Heroes of the War of 1812 (list)

War is an extremely terrible thing, even the word itself causes the most terrible associations.

Patriotic War of 1812

The war of 1812 took place between Russia and France due to violations of the Tilsit Peace Treaty signed by both parties. And although it did not last very long, almost every battle was extremely bloody and devastating for both sides. The initial alignment of forces was as follows: six hundred thousand soldiers from France and two hundred forty thousand from Russia. The outcome of the war was obvious from the start. But those who believed that the Russian Empire would lose were deeply mistaken. On December 25, 1812, Emperor Alexander the First signed an appeal to his subjects, which announced the victorious end of the war.

Heroes of the past

The heroes of the war of 1812 look at us from the pages of history textbooks. Whomever you take is all majestic portraits, but what is behind them? For pompous poses and magnificent uniforms? Feel free to go into battle against the enemies of the Fatherland - this is a real feat. In the war against the Napoleonic troops in 1812, many worthy and wonderful young heroes fought and died. Their names are revered to this day. Portraits of the heroes of the war of 1812 are the faces of those who spared nothing for the common good. To take responsibility for command and control of troops, as well as for good luck or, conversely, defeat on the battlefield and ultimately win the war - this is the highest feat. This article tells about the most famous participants of the Patriotic War of 1812 , about their deeds and accomplishments.

So, who are they - the heroes of the war of 1812? Photos of portraits of famous personalities presented below will help fill gaps in the knowledge of native history.

M.I. Kutuzov (1745-1813)

When the heroes of the war of 1812 are mentioned, of course, the first to come to mind is Kutuzov. The most famous student of Suvorov, a talented commander, strategist and tactician. Golenishchev-Kutuzov (real surname) was born in a family of clan nobles whose roots were still from the princes of Novgorod. Mikhail's father was a military engineer, it was he who influenced in many respects the future choice of a profession as a son. From a young age, Mikhail Illarionovich was in good health, inquisitive in mind and courteous in handling. But the main thing is still his undeniable talent in military affairs, which teachers noted in him. He was educated, of course, with a military bias. He graduated from artillery and engineering school with honors. For a long time he even taught with his alma mater.

However, about his contribution to the victory: Count, His Grace Prince Kutuzov at the time of the war was already at an advanced age. He was elected commander of the St. Petersburg first, and then the Moscow militia. It was he who owned the idea of ​​giving Moscow, thereby committing a gambit, as in chess. Many generals who participated in this war were practically brought up by Kutuzov, and his word at Fili was decisive. The war was won largely due to his cunning and skill in military tactics. For this act, he was granted the rank of Field Marshal on behalf of the Tsar, and also became Prince Smolensky. The great commander did not live long after the victory, only a year. But the fact that Russia did not submit in this war is entirely the merit of M. I. Kutuzov. Enumeration of the list of "Popular heroes of the war of 1812" is most appropriate to start with this person.

heroes of the war of 1812

D.P. Neverovsky (1771 - 1813)

A nobleman, but not of the most famous kind, began to serve Neverovsky as a private soldier of the Semenovsky regiment. By the beginning of the war of 1812, he was already the chief of the Pavlovsky regiment of grenadiers. He was sent to defend Smolensk, where he met with the enemy. Murat himself, who led the French near Smolensk, wrote in his memoirs that he had never seen such selflessness. These lines were dedicated specifically to D.P. Neverovsky. After waiting for help, Dmitry Petrovich made the transition to Smolensk, which glorified him. Then he participated in the Battle of Borodino, but was shell-shocked.

In 1812 he received the rank of lieutenant general. Even after the wound did not stop fighting, his division in the war suffered the greatest losses. Only this is not from an unreasonable command, but rather from selflessness and dedication in the most difficult positions. Like a real hero, Neverovsky died of his wounds in Halle. He was later reburied on the Borodino field, like many heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

war hero of 1812

M.B. Barclay de Tolly (1761 - 1818)

This name during the Patriotic War has long been associated with cowardice, treason and retreat. And very undeserved.

This hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 came from an ancient Scottish family, but his parents sent the boy at an early age to study in Russia, where his uncle lived and served. It was he who helped the young man in many ways to get a military education. Mikhail Bogdanovich independently rose to the rank of officer at the age of sixteen. By the beginning of the war with Napoleon, he was appointed commander of the first Western Army.

An entertaining person was this commander. Completely unpretentious, he could sleep in the open air and dine with ordinary soldiers, he was very easy to handle. But he kept on by virtue of character and, perhaps, of origin, it was cold with everyone. In addition, in military affairs he was very careful, which explains his numerous retreating maneuvers. But this was necessary: ​​he did not want to waste his life thoughtlessly and, as he himself noticed, did not have such a right.

He was in the position of Minister of War, and all the "bumps" from military failures rained down on him. Bagration will write in his memoirs that during the battle of Borodino, Mikhail Bogdanovich seemed to be trying to die.

Nevertheless, the idea to withdraw from Moscow will come from him, and Kutuzov will support it. And, whatever it was, Barclay de Tolly would be right. He personally participated in many battles, by example showing soldiers how to fight for their country. Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly was the real son of Russia. Not without reason the gallery of heroes of the war of 1812 was replenished with this name.

heroes of the patriotic war of 1812

I.F. Paskevich (1782-1856)

The son of very wealthy landowners living near Poltava. Everyone had predicted a different career for him, but since childhood he had only seen himself as a military leader, and so it happened. Having shown himself to be the best in the wars with Persia and Turkey, he was ready for the war with France. Kutuzov himself once introduced him to the tsar as his most talented young general.

He participated in the army of Bagration, wherever he fought, he did it in good conscience, sparing neither himself nor the enemy. He distinguished himself near Smolensk and in the Battle of Borodino. He was subsequently awarded the Order of St. Vladimir of the second degree. It was St. Vladimir who for the most part was awarded the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

P.I. Bagration (1765-1812)

This hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 came from an ancient tsarist Georgian family, in his youth he served in the musketeer regiment. And even took part in the battles of the Russian-Turkish war. He studied martial art from Suvorov himself, for his valor and diligence he was extremely loved by the commander.

During the war with the French, he led the second Western Army. Also visited a retreat near Smolensk. At the same time, he was extremely opposed to leaving without a fight. Participated in Borodino. Moreover, this battle became fatal for Peter Ivanovich. He was seriously wounded, and before that he fought heroically and twice with the soldiers threw the enemy away from their positions. The wound was extremely serious; he was transferred to a friend's estate, where he died in speed. Twenty-seven years later, his ashes will be returned to the Borodino field to be buried with honors in the land for which he did not regret anything.

hero of the war of 1812

A.P. Ermolov (1777-1861)

This general was at that time literally known to everyone, his success was monitored by all of Russia, and they were proud of him. Very brave, strong-willed, talented. He participated not in one, but in as many as three wars with Napoleonic troops. Kutuzov himself greatly appreciated this man.

He was the organizer of the defense near Smolensk, he personally reported to the tsar about all the details of the battles, was very burdened by the retreat, but understood his whole need. He even tried to reconcile the two warring generals: Barclay de Tolly and Bagration. But in vain: they will be at enmity to death.

Most clearly in this war, he proved himself in the battle of Maloyaroslavtsev. He left Napoleon no choice but to retreat along the already ravaged Smolensk path.

And although relations with the command because of an ardent character at the end of the war went wrong, nevertheless, no one dared to belittle the importance of his actions and courage in battles. General Ermolov took his rightful place on the list, where the generals are listed - the heroes of the war of 1812.

generals heroes of the war of 1812

D.S. Dokhturov (1756-1816)

Another hero of the war of 1812. The future general was born in a family where military traditions were highly respected. All of his male-related relatives were military men, so there was no need to choose the work of life. And in fact, in this field he was only lucky. The great Empress Catherine the First herself handed him a sword for achievements during the Russian-Swedish war with a pompous inscription: "For courage."

He fought near Austerlitz, where, again, he showed only courage and courage: he broke through with his army through the environment. Personal courage did not save him from injuries during the war of 1805, but the wounds did not stop this man and did not prevent him from joining the ranks of the Russian army during the war of 1812.

Near Smolensk he became very ill with a cold, but even this did not take him off his direct duties. Dmitry Sergeyevich treated his every soldier with great care and participation, was able to restore order in the ranks of his subordinates. That is what he demonstrated near Smolensk.

The surrender of Moscow was extremely difficult for him, because the general was a patriot. And even he did not want to give a handful of land to the enemy. But he endured this loss steadily, continuing to try for the sake of his homeland. He proved himself to be a real hero near Maloyaroslavets, fighting alongside the troops of General Yermolov. After one of the battles, Kutuzov met Dokhturov with the words: β€œLet me hug you, hero!”

generals heroes of the war of 1812

N.N. Raevsky (1771 - 1813)

Nobleman, hereditary military, talented commander, cavalry general. This man’s career began and developed so rapidly that in the middle of his life he was ready to retire, but could not. The threat from France was too great for talented generals to sit at home.

It was the troops of Nikolai Nikolayevich who had the honor of holding the enemy army until other units were joined. He fought at Saltanovka, his units were driven back, but still time was won. He fought at Smolensk, at Borodino. In the last battle, it was on his flank that the main blow fell, which he and his soldiers steadfastly restrained.

Later it will be very successful at Tarutin and at Maloyaroslavets. For which he will receive the Order of St. George of the third degree. Unfortunately, he will get sick in speed and very seriously, so that he will finally have to quit military affairs.

1812 war heroes list

P.A. Tuchkov (1769 - 1858)

Not much is known about him. He came from a military dynasty and for a long time served under the leadership of his father. Since 1800 he served in the rank of major general.

Zealously fought at the small village of Valutin Gore, then personally took command near the Strogan River. Feel free to go into battle against the army of the French Marshal Ney, but was wounded and was captured. He was introduced to Napoleon as a Russian general, and the emperor, delighted with the courage of this man, ordered the sword to be returned to him. The end of the war, victorious for Russia, met, unfortunately, in captivity, but received freedom in 1814 and continued to work for the good of the Fatherland.

A.A. Skalon (1767 - 1812)

The hero of the war of 1812, he was from an old French family, but only his ancestors had long moved to Russia, and he did not know another Fatherland. For a long time he served in the Preobrazhensky, and then in the Semenovsky regiment.

Against France, Skalon began military operations only in 1812, when the generals were sorely lacking, and until now the emperor, knowing his roots, had removed Anton Antonovich from interfering in the war with France. He participated in the battle of Smolensk, and this day was the last for the major general. He was killed, the body of Scalon fell to the enemy, but with honors was buried at the behest of Napoleon himself.

Real heroes

Of course, these are not all the heroes of the war of 1812. The list of glorious and worthy people could go on and on. Yes, and about their exploits, you can tell a lot more. The main thing is that they all spared neither their strengths nor their health, and many lives for the sake of the main task - to win the war. It is so amazing to understand that once the real heroes did not perform on book pages, but really performed feats only in order for the Fatherland to flourish. And it is not surprising that monuments to the heroes of the war of 1812 were erected throughout the country. Such people must be honored and remembered; they must live forever. Honor and glory to them!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10771/

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