of targeted activities is a method. The definition may slightly change when making clarifications regarding the types and specifics of events, but, in general, the essence remains unchanged.

Varieties of methods

A study of existing methods, their variations and applications led to the creation of a classification. Given the ultimate goal, as well as the features of the actions taken, the main methods are distinguished as follows:

  1. Analytical.
  2. Deductive.
  3. Dialectical.
  4. Inductive.
  5. Intuitive.
  6. Scientific.
  7. Generalized.
  8. Experimental.

The concepts of “methods” and “forms” should be distinguished, since the former characterize the totality of measures and actions, and the latter describe how this happens. More illustratively, the difference can be illustrated by the example of the learning process. There are a lot of methods that teachers are guided by and they also have their own classification, but passive, active, and interactive can be distinguished among the main ones.

However, the form of organization of training can be full-time, evening, correspondence, stationary.

Analytical method: definition and features

The word "analytics", from which the name of the corresponding method derives, means "the art of analysis." This term involves the separation of the object in question into its constituent elements, their study, measurement, study. Analytical methods of work involve the collection and processing of information received as a result of using other techniques.

which method

Today, most analytical operations are performed using computers. Their capabilities of simultaneous parallel, rather than sequential processing of the source data make it possible to perform analytical actions with super-speed. This approach is used in most areas of scientific, economic, industrial activity to achieve various goals.

Deduction and deductive methods

Understanding what the method of deduction is, you can familiarize yourself with its definition. According to the dictionary, this is a method for constructing forecasts, conclusions or conclusions about particular situations or about the characteristics of individual elements of the system. The deductive method is based on the study of the general laws of any phenomenon or system. In other words, this is a study of the general for cognition of the particular.

Deductive methods are used:

  • In scientific activity.
  • In forensics.
  • When learning.
  • In economics, statistics, accounting.
  • For conducting legal practice.
  • As an aspect of medical research, as well as in many other important areas of human activity.

method definition

Given the features of the deductive method, it should be noted that its effective application is possible only if there are reliable and verified source data. Since the logical conclusion is based on the analysis of premises, their content is of the utmost importance.

What is the induction method?

In contrast to the deductive method described earlier, induction is the generation of a logical conclusion based on the transition from particular positions to general ones. Inductive conclusions connect the initial data with the conclusion, guided not only by the strict laws of logic, but also with the help of some factual, psychological or mathematical ideas. An integral component of such methods are the general laws inherent in all phenomena in nature.

There is the concept of complete and incomplete induction. In the first case, the method of inductively establishing causality involves processing a finite number of particular premises or cases. For a reasonable conclusion, it is necessary that the cases under consideration cover all possible aspects of the phenomenon.

The concept of "incomplete induction" is to put forward an assumption or hypothesis based on the study (observation) of selected particular cases. Naturally, such hypotheses need confirmation.

methods and forms
Most often, mathematical induction is used to prove them. With its help, it becomes possible to implement complete induction for an infinite countable set of objects.

What method is called dialectical

Summarizing several definitions, we can say that the dialectical method is a method used to prove a position or statement when considering and comparing two radically opposing views. Studying diametrically different points of view allows you to get a true idea of ​​the whole.

system of methods

Understanding what the dialectic method is, helps to restore the sequence of events in forensics, jurisprudence and psychotherapy. Dialectics is also widely used in the scientific and economic fields of activity. In economics, this method involves the study of business processes, as well as their patterns during development and movement. Such an approach allows us to establish the interdependence of economic phenomena, as well as the features of their interaction. The dialectical method is effective for identifying existing contradictions and inconsistencies. It is also indispensable in the search for compromise solutions to meet the needs of the warring parties.

The role of intuitive methods in the process of human activity

The complete opposite of analytical methods of decision making and the formation of logical conclusions is intuition. According to the definition, intuitive methods for solving problems represent a person’s mental activity aimed at subconsciously processing the source data and issuing a quick result. As a rule, the process of generating a conclusion is influenced by previous experience, insight, "intuition", empathy, and human imagination.

Intuitive methods are not any supernatural, superintelligent, or going around evading sensations, thinking, and perceptions. By and large, they are the result of a peculiar type of thinking. The formation of the method occurs when data processing and individual steps of the analysis process are performed almost unconsciously, but the result is extremely clear. Often, the result of intuitive methods is more successful than with a random set of actions, but less effective than using analytical and scientific methods.

The scientific method and its specifics

The scientific method is the set of methods used to acquire new knowledge and develop algorithms for solving scientific problems. It is a set of techniques used to study phenomena, ordering, systematizing and adjusting acquired or already existing knowledge. The formation of conclusions and conclusions occurs when using the actual data obtained as a result of empirical research. The main base used for data mining includes:

  • The experiments.
  • Measurements.
  • Observations.

Theories are built on their basis and hypothetical assumptions are put forward, which become the basis for constructing a mathematical description (model of the object under study).

basic methods

The scientific method is characterized by objectivity and the complete exclusion of subjective interpretation of the results. This condition is necessary for the methods used in each science. It is categorically unacceptable to accept any allegations on faith, even coming from recognized authorities in this field. There is the concept of independent verification. Its implementation would be impossible without documenting the observations, as well as the availability of source materials, intermediate and final results for review by other scientists.

This approach guarantees additional confirmation in the successful reproduction of experiments or a critical assessment of the degree of adequacy of the experiment and the result with respect to the theory being tested.

The concept of "generalized method"

The use of generalized methods allows the use of some systems designed to achieve a specific goal in other areas.

Generalized methods can have different origins (most often they relate to analytical or scientific), but through logical operations after the elimination of species characteristics they acquire a new meaning. These methods have a wider scope and less specific content.


solution methods

General information about what a method is allows you to better navigate when reading specialized literature, studying instructions and recommendations. Of particular importance familiarity with this concept is for participants in the educational process.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10727/

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