Ebeyta Healing Lake

Lake Ebeyta is extraordinarily beautiful. But besides this, it belongs to the largest salt lakes in the Omsk region. He also has a number of other advantages that will be discussed in this article.

Lake characteristic

Near the village of Ksenyevka is the closed lake Ebeyty (Omsk region). A photo of the picturesque enchanting pond is presented below. In shape, it is slightly oblong and stretches for 12 km in the meridian direction. Its width is about 9 km. At the same time, the depth of the lake is small - it used to be 3 meters, now an average of one and a half meters depth. There are no household or residential buildings on the banks of Ebeyta.

Ebeyte Lake

The bottom of the pool is silt, 6 meters saturated with many mineral salts. The water is bitter salty.

At the moment, Lake Ebeyty is a natural monument. The pool of the reservoir is located at the intersection of forest and forest-steppe zones.

Water composition

The reservoir is characterized by mineralized water. Its water has a high alkalinity and belongs to the chloride-sulfate type. There is a large amount of chlorine, magnesium, sodium, bromine, boron, calcium, bicarbonates and sulfates. Also in the composition there is a lot of table salt (halite). Even in severe frosts, the lake is not covered by ice.

Mud lake

Near the coast, the bottom is sandy, but moving further from the land the layer becomes smaller. Under the sand is dirt, and closer to the center of the reservoir, instead of a sandy coating, salt begins.

The healing mud has a rich blue-black color, it is plastic and weighty. It has the smell of hydrogen sulfide, without impurities that lower balneological characteristics. It is these indicators that distinguish Lake Ebeyty (Omsk Region) from other water bodies. Photo dirt can be viewed below.

Lake Ebeyty Omsk Region photo

Scientists conducted research and found that the local mud in therapeutic characteristics exceeds the mud that is available in the famous resorts of Sochi and Yeysk.

Mud treatment

Lake Ebeyta saturates its mud with trace elements that can help with radiculitis, fractures, sinusitis, urological diseases, inflammation of the maxillofacial tissue.

The mud extracted on the lake is actively used in health resorts in Omsk.

Nearby natural sites

Next to Ebeyta is the Amrinsky beam. This forested area is artificially turned into a freshwater reservoir. Residents of the regional center and surrounding villages like to relax in this area. Here you can plunge into the refreshing water on a hot day, catch fish, take a walk through the forest in search of berries or mushrooms.

This beam is also a natural monument. There are many plants that are listed in the Red Book of Irtysh. These are fodder, medicinal, melliferous, vitamin species. This includes medicinal valerian, forest anemone, small grouse, curly lily and other herbs.

Prohibited and Allowed Actions

Since Lake Ebeyty is a natural monument, certain rules apply in its territory. It is forbidden to travel citizens on their own cars. Only employees of the Ministry and employees of the security department are allowed. It is also unacceptable to cut down or break shrubs and trees.

ebeyte lake photo

On the territory it is allowed to organize tourist camps and campgrounds, but only in special places. Guests of the reserve can swim in the lake, smear themselves with mud, but do not use these resources for commercial purposes.

How to get to the lake

Almost every day, you can see the tourist delegation arriving at Lake Ebeyty. How to get to this place on your own? You need to get to the village of Ksenyevka, behind which there is a pond. To do this, you need to keep the route from Omsk to Isilkul. Having reached the turn to Gofnungstal, you need to turn in its direction and drive another 40 km to the village.

Ebeyte Lake how to get there

You can also take a 4-hour bus ride from Omsk to Gvozdevka, beyond which lies Ebeyty Lake. This bus travels on this flight once a day.

Industrial use

Lake Ebeyty (photo of the reservoir is shown on this page) is a large deposit of mineral salt in the Omsk region. For more than 10 years, industrial fishing has been carried out here. Here they get brine (saline) and dirt, which are widely used in medicine. Cysts of crayfish that live in this reservoir are also being mined.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10740/

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