Protein: what is and why does the body need?

Few people think every day about what exactly to eat and how to optimally build their diet. Unfortunately, only people with serious health problems most often think about nutrition. Everyone knows that there should be protein in the diet. What is this substance?

Difficult properties

protein what is

Proteins (proteins) are giant life macromolecules that can be made up of many chains. The smallest blocks from which these magnificent buildings are built are amino acids. As a result, it turns out that, according to the rule of emergence, whole molecules acquire very complex properties that are not reducible to the properties of amino acids. The number of functions performed by proteins in the human body is not calculable, although groups of functions are still distinguished.

And if you make a mistake?

So protein? What is it and how does one type differ from another? Proteins differ in the number and sequence of amino acids. Moreover, one small shift - and protein molecules can no longer perform their functions. Sometimes an error creeps into the genetic code , and due to the encoding property, the amino acids are replaced by the wrong ones - serious diseases like myasthenia gravis or sickle cell anemia occur . Protein is very important for the body. What are genetic disorders associated with its structure? These are inevitable and serious diseases at the level of the whole organism.

Catalysis mechanism

protein molecules

Biological protein macromolecules are especially important for humans due to their catalytic activity. Most processes in our body cannot occur without this activity, because these reactions are unable to start spontaneously due to energy reasons. Why is protein important? What does he represent in relation to catalysis? You may find the notion synonymous with "enzyme" more familiar. It binds to the reaction components with active points, allowing the reaction to begin, and then safely releases the substance. Thus, it facilitates the onset of the reaction, but is not consumed in it, like any other catalyst.

Movement basis

The structural function is very important. Proteins are found almost exclusively in muscle. The meat that many eat to get proteins is the muscle of animals. Although the best proteins are shredded (as in protein shakes). The meat is also well digested. The situation with soy products and legumes is worse. There is a lot of protein, but extracting it from the product is difficult for the body.

At the microscopic level

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Proteins form the base of the cell, called the cytoskeleton, which gives shape. Still important is the participation of protein in the transport of most substances that are not able to pass through the cell membrane on their own. At the cell level, the already mentioned catalytic activity is carried out.

What proteins are best to eat? Animals are traditionally considered important, but it is quite possible to replace them with soy, if this plant was previously well processed enough. For example, soy protein shakes contain complete protein and are absorbed better than muscle meat. Why is plant protein better for health? It is not associated with a huge amount of fat and does not contribute to the production of cholesterol.


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