Do-it-yourself little forest cone

Most children love to craft crafts made from natural materials. Such creativity develops imagination and hand motility. A pine cone is a cute fairy-tale character that can become a decoration in a children's room.

cone forester

What to do crafts

One of the most interesting materials bestowed by nature are cones of conifers. They can be found in the park area or in the forest. It is better to collect more natural material in advance if you find yourself in nature. At first, cones can be an ordinary decorative element if they are placed in a round aquarium. But if desired, you can make cute fairy-tale characters from them. Today we learn how to make the craft "Lesovichok of cones".

Craft "Goblin" from pine cones

Material List:

  • pine cones of different sizes;
  • fresh sprig of pine;
  • pine sticks without needles;
  • multi-colored plasticine;

hobby forester

Technique of execution:

  1. Take two pine cones, for the body - more, for the head - less. If the cones are not opened, hold them in advance for several days in a warm room so that they dry up and open.
  2. Attach your head to the body with brown plasticine.
  3. Then proceed to the manufacture of pens. Two small bumps of the same size, the same size, to be attached to the body with plasticine are the shoulders of Lesha.
  4. On two pine sticks, it’s good if they are clumsy and knotty, from one end it is attached to a small ball of plasticine and fixed in the depths of the small cones-shoulders.
  5. For the legs of the woodsman need two sticks thicker. They are mounted on plasticine deep in the bumps of the body. So that Leshy can stand, make him clay bast shoes.
  6. Getting to the design of the face. The green sprig of pine is attached with plasticine to the chin of the figure. Shorten the resulting beard with scissors.
  7. Green and pink plasticine indicate eyes and mouth. In the center of the face, fix a tiny bump - it will be a nose. "Lesovichok cones" is ready, it remains to find a suitable shelf for him. If desired, you can create a house of branches or a hut of matches.

Craft "Old Man-Lesovichok"

Tools and basic materials:

  • cones ate;
  • tree mushroom (ball made of wood);
  • nutshell;
  • clumsy twigs of different thicknesses;
  • doll hair;
  • dry flowers;
  • Super glue;
  • cotton threads;
  • children's plasticine;
  • scissors, knife, awl;
  • hand drill.

old man of little cones

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. A little forest of cones begins to be made of mushroom. On it you need to cut a suitable face.
  2. Pierce the awl with your head and big bump (trunk). Connect with a toothpick, fix with glue.
  3. Glue sticks to the cone, which will be the arms and legs.
  4. Take two walnut shells. With a drill, drill in the middle of each hole. Further, the shell is packed tightly with plasticine and fixed with glue to the legs of the figure.
  5. The final touch is to attach the hair and make a hat. "Old Man-Lesovichok" of the cones turned out to be glorious. You can give it to your grandmother or "settle" in a flower pot.

Craft "Lesovik" from fir cones

Materials and tools:

  • even stick up to 25 cm long;
  • shelf for stand;
  • cones ate;
  • burdock flowers;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • tow;
  • the cloth;
  • ropes;
  • Super glue.

Technique of work:

  1. Fasten the skeleton stick to the base. Of the two cones ate to attach hands to a stick. The top of the stick will serve as the head.
  2. Wrap a piece of cloth on the part of the stick that marks the body. Secure it with a rope.
  3. Put flowers of burdock on the fabric and cover with moss on top, fix with glue and ropes.
  4. A cone forester is ennobled with tow hair. For decoration, you can tie a handkerchief or cut a hat out of birch bark. From the rolls of birch bark make shoes.

The article examined several workshops on the production of a forester from cones. We hope that they will help parents and children to spend interesting joint classes on the manufacture of this craft.

cone forester

But cones are such a wonderful natural material, you can not stop only on this product, but show your imagination and make many other crafts on various subjects.


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