Bryukhovetskaya stanitsa, Krasnodar Territory: description, economics, sights

Bryukhovetskaya is a village located in the same region of the Krasnodar Territory. It is located at the confluence of two rivers - Beisug and Beisuzhek Left. It is located at a distance of 96 km from the city of Krasnodar to the north and 80 km from the Sea of ​​Azov. Here tourists often relax.

Bryukhovets stanitsa


The village of Bryukhovetskaya (Krasnodar Territory) shows how beautiful this area is due to the beautiful flowering landscapes. The climate in this region is temperate continental. In summer it is hot and almost no precipitation. The average temperature in this period reaches + 26 Β° C. Winter is never harsh. Rarely do thermometer readings drop below 3 Β° C. Moreover, even in the frosty period, little rainfall occurs in this zone.

Territory development

This beautiful village was founded by the Black Sea Cossacks at the end of the 18th century, when they migrated from Zaporozhye to the Kuban. The terrain was chosen by chance - by lot. In those days, this territory was a smoky settlement, and only in 1842 it acquired the current name, which is proud of - Bryukhovetskaya. The village received this name by the name of the chief ataman of the Cossacks - Bryukhovetsky Ivan Martinovich. And the area in which this settlement is located was formed in 1924 in early June. After 40 years, it was abolished. Three years later, this decision was quashed.

Bryukhovets Krasnodar Territory

Economic sphere

Most of the areas of economic activity of the Bryukhovets stanitsa and the entire region of the same name are known. This area is famous for its excellent level of agriculture. In addition to him, other types of labor are developing here, related to this area of ​​the economy. It is about many areas, in particular about the processing of agricultural products. Such types of activities are relevant not only for the Bryukhovetsky district, but also for the entire Krasnodar Territory.

In addition to the food economic sphere, animal husbandry is widely developed here. At the breeding plants of the village of Bryukhovetskaya (Krasnodar Territory), cows are brought up, bringing high milk yield. Actively developing a fish shop and meat processing plants, a milk and canning factory. There is even a feed mill. The bakery available on the territory of the village allows you not to purchase flour products in other cities. In addition to the above plants, there are some farming and peasant farms.

Recently, the lemonade factory has gained particular popularity. In the village of Bryukhovetskaya, medium-carbonated lemonade is produced and sold in wide sale. As a rule, a drink with pear aromatic additives in half-liter bottles of green glass appears on the shelves not only of this settlement, but also outside it. The package includes 12 pieces. Customer reviews show that the product is commendable.

In addition to the above successes in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry, the Kuban Bryukhovetskaya village gained popularity throughout the Russian Federation thanks to its witty youth. The team performed at the club cheerful and resourceful on behalf of the LHC team. They played in the major and premier leagues at competitions of the Krasnodar Territory. Over the years, they have received many awards and recognition from the public.

Bryukhovetskaya village attractions

Large property of the state

The Bryukhovetskaya village, located in the Krasnodar Territory, is assessed as a major archaeological and historical heritage not only of this region, but also of the country. The fact is that during the excavation there was found one very large city belonging to the North Caucasus ridge. Archaeologists have discovered the ruins of dwellings and the collapsed walls of buildings related to this locality, as well as places that indicate their main activity - grain pits. In the past, believers lived here. One of the first monasteries for men on the North Caucasus ridge was built in this area, in the village of Lebyazhy Ostrov.


Citizens of the Bryukhovetsky district have a pleasant annual tradition - to mark the day of the center of the same name on the first October Saturday.

Around the world there are a lot of travelers who with great pleasure will visit such a beautiful village as the village of Bryukhovetskaya. The attractions located here will certainly make tourists come back here again and again. These include the following:

  • Holy Protection Church;
  • the above-mentioned first North Caucasian monastery, now called the Swan Desert;
  • Museum of History and Local Lore;
  • base for rowers;
  • sports complex "Atlant".

plant for the production of soft drinks in the village of Bryukhovetskaya
Everyone who has ever visited these places has left in his soul a piece of indescribable beauty, which beckons to him. Few regretted the journey. To get to this Kuban village by rail, you need to get off at the Bryukhovetskaya station.


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