What battles glorified the Russian army: from the XII to XX centuries

The strength and valor of the Russian army have been frightening opponents for centuries. This is not at all surprising when you consider the courage and self-sacrifice with which the Slavs are ready to defend their homeland. But what battles glorified the Russian army and became the most significant? Of course, there were a great many of them, but the story about the most remarkable of them follows below.

Battle of Borodino

The Battle of Borodino is the largest battle of the war of 1812, which glorified the Russian army. The resolution of the confrontation between the Russian troops under the command of General Kutuzov and the French army of Napoleon I was a key historical moment.

what battles glorified the Russian army

The battle began on August 26, 1812 near the village of Borodino, which is located 125 km west of Moscow. The Battle of Borodino, which Napoleon called the “Battle of the Giants”, was one of the most bloody confrontations of the XIX century. During the 12-hour battle, the French military managed to squeeze the Russian forces a little, but as a result, the successful command of Kutuzov decided the outcome of the battle and brought victory to the famous general.

Kulikovo battle

If we talk about what battles glorified the Russian army, then this

glorified the Russian army
will take one of the first places in the list. This battle was a turning point in the struggle of the Russian people with the yoke of the Golden Horde.

The battle took place on September 16, 1380 on the Kulikovo field near the rivers Don and Nepryadva. It all started with the battle of the warrior of Peresvet and the Mongolian hero Chelubey, which grew into a hot and prolonged confrontation.

The Battle of Kulikovo was a significant event in the struggle of the Russian people against the Tatar-Mongol oppression and, despite heavy losses, led to the weakening of the influence of the Golden Horde.

Battle of Stalingrad

The battle began on July 17, 1942 in the city of Stalingrad, which is now called Volgograd.

the battle glorified the Russian army
Subsequently, he became a symbol of perseverance and incredible heroism of the Soviet military. The capture of the city by German opponents would mean the loss of one of the industrial centers and the loss of the important transport artery that connected the central part of the country with the southern regions.

In two months, German troops carried out more than 700 attacks. But brave Soviet soldiers, despite huge losses, did not allow the Nazis to take control of the city. This battle glorified the Russian army and showed the strength of spirit of Soviet people.

Battle on the Ice

This battle, also known as the Battle of Lake Peipsi, brought glory to the crusaders. The battle of Novgorodians and Vladimirites under the command of Alexander Nevsky and the Knights of the Livonian Order took place on April 12, 1242.

what battles glorified the Russian army

The scene is Lake Peipsi, which was covered in ice, where the name of the battle comes from. If we talk about what battles glorified the Russian army, then the Battle of the Ice was just such an event.

In the outcome of all the above battles, an important role was played not only by the valiant commanders and generals, but also by simple warriors who fought for the honor of the people. One can talk a lot about the battles that glorified the Russian army, but one fact remains unchanged: it was the desire for victory that made it possible to conquer so many borders.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10780/

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